How to Find a Good Personal Injury Attorney in Indianapolis

If you’ve been in a wrongful accident, you should be considering hiring a personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis to help you get the compensation you deserve. But how do you know if you’re hiring the right one? Continue reading to learn some of the top tips to help you find the best Indiana accident attorney for your case.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With Licensed Civil Lawyers in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With Licensed Civil Lawyers in Indianapolis Indiana.

Tips for Hiring an Indiana Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injuries can be extremely painful and debilitating, so if you’ve suffered a personal injury due to someone else’s negligence, you may be considering filing a lawsuit. But before you take legal action, it’s important to find the right lawyer for your case.

Here are some tips on how to find a good personal injury attorney in Indianapolis:

1. First, ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have been in a similar situation. If someone you trust has had a good experience with a particular lawyer, that’s a good place to start your search.

2. Once you have a few lawyers in mind, schedule consultations with each one. This will give you an opportunity to discuss your case and get a feel for the lawyer’s personality and style.

3. When you’re meeting with potential lawyers, be sure to ask about their experience handling personal injury cases. You want to make sure you’re working with someone who has the knowledge and skill set to win your case.

4. Finally, make sure you feel comfortable with the lawyer you choose. This is an important decision, so you want to make sure you’re working with someone you trust and who makes you feel confident about your chances of success.

Basic Steps for Getting Started on Your Indianapolis Accident Claim

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you may be wondering how to get started on your personal injury claim. Here are the initial steps to help you get started:

Gather evidence of the accident. This includes photos of the scene, police reports, injury photos and witness statements.

Contact an accident attorney. Personal injury claims can be complex, so it’s important to have an experienced attorney on your side.

File a claim with the insurance company but speak to an attorney first. Be sure to include all relevant information about your case.

Wait for the insurance company to respond. They will likely ask for more information or request to meet with you in person.  Hiring an attorney can speed the process up.

Navigating the process of filing a personal injury claim can be intimidating but following these steps can help make it easier. With the right evidence, an experienced civil litigator on your side, and patience throughout the process, you’ll be able to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident in Indiana, you need the best legal representation to protect your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury consultation, today.  The experienced attorneys at our Indianapolis accident law firm have been providing exceptional personal injury representation for over 25 years. We represent victims all throughout the state of Indiana and Indiana residents injured in other states.

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Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney After an Accident

If you’ve been injured in an accident, the last thing you want to do is try to handle everything on your own. You need someone who can help you navigate through the legal process and get the compensation you deserve. Continue below to learn some of the top reasons why you should hire an Indiana personal injury lawyer after being negligently injured in an accident, plus how to get started on your case as soon as today.

Indianapolis Accident Attorneys
Indianapolis Accident Attorneys 317-881-2700

Why Hire an Accident Lawyer in Indiana?

Some people choose to try to represent themselves in legal cases, whether it is because they cannot afford an attorney or because they believe they can handle the case on their own. However, this is not only a risky proposition due to errors that can be made due to lack of knowledge of the rules, it is a decision no person should really make.  Even attorneys who are injured as a result of the negligence of any person or entity should obtain an attorney who specializes in the type and area of law involving their claim.  

Without the training and experience of a qualified and experienced accident lawyer who knows all the ins and outs of the law of a particular type of case, you cannot possibly know how to best present your case. In our experience, a non-specializing attorney or non-attorney altogether obtain less favorable outcomes than if you had hired an experienced attorney who specializes in the correct subset of the law.

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Indiana, you may be wondering whether or not you should hire a personal injury attorney. Here are five good reasons to consider hiring one:

You may be entitled to more compensation than you realize.

Accident attorneys are experienced in fighting for the maximum amount of compensation their clients are entitled to under the law. This could include not only medical bills and lost wages, but also pain and suffering, property damage, and other types of damages. Such damages can include physical, emotional, and financial losses. If you’ve been injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation for these damages.

You will need help dealing with insurance companies.

After an accident, you will likely deal with your own insurance company as well as the at-fault party’s insurer. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, and they attempt to minimize the amount they have to pay out on claims. An experienced civil litigator can help you navigate the insurance claims process and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Your case may require litigation.

