Addressing PTSD After a Serious Accident: A Guide for Survivors

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be an inescapable shadow that lingers long after the physical wounds of a serious accident have healed. For many who have experienced traumatic events on the road, at work, or in their daily lives, post-traumatic stress disorder can reshape their mental landscape, introducing new challenges and struggles that were never part of their pre-accident identity. This extensive guide aims to walk accident survivors, PTSD support groups, and individuals navigating personal injury challenges through the often tumultuous terrain of post-accident PTSD.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Personal Injury Attorney in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Personal Injury Attorney in Indianapolis

Understanding PTSD in the Context of Accidents

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, also referred to in short as PTSD, is a mental health condition triggered by witnessing or experiencing a terrifying event. It can manifest in numerous ways, from flashbacks and nightmares to severe anxiety and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. When these symptoms persist for an extended period, often beyond a month, and disrupt daily life, they may indicate PTSD.

Survivors of serious accidents are particularly susceptible to the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder, given the sudden and life-threatening nature of their experiences. The acute phase of post-traumatic stress disorder may begin in the immediate aftermath of the event, followed by chronic symptoms that can endure for months or years. Some individuals may even face a delayed onset, where PTSD symptoms emerge significantly after the incident, sometimes even decades later.

Survivors may struggle with feelings of guilt, helplessness, or fear, which can interplay with physical injuries and the practical aftermath of the accident, such as navigating insurance claims or adjusting to a new way of life. It’s essential to recognize that developing PTSD is not a sign of weakness but rather a normal human response to an abnormal event.

FAQs about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder After Accidents

What are the Common Symptoms of PTSD After an Accident?

Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder can vary widely, but some common indicators include:

  1. Reliving the traumatic event through intrusive memories, flashbacks, or nightmares
  2. Being overly alert or easily startled, often referred to as hyper-arousal
  3. Avoidance of places, people, or activities that remind the individual of the trauma
  4. Negative changes in thinking and mood, like persistent negative emotions or a distorted sense of blame

It’s crucial to note that not everyone experiences PTSD in the same way, and some individuals may exhibit symptoms not listed here. Seeking professional help is the best way to understand one’s unique symptoms and needs.

How is PTSD Diagnosed and Treated in Accident Survivors?

Diagnosis is usually a two-step process that involves a psychological evaluation and a discussion of symptoms and their impact on daily life. Treatment can encompass various methods, including psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of both. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has shown particular effectiveness in helping individuals manage and reduce post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, as it focuses on identifying and addressing unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors that can accompany the disorder.

What are the Long-Term Effects of PTSD?

The long-term implications of post-traumatic stress disorder can be profound. It can affect relationships, work, and personal well-being, leading to issues such as depression, substance abuse, and even physical health problems if left untreated. Long-term treatment and support are often necessary to manage PTSD effectively.

How Does PTSD Affect Personal Injury Claims and Compensation?

Post-traumatic stress disorder can be a significant factor in personal injury claims. It is recognized as a valid medical condition that can impact an individual’s quality of life, which can influence the compensation awarded in a claim or lawsuit. Remember that the mental anguish and physical pain caused by the accident are as real and deserving of care and full and fair compensation as any physical injury sustained.

What Can Accident Survivors Do to Manage and Overcome PTSD?

Seeking professional help from a therapist experienced in trauma is an essential first step. Additionally, support groups and peer connections can offer invaluable understanding and companionship through the recovery process. Engaging in self-care practices, like regular exercise, a healthy diet, and mindfulness techniques, can also complement professional treatment, offering survivors additional tools for managing their symptoms.

Support and Resources for PTSD Survivors

It’s important for accident survivors grappling with PTSD to know they do not face their struggles alone. There are countless support groups and hotlines specifically dedicated to providing assistance to individuals navigating post-traumatic stress disorder after traumatic incidents or catastrophic injuries. Connecting with these community resources can offer the support and empathy that is often vital in healing.

Professional help should be sought through qualified therapists, psychologists, or psychiatrists specializing in trauma. Building a personal support network can further bolster one’s ability to cope with PTSD. Friends, family, and understanding colleagues can contribute immensely to a survivor’s recovery by offering non-judgmental support and compassionate listening.

Seeking Legal Aid for PTSD Supporting Personal Injury Claims

Legal representation is crucial for individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder pursuing a personal injury settlement or lawsuit. A skilled personal injury lawyer has the expertise to present the case in the most impactful way, ensuring that both the physical and psychological toll of the accident are accurately reflected in the claim. Most jurors or insurance adjusters have never dealt with PTSD on a personal level and it is the lawyer’s job to try to help them to understand the daily ramifications of such a diagnosis.  Lawyers can also aid in connecting survivors with the necessary resources to address their post-traumatic stress disorder, such as mental health professionals or support groups.