If the at-fault party’s insurance company is unwilling to offer a full and fair settlement, you may need to file a personal injury lawsuit. Only an attorney who has experience litigating such cases will be able to handle this process effectively.

You have a limited time to file a claim.

Most personal injury claims are subject to a statute of limitations, which is a law that sets a deadline for filing a claim. If you miss the deadline, you could be barred from recovering any compensation. An attorney can make sure your claim is filed on time.  Moreover, a tort claims notice is required to made within a very short time period following an incident against a city, county or state defendant or you are barred from later making a claim.  These time limitations are as low as 6 months.

You should not have to worry about the cost of legal representation or whether or not your own interests are being looked after.

Accident lawyers in Indianapolis typically work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only get paid if you recover compensation in your case. This allows anyone who has been injured in an accident to seek the legal help they need without worrying about the cost.  In addition, you can have peace of mind that you have an experienced and knowledgeable representative on your side and your side only.

Personal injury law is a complex area of the legal system that can be difficult to navigate. If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence or the negligence of employees of a corporation, it is important to know your rights and how to protect them. Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced accident lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also represent injured victims all across the state, Indiana citizens injured in other states and citizens of other states injured in Indiana.

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Where Do I Make a Personal Injury Complaint in Indiana?

When you know you are not at-fault for a recent accident that caused you injuries and damages, you might be eager to obtain justice through an Indiana personal injury claim. Continue below to learn which court system you might file your personal injury lawsuit, plus where you can get trusted legal advice regarding your recent accident and injuries.

Indianapolis Personal Injury Claim Office 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Personal Injury Claim Office 317-881-2700

Common Factors That Influence Where You File an Injury Lawsuit

There are many factors that will ultimately determine which court system is the right fit for your personal injury complaint. Whether you file in small claims court or state civil court will be dependent on the location or jurisdiction of the accident site, scope of injury, extent of damages, and more.

Small Claims Court

Small claims court deals with just that: smaller level claims. They adjudicate cases that involve a lower level of damages and losses, or more plainly, the amount of compensation you are seeking for such damages and losses.  Although the set limit for small claims can differ among states, they typically range between $3,000 and $15,000.

There are some benefits to pursing a personal injury lawsuit through small claims court. The legal process is generally quicker, easier, and cheaper. However, small claims court is less formal and because damages in small claims court are capped, it is not the choice for serious cases, like wrongful deaths and similar catastrophic accidents or any case that is valued over the small claims limits.

Civil Court

Civil litigation allows civilians like yourself to seek financial justice after being wrongly victimized by another person or entity. In comparison to small claims court, civil court deals with personal injury cases that involve a higher level of damages and losses, and therefore, higher settlement demands and verdicts. Personal injury complaints that are requesting more than $15K in damages should be filed and adjudicated in the proper branch of the state’s civil court system.

Common cases include serious motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, serious slip and fall cases, brain injuries, wrongful deaths, and catastrophic accidents like falling from heights, chemical explosions, house fires, and plane crashes.

How to Get Started With Your Personal Injury Complaint

It is critical to the outcome of your case, namely the amount of compensation you are awarded, to hire a skilled and experienced Indiana personal injury law firm to manage your case. Your accident lawyer will navigate every step of your case from start to finish with the objective to obtain the maximum settlement or verdict for your claim. Trust your personal injury attorney to handle the unique needs of your case, including filing your complaint with the right court system and obtaining the evidence necessary for you to win your case.

Are you ready to schedule a free case evaluation with a seasoned personal injury lawyer who can help you understand the next best step in the legal process? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to get started, today. We represent victims all throughout the state of Indiana and Indiana residents injured in other states.

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Who is Liable For Stadium Injuries and Accidents?

A stadium injury is a type of personal injury that can occur while attending a sporting event. While most injuries at stadiums are minor, some can be serious and even life-threatening. In this case, liability is a key focus. But who is responsible for stadium accidents and subsequent injuries? Well, it might be the stadium owners, but it might not. The answer depends on several factors that are critical to determining fault in a stadium incident that results in someone getting hurt.