Understanding and addressing PTSD after a serious accident is a challenging but essential step to reclaiming one’s life. By learning about the condition, seeking professional help, and building a robust support network, survivors can gradually learn to manage and significantly dimmish their symptoms and move forward. PTSD should not be a life sentence. With patience, understanding, and the right tools, survivors can begin to heal and discover new strengths within themselves. The road to recovery may be long, but each step taken is a triumph over the trauma that once held them captive. It’s not about erasing the past but about empowering the present and shaping a future that’s defined by resilience and infinite possibilities.

If you or someone you know is struggling with PTSD after an accident, reaching out for support is the first step in a new, hopeful chapter. Your story is not over; it’s evolving, and you have the power to direct its course towards a brighter, healthier tomorrow.

Get help with your Indiana accident claim today. Contact Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial case evaluation with a veteran personal injury attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. Meet with us over the phone, video conference, or in person at our Indy office. We can also meet you at your inpatient medical treatment center if necessary.

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Unraveling the Calculation: What’s Your Indiana Personal Injury Claim Worth?

Navigating the complex web of personal injury law can be an intricate and emotional undertaking. For residents of Indiana who find themselves in the unfortunate position of being injured due to another person or entity’s negligence, understanding the nuances that affect their personal injury settlement value is paramount.

The road to financial justice is paved with various factors that converge to determine what compensation you may be entitled to. This blog post will serve as a guide to help you understand the key elements that contribute to your Indiana personal injury settlement value. Let’s get started!

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Call 317-881-2700 to Reach a Personal Injury Settlement Attorney in Indiana

The True Value of Your Personal Injury Claim

Securing a fair personal injury settlement is an intricate equation. While some aspects are straightforward, others dwell in the subjective realm, often leading to questions about the ‘true’ value of a claim. In Indiana, certain fixed elements, such as medical bills and lost wages, are objective and quantifiable. However, the state’s legal framework introduces other variables, including the concept of comparative fault and the statute of limitations. It is the interplay of these factors that ultimately crafts the final settlement or verdict number.

Types of Personal Injury Damages That Impact Settlement Values

Medical Expenses

The most visible pillar of a personal injury settlement is the reimbursement for medical treatment. Indiana law tries to ensure that injured parties are fully compensated for all reasonable and necessary medical costs related to the accident. This includes emergency services, surgeries, rehabilitation, and ongoing therapies. The measurable nature of these expenses makes them one of the cornerstones in determining settlement values.

Lost Earnings

If your injury has resulted in missed work, diminished capacity to earn, or an inability to perform your job, Indiana law allows for compensation on these grounds. Lost wages are more than just the income missed during recovery; they also factor in future losses related to the injury. Financial stability is a crucial component of personal well-being, and lost earnings are a clear depiction of the impact of the injury on a person’s life.

Permanent Disabilities

In cases where an injury leads to a permanent disability, the settlement value must reflect the life-altering repercussions. The loss of future earning capacity, reduction in quality of life, and necessary changes to daily living represent costs that extend far beyond a one-time ordeal. Indiana law is structured in an attempt to provide full and fair  compensation for these profound, irreversible changes in a victim’s life.

Pain and Suffering

Quantifying the psychological and emotional injury, often described as pain and suffering, is one of the more abstract components of a personal injury settlement but it is a vital element of damages under the law. The State of Indiana recognizes that an accident victim’s suffering is not solely physical and includes provisions for emotional distress, post-traumatic stress, and loss of enjoyment of life. Although challenging to articulate in monetary terms, this category forms an integral and maybe the most important part of the final valuation.

Indiana Tort Law in the Balance

The state’s legal statutes cast a shadow that defines the potential scope of a personal injury settlement. Understanding these laws is essential to comprehend the leeway and limits that judges, juries and insurance companies have in assessing a claim’s worth.

Comparative Fault Rule

Indiana abides by the modified comparative fault rule. This stipulates that an injured person can collect damages from any other at-fault party [and thus their insurance carrier], except when they are found to be 51% or more responsible for the accident. The percentage of blame attributed can significantly impact the settlement amount. It’s not uncommon for insurers to argue for a shared fault scenario to reduce their payouts, making it crucial for claimants to defend their rights with evidence and expertise.

Statute of Limitations

Indiana’s statute of limitations for most personal injury claims is two years from the date of the injury. Failure to file a claim within this window can result in the forfeiture of your right to seek compensation. Time is of the essence in bringing a claim, and procrastination can be a costly mistake. The legal deadline sharpens the urgency to act fast and accurately in pursuit of a settlement.  Some claims in Indiana cannot be pursued unless a tort claims notice is provided within 6 months so hiring an attorney promptly is essential.

Maximizing Your Claim Value

Armed with the knowledge of the factors at play and the legal framework, personal injury victims can take practical steps to fortify their position and potentially enhance their settlement value.

  1. Documentation is Vital: Comprehensive and timely documentation of the accident and its aftermath is crucial. Gathering police reports, medical records, photographs, videos and witness statements is vital for your claim.
  2. Immediate Medical Attention: Seeking medical treatment immediately after an accident not only safeguards your health but also creates a medical record and documentation of your injuries. A prompt assessment by a healthcare professional contributes to the veracity of your claim.
  3. The Silence of Social Media: Insurance companies often scour social media for any sign of weakness or vulnerability in a claim. Refraining from posting about your accident or injuries, or life in general, prevents potential arguments against your claim.
  4. Legal Counsel: Immediately consulting with a seasoned personal injury attorney is perhaps the most important step in the claim process. An experienced lawyer comprehends the legal nuances, navigates the claim complexities, and advocates for your best interests.
  5. Insurance Companies: It is important to speak with your own legal counsel before talking with a defendant’s insurance carrier.  The insurance company’s job is to make money. It is a multi-million-dollar business.  They are not in existence to help you or to be fair. Hire an attorney before you speak with them.


For Indiana’s personal injury victims, the determination of your settlement value is an intricate combination between the objective and the subjective. It is rooted in the tangible trail of expenses and loss yet extends to the intangibles of personal pain and suffering. The state’s legal backdrop paints a structured but dynamic canvas on which this value is plotted. Your active engagement in the claim process, bolstered by awareness and strategy, can lead to a more robust , full and fair final settlement.

If you or a loved one is an Indiana resident who has been injured here or in another state or are a resident of another state injured here in Indiana, do not leave your personal injury settlement value to chance. The law is complex, and insurers are formidable opponents. Seek out legal counsel that specializes in Indiana personal injury law. Your future deserves the best chance at justice and fair compensation.

Take the first step towards understanding and securing your settlement value, today. Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free, one-on-one consultation with an experienced personal injury litigator in Indianapolis, Indiana. Call now before time runs out on your claim.

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Necessity and Nuances of Hiring a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Indiana

The loss of a loved one is an irreplaceable void, a trauma that reshapes the lives of those left behind. When this loss comes as a result of someone else’s negligence or intent, the legal system affords an avenue for the surviving family to seek justice through a wrongful death claim. For Indiana residents navigating such painful waters, securing the services of a wrongful death attorney can not only be a legal imperative but also a crucial step towards healing and remembrance.

Wrongful death is a legally actionable event that arises from the negligent, reckless, or deliberate actions of another party, resulting in the death of an individual. As expected, the laws surrounding such cases are complex and retain distinctions that emphasize the necessity of legal representation. This guide is here to help you understand the nuances of hiring a wrongful death lawyer in Indiana and how they can help you navigate this difficult process.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Wrongful Death Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Wrongful Death Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Wrongful Death in Indiana

Defining the Law

Indiana’s wrongful death statute allows for the personal representative of the deceased person, typically a close family member, to bring a civil lawsuit on behalf of the deceased’s estate against the party responsible for their death. The purpose of this law extends beyond financial compensation; it’s about holding the responsible parties and their insurance companies accountable for their actions.

Scenarios That Lead to Claims

Recognizing when a death may qualify under Indiana’s wrongful death statutes is the first step in determining the viability of a claim. Every wrongful death case is unique, yet several common scenarios often lead to such claims:

  1. Medical malpractice
  2. Vehicle accidents
  3. Workplace accidents
  4. Product liability
  5. Criminal actions
  6. Trucking accidents

The Vital Role of a Wrongful Death Lawyer

Legal Navigation and Expertise

Wrongful death lawyers are not just legal experts; they are empathetic guides who have the experience necessary to navigate the complexities of wrongful death cases. These professionals handle all legal aspects, from obtaining necessary evidence to filing the necessary paperwork to representing the family and linked claimants in court.

Advocating for Compensation and Justice

The stakes in wrongful death cases can be high, both financially and emotionally. An attorney’s role is to not only secure full and fair compensation for the family’s losses but also to work towards achieving some form of justice for the deceased.

Emotional Support

In addition to their legal duties, personal injury attorneys play a crucial role in providing emotional support to grieving families. Their understanding of the process and their ability to anticipate and explain the next steps can provide much-needed reassurance and assistance during what is often a daunting legal process.

Steps to Hiring the Right Wrongful Death Attorney

The Importance of Experience

Experience is a significant factor in the selection process. Attorneys with a proven track record of handling wrongful death cases in Indiana will be well-versed in the state’s laws and knowledgeable about local court procedures.  Every single attorney at the law firm of Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. has more than 25 years of experience.

Researching Potential Candidates

Conducting thorough research into potential lawyers’ backgrounds, client testimonies, and case outcomes will help families make an informed decision about who to entrust with their wrongful death claim.

Selecting the Right Fit

Selecting the right attorney goes beyond experience; it’s about finding a professional who will represent the family’s best interests with compassion, tenacity, and dedication. The biggest law firm out there does not mean the best. Choose a personal injury attorney who will provide personal attention to you and your case and an attorney who cares should be a factor in your decision making process on who to hire.

Navigating the Legal Process

The Path to Resolution

A wrongful death lawsuit typically follows a series of predetermined legal steps, including discovery, settlement negotiations, and, if necessary, a trial. A personal injury lawyer’s role is to shepherd the family through each phase, ensuring their rights are protected and the best possible resolution is obtained.