Continue below to learn more about stadium injuries and accidents, including common types, how to avoid them, and who might be liable for an injured fan’s damages.

Stadium Accident Lawyer Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700
Stadium Accident Lawyer Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700

Common Types of Stadium Injuries and Accidents

The most common types of stadium injuries include slips and falls, being hit by flying objects, and being trampled by crowds. Parking lot accidents are also common, including pedestrian accidents, car collisions, and even muggings and assaults.

Slipping, Tripping and Falling

Slips and falls are the most common type of stadium injury, and they can occur anywhere in the stadium. Wet floors, spilled food and drinks, and uneven surfaces can all lead to slips and falls. These injuries can range from minor scrapes and bruises to more serious injuries like broken bones and concussions.

Struck By Objects

Being hit by flying objects is another common type of injury that can occur at stadiums. Fans sitting in the stands are at risk of being hit by flying objects like balls, bats, and gloves. These objects can travel at high speeds and can cause serious injuries like concussions, skull fractures, and internal bleeding.

Trampled or Crushed

Being trampled by crowds is another risk for fans attending sporting events. Injuries from being trampled can range from minor scrapes and bruises to more serious injuries like broken bones, concussions, and internal bleeding.

Liable Parties in a Stadium Accident

A stadium accident can have many liable parties. The most obvious party would be the stadium owner or operator. They are responsible for the safety of the premises and for any accidents that occur on their property. If the accident was caused by a dangerous condition on the property that they knew about or should have reasonably known about, yet failed to do anything about it, they may be held liable.

Another liable party could be the company that designed or built the stadium. If there were any defects in the construction of the stadium, they could be held responsible. Additionally, if the accident was caused by faulty equipment, the manufacturer of that equipment could be held liable.

Finally, if the accident was caused by the negligence of another party, such as a security company, they could also be held liable.

Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones at Stadium Games

The best way to avoid being injured at a stadium is to be aware of your surroundings and stay alert. If you are sitting in the stands, pay attention to the game and be aware of where the players are. If you are attending a game with children, keep them close to you.

If you have been injured in a stadium accident in Indiana, seek medical attention right away. After being seen by medical professionals, it is important to speak with an experienced Indianapolis personal injury attorney to discuss your legal options. An attorney can help you determine who may be held liable for your injuries and help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Are you looking for an experienced civil litigation law firm that help you determine the best legal strategy to take after your stadium injury accident? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury case evaluation with a seasoned accident lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent clients throughout the state of Indiana and Indiana residents injured in other states.  We do not charge a fee unless we make a recovery for you.

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Do I Still Have Options if the Insurance Adjuster Denies My Injury Claim?

If an adjuster denies your personal injury claim, you still have legal recourse. An experienced Indiana personal injury lawyer will fight the insurance company and ultimately recover the settlement or verdict you deserve. Continue reading to learn what to do if an insurance adjuster denies your injury claim, plus who to trust in Indianapolis for seasoned personal injury representation.

Indiana Accident Claim Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indiana Accident Claim Lawyers 317-881-2700

Coverage for Personal Injury Damages and Losses

When a person is wrongly injured, the at-fault party’s insurance company is held liable for the victim’s subsequent economic damages and losses, and sometimes, non-economic damages like prolonged physical therapy, pain-and-suffering, loss of companionship, and more if the at-fault party had liability coverage. Examples of common economic damages include hospital bills, medical expenses, lost wages from missing work, future compensatory losses, and much more.

Personal injury damages and losses generally depend on the severity of the accident and resulting injuries, as well as local jurisdiction. On the other hand, there are times when the faulted party’s insurance company denies liability after a victim submits their claim, stating that the law says the victim is responsible for the accident, and ultimately, any damages that may have been incurred as a result.

What Does an Insurance Adjuster Do?

In these cases, it is important to know more about adjusters and what their job entails to better understand what they tell injured victims. Furthermore, it is important to know that there are still viable options for personal injury victims whose claims are denied by the opposing party’s insurance adjuster.