Overcoming Challenges

Legal proceedings can be fraught with challenges, from the complexities of establishing fault to the emotional toll of reliving the circumstances of the death. A skilled attorney is equipped to handle these challenges and work towards a favorable outcome for the family.

Supporting Grieving Families

Beyond the Legalities

For families, a wrongful death attorney should be more than just a legal advisor. They should serve as a resource, pointing the family towards support networks and organizations that can assist them through the grieving process.

Emotional Advocacy

The lawyer’s advocacy extends to the emotional realm, where they must balance the need for legal action with the family’s emotional state, helping them achieve a sense of closure and justice.

Final Thoughts

Seeking legal representation is a critical step for families dealing with the wrongful death of a loved one in Indiana. The right lawyer can be the beacon of hope and support in the often murky and emotional aftermath of a wrongful death event. For those who find themselves in the unfortunate circumstances of needing a wrongful death attorney, the message is clear; make no compromises. Trust in an attorney who not only understands the law but who also comprehends the depth of your loss and is prepared to fight for your family’s rights.

Pursue justice now if a tragic death in your family was caused by someone else’s negligence. Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to speak with a sympathetic wrongful death lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent people involving the negligent death of a loved one in Indiana and for Hoosiers injured in other states.

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Suing for a Wrongful Death in Indiana
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Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim?

Compensation Options for Burn Injury Victims in Indiana

Navigating the complex maze of personal injury compensation can be a daunting task, especially for those who have endured the trauma of severe burn injuries. In the state of Indiana, victims of burn accidents may be entitled to financial compensation, but understanding the intricacies of the legal system and the various factors that influence the amount of compensation can spell the difference between a just resolution and a severely underestimated recovery support.

This guide will enlighten burn injury survivors and their families about the available avenues for financial redress and the steps necessary to secure the just compensation they deserve.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Burn Injury Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Burn Injury Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana

The Devastating Impact of Burn Injuries

A burn injury is one of the most devastating types of traumas a person can experience. It not only inflicts severe physical pain but also leaves lasting emotional and psychological scars. Injuries are categorized in degrees, each with its own set of characteristics and potential for recovery.

Types of Burn Injuries

First-Degree Burns: These affect the top layer of skin and typically heal without scarring.

Second-Degree Burns: They extend deeper, causing blistering and severe pain.

Third-Degree Burns: The most severe, these destroy two full layers of skin and often require skin grafting.

These injuries can occur from a number of sources including flames, chemicals, electrical malfunction, and scalding liquids, each imposing its unique set of challenges and potential lifelong disabilities.

Immediate and Long-Term Impacts

The immediate impact of a burn injury is excruciating pain and the necessity for immediate medical care. The long-term impacts can range from disfigurement and disability to psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Survivors often require extensive medical treatment, including reconstructive surgeries, and may face prolonged periods of rehabilitation.

Laws Governing Compensation for Burn Injuries

Our legal system provides a framework for burn injury victims to seek and potentially obtain compensation for their pain and suffering. Understanding this legal framework is crucial for documenting a strong case and securing financial recovery. In Indiana, the law permits victims to seek compensation under the principle of ‘comparative negligence.’

This means that if the victim is found partially responsible for the accident, their compensation may be reduced accordingly. Another important legal aspect is the statute of limitations, which is the time limit for filing a claim. In Indiana, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims, including burn injuries, is generally two years from the date of the incident, excluding claims against governmental entities.

Key Considerations for Victims Seeking Compensation

Victims and their families should be aware of the legal requirement to prove negligence on the part of the responsible party. Negligence may involve failing to provide a safe environment, not taking appropriate safety precautions, or acting negligently or recklessly. Proving negligence requires thorough investigation, collected evidence, and expert testimony.

General Factors Influencing Compensation

Determining the amount of compensation for burn injuries is a multifaceted process that takes into account various factors, all of which need to be carefully documented and presented as part of the overall claim.

Severity of the Burn Injury

The degree of burns sustained, the percentage of body surface area affected, and the presence of inhalation injuries if any all play a role in assessing the severity of burn injuries. This severity will influence the overall value of the claim.

Medical Expenses and Ongoing Care

Victims of burn injuries often face extensive medical treatment, including emergency care, hospital stays, surgeries, and rehabilitation. Ongoing care, such as physical therapy or psychological counseling, must be considered when calculating the economic damages sustained by the victim.

Emotional and Psychological Trauma

The emotional and psychological suffering endured by burn victims can be profound. Compensation for pain and suffering, including the loss of enjoyment of life, can significantly increase the value of a claim. This type of damage, while difficult to quantify, is an essential component in achieving a fair and just settlement.

Navigating the Legal Process

The process of seeking compensation for burn injuries is intricate and involves various steps that must be undertaken with precision and care to achieve the optimal outcome for the victim. The most important step in the legal process is hiring a competent burn injury attorney in Indianapolis.

How to File a Burn Injury Claim

The first step is to notify the responsible party or their insurer of the intent to file a claim. Then, gather all the relevant documentation, such as medical records, photos of the injury, video of the incident and witness statements. These pieces of evidence will be vital in demonstrating the extent of the harm and the liability of the at-fault party.

Role of Burn Injury Attorneys

Securing the services of an experienced burn injury lawyer can be invaluable. Personal injury lawyers specialize in navigating the accident claim legal process, negotiating with insurers, and, if necessary, litigating in court. They can ensure that the victim’s legal rights are protected and that the full scope of their losses is made apparent to the responsible party and the court.


The potential for severe burn injuries to disrupt a person’s life, both immediately and in the long term, cannot be overstated. Financial compensation is one way to alleviate the burdens associated with these types of injuries, providing the resources necessary to move forward with recovery. It is vital for Indiana burn injury victims and their families to understand the legal avenues through which they can seek compensation, as well as the myriad factors that influence the amount of recovery they are entitled to. By arming themselves with knowledge and enlisting the assistance of qualified legal professionals, burn injury survivors can take the first steps toward rebuilding their lives and ensuring justice is served.

If you or a loved one has suffered from a burn injury in Indiana, it’s essential to protect your rights and explore your options for compensation. Contact Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a dedicated Indianapolis burn injury lawyer, today. This is your opportunity to ask questions, understand the legal process, and determine the best course of action for your situation. Remember, time is of the essence!

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Legal Guidance for Indiana Auto Accident Victims: Claiming Compensation and More

Indiana’s thoroughfares and highways see thousands of auto accidents every year, leaving victims grappling with physical, emotional, and financial distress. Understanding the legal landscape and knowing your rights is crucial in seeking appropriate compensation for the aftermath of a motor vehicle collision.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through the critical legal steps Indiana residents should take in the event of a car or truck accident, demystify the personal injury claim process for compensation, and shed light on the vital role of legal representation to ensure you receive the justice you deserve.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Auto Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Auto Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis

Brief Overview of Indiana Auto Accident Laws

Before the frantic moments of motor vehicle accident, most drivers have little time to consider Indiana’s laws regarding auto accidents. Familiarizing yourself with these laws after the fact is essential as they often dictate the compensation and liability claims process. Indiana follows a ‘fault’ system for car wrecks, meaning the person to blame (or at fault) for the accident is the one responsible for resulting damages.  The at-fault person’s insurance carrier is the entity that pays for damages caused by their at-fault insured.

Comparative Fault Law

Indiana employs a modified comparative fault law, which can affect your claim if you were also partially at fault for the incident. According to, Comparative Fault Analysis is defined as, “…a doctrine of tort law which permits plaintiff and defendant to compare their liability for the accident. It allows proportionate recovery if both the plaintiff and defendant were negligent and thereby contributed to the cause of an injury.”

Under this law, your recovery may be reduced by a percentage equivalent to your degree of fault. However, if you are found to be more than 50% at fault, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

Claim Filing Deadlines

In Indiana, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit is generally two years, starting from the date of the accident. This deadline is critical to claim compensation through the legal system, so acting swiftly is paramount.  If the at-fault party is a governmental employee you have as little as 6 months to file a tort claim notice or you cannot pursue your case.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

The moments and days following a car accident can be chaotic, but understanding the proper course of action can significantly impact the trajectory of your compensation claim.

Immediate Actions – Immediately after a motor vehicle collision, prioritize safety by moving to a safe location and seeking medical help if needed. Then, call the police to the accident scene, which is required by law if there are any injuries or considerable property damage.

Documenting the Scene – Collect as much information as possible, including the other driver’s contact and insurance details, eyewitness accounts and their contact data, and photographs or video of the accident scene. This documentation will serve as crucial evidence when filing for compensation.

Legal Process for Claiming Compensation

Navigating the legal intricacies of filing a compensation claim can be overwhelming for an accident victim. Understanding the process and having the right legal team by your side is instrumental.

Filing an Accident Claim with Insurance Companies

While Indiana motorists are required to carry insurance, dealing with insurance companies can be challenging. You’ll need to file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance, or your own if the other driver is uninsured or underinsured.

Seeking Legal Representation for Personal Injury Claims

For all claims it is advisable to seek legal representation. A skilled car accident attorney can guide you through the legal process, negotiate with insurers, and advocate for the maximum compensation you deserve.

Understanding the Statute of Limitations in Indiana

Indiana’s statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is two years, so it’s important to initiate the legal process within this time frame to preserve your right to compensation.  As stated above, if the at-fault party is a governmental employee you have as little as 6 months to file a tort claim notice or you cannot pursue your case.  It is best to hire an attorney as soon as possible after an automobile collision so vital evidence can be obtained and kept before it disappears.

Factors Affecting Auto Accident Compensation

The compensation you can potentially receive after an auto accident is influenced by various factors, ranging from the severity of injuries to the clarity and strength of the evidence presented.