An adjuster is usually not a lawyer or legal professional; they are regular insurance company employees. This means that they may have a broad idea on the law regarding their particular job role and the cases they oversee, but they do not have detailed knowledge of the law or the facts. They cannot possibly know whether you are liable for the accident that caused your injuries and losses. For this reason, it is vital to hire an experienced Indianapolis IN personal injury lawyer to navigate your claim and fight for fair compensation on your behalf.

Although insurance companies do not want you to hire or even speak with an attorney, they have their own in-house attorneys to assist their adjusters from day one, defending an injured party’s claim from the at-fault party’s perspective. Overall, insurance companies want to pay out the lowest settlement possible for every claim as they are in the business of making money, and the tactics they use are designed to pay out as little or nothing if possible.  Insurance carriers have attorneys from day one and so should you.

What To Do if Your Claim is Denied

You should hire an attorney from day one following your collision and prior to talking with anyone else about the collision. Talk to a personal injury attorney in Indianapolis to learn your rights from day one. You should not try to be your own attorney.

Are you looking for qualified and trustworthy personal injury guidance in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury case evaluation. Our seasoned accident attorneys can meet with you over the phone or computer, or in-person at our Indianapolis law office. We represent injured persons throughout the state of Indiana and Indiana residents injured in other states.

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Reasons Why Some Personal Injury Claims Take Longer to Settle than Others

Every personal injury case is different, especially when it comes to timelines. The length of time an injury case takes to settle will depend on several factors, including the lawyer’s professional ability, congestion in the courts, the at-fault party’s insurance carrier’s reasonableness, the claimant’s reasonableness in deciding to accept or reject a fair offer, and much more.  If you are currently involved in a personal injury case, you are likely eager to settle, but you should only settle your case if you are getting full and fair compensation, based upon all the facts of the case.

Continue reading to learn the top three reasons why personal injury claims take time to settle or go to trial, plus who to consult for more answers to your accident case questions.

Indianapolis IN Personal Injury Law
Indianapolis IN Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700

Top 3 Causes of Accident Claim Delays

Do you feel as if your personal injury claim is taking longer than usual to reach a settlement? Well, before you place the blame on your lawyer or surrender too quickly to a low-ball offer, look at these 3 common reasons that contribute to accident claim delays:

1) Challenging Legal Matters and Disputes

The basis of virtually all personal injury claims comes down to two elements: first, establishing fault by proving negligence, and second, proving the full value of a victim’s damages and losses. If your personal injury case poses convoluted or challenging legal issues, such problems can make a case take longer to resolve. This is typically due to the argument of proving liability.

In a negligence lawsuit, the claimant, or plaintiff party, carries the burden of proving their case. In order to do so, they must provide evidence to establish that the opposing party had a duty of care, breached that duty of care, and as a result, caused an accident that led to serious losses and damages of the victim or to their surviving family.

2) High Settlement Case

If your personal-injury claim is one that involves a significant amount of money in terms of damages and demanded compensation, it can cause the case to drag out a bit longer. When such quantities of money are involved, more negotiations are likely to occur because insurance companies simply won’t payout more than they have to unless they have done their due diligence. An insurance company will investigate a big money case longer for a few reasons, but mostly if they don’t already have a good defense on the claim, or they believe that a claimant’s injuries and damages are not as severe as they have alleged them to be.

3) Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)

If you are still receiving medical treatment for the injuries you suffered as a result of your wrongful accident, you have not yet reached maximum medical improvement (MMI), the point in which your injuries can no longer be improved. It is important to have patience while receiving medical treatments for the injuries caused by your accident because you could be entitled to further damages, such as permanent disability, loss of consortium, loss of companionship, loss of ability to work, future pain and suffering and more. You never want to settle a personal injury claim until you have reached maximum medical improvement. This way, you can ensure that you are given a settlement that covers all your losses and damages, both past and future.

Our law firm does not get paid until we obtain a settlement or verdict for you.  That being the case, we strive to obtain a settlement or verdict as quickly as possible for our clients, but with the understanding that the settlement must be full and fair, based upon all the evidence for the case.  Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial case evaluation with a skilled civil litigator and discuss your pending personal injury lawsuit in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent injured persons throughout the state of Indiana.