Types of Damages Available

In Indiana, victims of auto accidents can typically claim three types of damages:

Economic Damages: These include present and future medical bills, property damage, and lost wages due to injury.

Non-Economic Damages: These are more subjective and cover pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Punitive Damages: These are granted in cases of egregious misconduct and are aimed at punishing the at-fault party and as a deterrent to others who might engage in the same egregious conduct.

Assessment of Damages

To seek compensation, an assessment of your damages, particularly medical expenses, is necessary. A qualified attorney can help assemble evidence to support your claim, including medical records and expert testimony if required.

Seeking Legal Assistance for Your Injury Claim

Given the complexities of the legal system and insurance claims, consulting with a reputable personal injury attorney is a prudent step for any automotive accident victim. Your auto accident attorney’s role is multi-faceted — from ensuring you meet filing deadlines to advocating for your rights in court. An experienced car accident lawyer can provide invaluable insights into your case, evaluate your claim’s strength, and outline the potential compensation. They can also handle the legal legwork, including evidence gathering, negotiation and litigation, on your behalf. Their representation can significantly enhance your chances of receiving fair and just compensation for your injuries and losses.


For Indiana car accident victims, claiming compensation involves navigating a complex web of legal and insurance-related challenges. By understanding the state’s auto accident laws, taking the right actions after the incident, and enlisting the support of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney, you can protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Don’t shoulder the burden alone; seek the guidance of experienced civil litigators who specialize in auto accident injury claims and put their expertise to work in your favor. Whether you’re dealing with minor fender-benders or catastrophic collisions, the road to recovery starts with informed and strategic legal action.

Are you an Indiana resident who is a recent victim of a wrongful car or truck accident? Was your loved one killed by a negligent driver? Contact Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a no-fee initial consultation with an experienced auto accident injury lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. If you are unable to travel, we can hold meetings over the phone or via video conference. We can also make trips to your place of in-patient medical care or your home if needed.

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Compensation for Brain Injuries in Indiana: How Victims Can Seek Legal Remedy

Suffering a brain injury is a traumatic event that can have life-altering consequences. Whether incurred through medical malpractice, or due to another’s negligence, the impact of such an injury resonates not just through the individual affected, but also through their immediate circle of family and broader community.

For those in Indiana who find themselves facing this challenge, understanding the legal recourse available to them can be an invaluable step toward regaining control and securing their future. Today, dive into this blog post to learn more about the personal injury compensation process for brain injury victims in Indiana.

Call 317-881-2700 to Get in Touch With Skilled TBI Lawyers Near Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Get in Touch With Skilled TBI Lawyers Near Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injuries

Brain injuries come in varied forms, each with its own spectrum of effects. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) result from sudden trauma, such as an auto collision, construction injury, fall or medical malpractice, causing damage ranging from mild concussions to severe and lasting cognitive impairment. The classification may include open or closed head injuries. Open head injuries result from a fractured skull or a foreign object penetrating the brain, they often lead to extensive damage in localized areas.

Closed head injuries occur when the head experiences a blunt force with no penetration, they may cause damage spread out across the brain and can be hard to diagnose initially.  You can also sustain a closed head injury even without anything impacting the head, as the brain can strike the skull through force in, for example, an auto collision whose forces push and pull the brain into the front and rear of the skull.

The Extensive Impact of Severe Head Injuries

The consequences of a brain injury can transgress the physical and extend into the cognitive, emotional, and even behavioral domains. Victims may experience:

Cognitive Impairment: Challenges with memory, reasoning, or attention span.

Motor Skill Deficits: Physical coordination and dexterity may be significantly affected.

Personality and Behavioral Changes: The injury can alter one’s emotional regulation and personality traits.

Social Challenges: Patients may find it hard to maintain personal relationships and struggle with social cues and norms.

Financial Burden: The costs associated with treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term care can be substantial and impose a heavy financial toll on the individual and their family.

Seeking Brain Injury Compensation in Indiana

Indiana’s legal system provides avenues for seeking compensation when a brain injury is caused by another’s negligence. Personal injury laws in the state are designed to protect individuals’ rights, ensuring they receive fair compensation for their injuries and damages. Victims of brain injuries may be eligible for compensation if their injury can be attributed to the following:

Accidents: Including car accidents, slips and falls, workplace accidents, and recreational mishaps.

Medical Malpractice: When a healthcare provider’s negligence leads to injury.

► Assaults and Battery: Intentional acts causing injury may be subject to legal action for compensation.

Time Limit for Filing a TBI Claim

It’s important to note that Indiana, like other states, imposes a time limit on filing personal injury claims. The statute of limitations for such claims is typically two years from the date of the injury, but can be as little as six months, so swift action is crucial to protecting one’s right to compensation.

Immediate Steps to Take After a Traumatic Brain Injury

In the immediate aftermath of a brain injury, several steps can help support both the medical treatment needed and the future legal case:

Seek Medical Attention
Prompt medical care can save lives and mitigate the severity of the injury. Contact 911 at the scene of the accident, or as soon as you suspect that you have an injury. Precisely follow all doctors’ orders, as you might have more than one medical professional over-seeing your treatment.