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Can I File a Lawsuit if I Am Injured on Public Stairs Without Railing?

Fall accidents on public stairwells occur more than you think. According to a recent study published by the National Library of Medicine, it is estimated that 1 million victims suffer injuries each year in the United States because of defective or negligently-maintained staircases. Such accidents take place on stairs in public spaces, multi-housing complexes, commercial buildings, and more.

If you are a recent stairwell accident victim that was injured due to a missing or defective handrailing, continue reading to learn what you need to know about your rights to pursing legal action against the responsible party and what types of damages you might recover.

Stairwell Accident Lawyers Indianapolis IN 317-881-2700
Stairwell Accident Lawyers Indianapolis IN 317-881-2700

Stairwell Building Codes for Indiana

Each state has their own set of building codes and ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) requirements. Public spaces, businesses, and commercial buildings are mandated by law to adhere to all building and construction standards listed in such codes, and at all times.

Here in Indiana, there is a specific set of regulations for interior and exterior public stairwells that have more than 2 risers. These regulations and building codes are highly complex and comprehensive, so here are some primary points:

► Maximum Height of Each Riser – 8 ¼ Inches
► Minimum Height of Each Riser – 4 Inches
► Minimum Length of Each Step – 9 Inches

*All stair tread must be even and uniform.
*Maximum riser must not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8th inch

Handrails have their own set of building codes and standards. For Indiana, stair railing must adhere to several requirements, such as:

▷ Railing cannot have any gaps and must be continuous.
▷ Handrails are mandated by law for stairwells with more than 3 risers.
▷ Rails must be a minimum of 34 inches and maximum of 38 inches from the tread.
▷ At least 1 ½ inches of space is required between the wall and the handrail.
▷ Railing must be free of sharp edges or corners.

Suing for Injuries Caused By Defective Stairwell Handrails

If you were seriously injured on public stairs because they were not up to code according to Indiana law, you are entitled to pursing compensation for your damages and losses through a slip and fall accident claim or premises liability lawsuit. Consult with a licensed Indianapolis IN personal injury lawyer as soon as possible, before all evidence is lost to support your claim, or time runs out on your case.

You may be able to recover a settlement or verdict for damages like hospital bills, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, permanent injuries and similar costs and losses. Just be sure to choose the right Indiana personal injury law firm to represent your case. They will be your best chance at recovering the full and fair amount of compensation you deserve as a victim of an Indiana stairwell accident.

Not sure how to get started with a personal injury premises liability claim in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury case evaluation with a seasoned Indianapolis civil litigator regarding your stairwell slip and fall accident. We represent clients throughout the state of Indiana.

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Local Indianapolis Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700
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The First Questions You Should Be Asking After a Personal Injury

If you wish to file suit against a person or entity after being wrongfully injured in an accident, you need to equip yourself with the right knowledge. By asking the important questions straight away, and from a reputable and well-versed source, you are placing yourself at an advantage.

If you are thinking about bringing a personal injury lawsuit seeking compensation for your damages and losses, begin your course by asking these important questions about your personal injury first.

Injury Lawyers Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700
Injury Lawyers Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700

Important Personal Injury Questions You Need to Ask Your Lawyer

Who is to Blame for My Personal Injury?

Establishing legal liability is a central element of all personal injury cases. Your first question should be regarding fault in your accident. Here in Indiana, our legal system uses a modified comparative fault principle, which allows claimants to collect personal injury compensation for their damages so long as they are less than 51% at-fault for their accident. If you are less than 50% to blame for your accident, it is wise to consult with an Indianapolis personal injury lawyer to learn your eligibility for filing suit.  For example, if a jury finds you 50% at fault and the defendant 50% at fault, you still recover your damages award, but only 50% of it.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

Most personal injury law firms operate on a contingency-fee business model. Under this arrangement, if a law firm does not obtain a settlement or verdict for their client, the client does not owe any lawyer fees whatsoever. The personal injury lawyers’ fees are contingent on whether or not they win their client’s case. On average, personal injury clients can expect to pay between one-third and forty percent of their total settlement or judgment in attorney fees.

Clients are also required to pay for all other legal expenses, such as court costs, filing fees, medical records, police reports, investigator fees, expert witness fees, depositions, transcripts, trial exhibits, and mailing postage. So long as you find an experienced Personal Injury Law Firm to represent your case, you will have more than enough compensation to cover all of your losses, plus pay your attorney fees and expenses because your attorney will be able to obtain the full value for your case.

Do I Still Have Time to Make a Personal Injury Claim?

The state does place a limit on the amount of time injured victims have to bring about a personal injury lawsuit against an at-fault party. This is known as statute of limitations, and they vary depending on the nature of the accident and the local jurisdiction. Most personal injury cases have a statute of limitations of 2 years from the date of the accident. Talk to your Indianapolis accident lawyer to learn how much time you have left to file a personal injury claim in Indiana.

What is the Value of My Personal Injury Case Worth?

Every wrongfully injured victim worries about the financial toll their accident and subsequent damages will have on their livelihood, and more importantly, their quality of life. For this reason, it is important for accident survivors to obtain the maximum settlement for their damages and losses. Accordingly, it is important to also know how much their personal injury case is worth. Some accident lawyers are obviously better than others. But the right Indianapolis personal injury lawyer will stop at nothing until their client is awarded the fullest and fairest settlement possible. By knowing the value of your case, you can ensure you are choosing a qualified personal injury law firm to represent your case.

What Kind of Damages Might I Collect for My Personal Injury?

By knowing the general value of your damages, you can better gauge the total value of your personal injury claim. Types of damages may include medical expenses, hospital bills, over-the-counter medication costs, prescription costs, lost wages, time off work and similar expenditures.

They can also include future economic losses like prolonged medical treatment, physical therapy, long-term care, future medical expenses, future prescription costs, future hospital costs, and more.

Injured victims can also collect non-economic damages for pain and suffering, permanent disability, permanent disfigurement, mental anguish, PSTD, loss of social life, loss of work abilities, loss of companionship, loss of education experience, and more.

Are you looking for a reputable and skilled personal injury law firm to answer your questions about a recent accident? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury case evaluation. We represent clients throughout the state of Indiana.

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Local Indianapolis Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700
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The Link Between Gross Negligence and Punitive Damages

Punitive damages in a personal injury case are fairly uncommon since they are generally awarded in trials involving egregious or reprehensible behavior. In fact, such damages are awarded solely for the purpose of punishing the defendant responsible for the accident and to deter other persons from performing similar acts. Under the realm of punitive damages, you may come across the term gross negligence, which is an element to proving punitive damages.

Continue reading to learn more about gross negligence and punitive damages in a personal injury case, including how to get more information regarding your eligibility for pursuing legal action against an outrageously negligent person who caused you or your loved one harm in an accident.

Negligence Lawyers Indianapolis IN 317-881-2700
Negligence Lawyers Indianapolis IN 317-881-2700

General Damages in a Personal Injury Case

A wrongfully injured victim can recover qualifying general damages, also called compensatory damages, in a personal injury case. Such damages include calculable expenses such as hospital bills, medical expenses, lost wages for missing work, and even the cost of fuel driving to and from doctors’ appointments or treatments. They may also recover non-economic damages for mental anguish, pain and suffering, permanent disability, and similar non-expenditure consequences of being wrongfully injured in an accident.

Punitive Damages

When a defendant in a personal injury case has done something particularly egregious, the victim of the accident may be awarded punitive damages. Although the injured victim benefits from the compensation, punitive damages are awarded for the purpose of punishing the defendant for their inexcusable or reprehensible behavior that caused the accident and to deter other persons from performing similar acts .

Gross Negligence

In most states, in order to be awarded punitive damages, the defendant must have behaved maliciously, deceitfully, intentionally, or with extreme recklessness, disregard, or indifference. This type of behavior is generally referred to as gross negligence in personal injury cases. To be awarded punitive damages, an injured victim’s personal injury lawyer would have to prove gross negligence. Gross negligent behavior can be an act, or even a failure to act.