Hire an Accident Attorney
Your brain injury attorney will do most things for you with regard to your case. Down below, we will further discuss the critical role of an Indianapolis TBI lawyer and their importance to your personal injury claim.

Gather Evidence
If possible, collecting information and evidence related to the incident, such as photos, witness statements, and medical records, can be valuable for a potential claim.  Again, your attorney will help but, for example, if there is a witness to an auto collision you should get their contact information quickly so they can be contacted by your attorney.  In addition, photographs taken by anyone at the scene of the collision are always important.

Notify Relevant Parties
Informing responsible parties or property owners in writing about the incident can ensure a record is established.  If you slip and fall somewhere and are injured, call an ambulance, get photos of what caused you to fall, fill out an incident report, try to obtain witness and employee contact data and more. All of this information is evidence and valuable to help your attorney in proving liability in your case.  

Keep Detailed Records
Document all costs and impacts of the injury, from medical bills to lost wages and beyond.  Make sure you send all medical bills you receive to your attorney.  If you have to hire someone to help take care of you, keep receipts.

The Role of Legal Representation

In navigating the complexities of the legal process, enlisting the aid of a knowledgeable and experienced brain injury attorney in Indianapolis is a game-changer. A legal professional specializing in head and TBI injury cases will:

Assess the Viability of Your Claim: An attorney can determine if your case has legal merit and what compensation you may be entitled to.

Negotiate with Insurance Providers: Legal representation can effectively deal with insurance companies to secure fair settlements.

Obtain All Evidence Needed to Prove Your Case:  A brain accident attorney will seek out the evidence (i.e. photos, videos, testimony, documents, etc.) needed to help prove your case to the defendant’s insurance company and if no settlement is reached, to a jury for a verdict.

Leverage Litigation If Necessary: If an out-of-court settlement is not possible, an attorney will represent your interests in court.


When facing the daunting prospect of life with a brain injury, the path to recovery is not only about medical treatments and rehabilitation—it’s also about securing the financial means to support that recovery and your family. Indiana’s legal system offers a means for brain injury victims to seek just compensation, but it’s a process that is best undertaken with the support of legal experts.

For residents of Indiana coping with brain injuries, the message is clear: you are not alone, and there is recourse available. By staying informed, seeking professional legal representation, and taking decisive action, victims of brain injuries can assert their rights and move forward with confidence toward a more stable and secure future.

If you or a loved one is a recent head or brain injury victim, do not hesitate to seek the counsel of a qualified and experienced professional. Contact Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case consultation with a seasoned brain injury attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. The support and expertise we offer can significantly impact the outcome of your case and your ability to rebuild your life. Unable to travel? No problem – we can hold meetings over the phone or via video conference. We can also make trips to your place of in-patient medical care or your home.

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How to Cope After a Head Injury: 10 Tips for Recovery
3 Primary Types of Cerebral Contusion in TBI Victims
How to Obtain Justice After a Loved One Suffers a Wrongful Brain Injury

Unlocking Personal Injury Compensation: The Vital Role of Medical Professionals

Suffering an injury as the result of an accident can be a harrowing experience. Not only are you dealing with physical and emotional trauma but also the daunting prospect of navigating the world of personal injury claims. That’s where medical professionals come in, not only as healers but as crucial witnesses in your quest for just compensation. Understanding their significance and how to work effectively with them can be the difference between a fair settlement and added distress. Continue reading to learn more about the important role of medical experts in obtaining full and fair compensation for your personal injury claim.

Call 317-881-2700 When You Need an Indiana Personal Injury Attorney Near You
Call 317-881-2700 When You Need an Indiana Personal Injury Attorney Near You

The Lifesaving Documents: Medical Reports

In the intricate dance of personal injury claims, medical reports and opinions are the foundation. They serve as the firsthand account of your injuries, providing details that profoundly influence the compensation you’re entitled to. These documents are more than just a witness statement; they are the voice of your injuries in the courtroom.

> Accuracy of Diagnosis

An incorrect or incomplete diagnosis can lead to a skewed compensation amount. Ensuring the legitimacy and thoroughness of your medical report is paramount. It guarantees that all injuries, from the visible to the seemingly minor, are not only diagnosed but documented and treated properly.

> Treatment Plans and Prognosis

Beyond listing injuries, reports should include comprehensive treatment plans and a clear prognosis. This is crucial in outlining the financial and medical needs brought about by the accident. Whether it’s immediate surgeries or long-standing therapies, these records demand deliberation and detail.

> Daily Impact and Workability

A good report doesn’t just focus on the clinical assessment but highlights the practical aspects. Can you walk without pain? Are you able to lift heavy objects without risk? These detailed descriptions of how your daily life and work capability are now altered create a realistic picture that demands consideration.

Expert Witnesses in the Courtroom

In almost all personal injury cases, expert witness testimony is required. Medical experts, in this role, act as neutral witnesses whose testimony can powerfully sway the scales in your favor.