Example of Gross Negligence

To better understand gross negligence cases, here is an example of a potential accident that would call for punitive damages:

A building inspector identifies a railing hazard on the 3rd floor apartment balcony and gives the landlord a report that suggests repairing it immediately. Knowing that the balcony railing is loose and requires replacement, the landlord rents the apartment to a family without making the repair. As a result, the 3 year old child falls off the balcony and dies. The landlord could be said to have acted with extreme negligence and disregard to their tenant’s safety. The bereaved could file suit against the landlord seeking general damages and punitive damages in a wrongful death case.

Are you looking for skilled personal injury law firm to represent you in your gross negligence case in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free consultation with our personal injury attorneys in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent injured victims and loved ones of persons who have dies as a result of the negligence of another person or corporation throughout the state of Indiana.

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Local Indianapolis Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700
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Will My Case Have a Better Outcome if I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Although you are not required by law to hire a lawyer to represent your personal injury claim, it is strongly encouraged. Continue reading to learn why a personal injury attorney is your best ally in recovering the maximum settlement for your damages and losses.

Indianapolis IN Accident Attorneys 317-881-2700
Indianapolis IN Accident Attorneys 317-881-2700

Benefits of Personal Injury Representation

Hiring a personal injury lawyer to represent you in your accident claim is smart, not just for financial reasons, but for practical ones as well. You see, a lawyer is your single point of communication and accountability during your claims and case process. They handle every aspect of your case, from recovering a full and fair damages settlement or verdict for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, etc… for you, to remaining a steadfast supporter during a trying time in your life.

Additionally, personal injury lawyers often work on contingency, which essentially means they only bill you for their services if they are successful at recovering a settlement or verdict for you. Under a contingency-fee payment model, you would not be required to pay any upfront lawyer fees. You will only pay if you are awarded compensation.

Most importantly, personal injury lawyers know tort law. They know all the intricacies of the judicial system in which they work in, and they know all of the strategies and tactics that are effective against the local and national insurance companies. They have the specialized skills and knowledge to investigate personal injury cases down to the very last detail and prove their clients’ damages.

Expert personal injury lawyers can usually negotiate accident claims outside of court, but, if necessary, they are perfectly prepared to take a case to trial and fight for their victims’ rights to full and fair compensation.

Why You Do Not Want to Represent Your Own Claim

Some people choose to represent themselves in legal disputes or lawsuits, but when it comes to an accident claim, you do not want to take the chance. Navigating personal injury claims takes experience, industry knowledge, and most importantly, skill.

Insurance companies are ruthless as the less money they settle the claim for, the more they keep for themselves and because of this, they specifically train their adjusters to try to get injured victims to agree to the smallest settlement possible. A skilled personal injury lawyer is well-versed in such insurance adjuster tactics and knows how to navigate around them for a successful outcome.

Overall, if you want the best outcome possible for your personal injury claim, you will need to hire a personal injury law firm.

Avoid Hiring a General Practice Lawyer

A common mistake made by personal injury victims and survivors is not hiring the right type of lawyer. General practice or family lawyers are not well-versed in tort law and may not be the best asset for your claim. Hiring a specialized personal injury lawyer is the best choice for accident and injury claims and lawsuits. They are the professionals who retain the proper legal acumen and experience to obtain the best possible outcome for accident victims and their families. 

Think of it this way: in the medical field, your primary care physician makes a referral for you to go see a specialist because they are more knowledgeable in a particular medical area of practice, say a neurologist or neurosurgeon.  It is the same for the legal profession.  If you need a will done, you would go see an attorney who practices in the probate area of law.  If you have a personal injury case, you should hire a law firm where all its attorneys each have over 25 years of experience in every type of personal injury case.

Are you ready to learn more about pursuing legal action against the party who caused your injuries and subsequent damages? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury case evaluation. Act fast, before time runs out on your claim or evidence supporting your claim is lost.  All of our attorneys are very experienced (more than 25 years each) in personal injury cases of all kinds and we represent injured persons throughout the state of Indiana.

You Should Also Read:

How Can I Tell Whether or Not I Have an Injury Case?
How Much Does it Cost to Hire an Accident Lawyer?
Common Terminology in a Personal Injury Claim

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
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