> Providing Impartial Expert Opinions

Expert witnesses are expected to provide an entirely impartial perspective on your injuries. Their allegiance is to the truth, and their insights can significantly back your claim with factual, medical information.

> Making Complex Medical Info Accessible

Most jurors are not medically versed, making their interpretations of reports or testimony difficult. Expert witnesses simplify and clarify this information, ensuring everyone in the room understands the full extent and implications of your injuries.

Influence on Compensation Amount

The medical professionals’ reports and expert testimony directly tie into the compensation amount you’re seeking. They map out the why, what, and how much—crucial components that can’t be overlooked or undervalued.

> Linking Injuries to the Incident

Medical professionals ensure a direct medical link is established between your injuries and the accident. Their reports set the scene of the incident in a clinical light, affirming the connection necessary for compensation.

> Assessing Short and Long-Term Effects

The ripple effect of an injury is just as critical as the injury itself. Reports should never skip over the potential long-term effects, ensuring that compensation accurately reflects the ongoing challenges you may face.

> Defining Necessary Care and Rehabilitation

Your medical team not only diagnoses and reports but also prescribes the path to recovery. Their recommendations on necessary care and rehabilitation weighs significantly in the compensation calculation, aligning the financial remedy with your recovery plan.

The Controversies and Challenges

Despite their noble duty, medical professionals are fallible, and the process is not without its controversies or challenges. Mistakes get made in medical records. Disagreements and conflicts can arise, adding layers of complexity to your compensation calculation.

> Interpreting Subjective Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering, though significant, are subjective—resisting easy medical categorizations. This interpretation is not a straightforward line item in reports and often a subject of debate.  In the end, it the jurors that decide how to value pain and suffering from injuries.

> Disputes Over Injury Severity

Disputes emerge over the severity of injuries. What one professional might deem severe, another might regard as moderate. Resolving these discrepancies requires clarity and often secondary opinions.

> Navigating Conflicts of Interest

In the realm of medical assessments, conflicts of interest can cast a shadow of doubt. Transparency and vigilance in these matters are vital, ensuring that all perspectives are unbiased and in service of your case.

Empowering Yourself in the Process

Your role in this intricate process is not passive. Empower yourself with the knowledge and strategies to ensure your medical professionals are not just working for you, but working effectively. Here are some tips to get you on the right path:

> Seek Other Medical Opinions if Necessary

The gravity of your injuries might merit not just one, but several medical opinions. Diverse perspectives can bolster the collective understanding of your condition and the best paths forward.  Moreover, if one doctor tells you no other treatments will fix you it is okay to get a second opinion because the obvious goal is to get you back to where you were physically the day before the injury.

> Maintain Detailed Records

Transparency is a powerful tool. Maintain your detailed medical records, ensuring that no pertinent detail is lost or overlooked. These records can serve as a narrative of your recovery, reaffirming the need for rightful compensation.  Your attorney will obtain your medical records for you but it is important to tell your attorney of all medical providers.

> Communication is Key

Your communication with healthcare providers should be clear, concise, and comprehensive. Articulate how the accident has affected you in your own words, providing another layer to your medical story that reports might not convey.

> Legal Counsel—Your Beacon in the Process

A personal injury lawyer is not just another piece to the puzzle but a beacon, guiding you through the intricacies of your claim. They champion your rights and advocate for the compensation commensurate with your damages.

Partnering with Professionalism for Your Fair Claim

The road to personal injury compensation isn’t easy, but understanding the roles at play makes the process more navigable. Collaborating with medical professionals who are dedicated and thorough and pairing that with legal representation that is knowledgeable and passionate, strengthens your position significantly.


The medical professionals involved in your personal injury claim are pivotal. Their reports and expertise are the threads that weave through the fabric of your compensation claim, giving it both structure and truth. By recognizing their significance, effectively partnering with them, and securing competent legal counsel, you enhance your chances of securing the compensation you deserve. Your voice in the courtroom might be intimidated, but the combined strength of your medical reports and legal representatives should not. Your path to recompense has a guide, and that’s a step toward healing that no injury can diminish.

Start Your Journey to Justice with Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C.

In the complex tapestry of personal injury law, navigating your path to fair compensation requires not just knowledge, but a compassionate ally. At Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C., our blend of professionalism, empathy, and expertise is dedicated to ensuring your voice is heard and your rights are respected. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll an injury can impose on you and your loved ones. That’s why we commit to standing by your side, guiding you through every step of the legal process with understanding and unwavering support. Reach out to us today at 317-881-2700 for a free consultation, and together, we’ll take the first step towards healing and justice.

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Indiana’s Dog Bite Laws: Everything You Need to Know

Welcoming you to a guide through Indiana’s legislation on perhaps one of the most heartwarming yet legally complex pet-owners’ conundrums – dog bite laws. To our fellow Hoosiers, diligent pet lovers, and those navigating the maze of personal injury claims after an unfortunate canine incident, we’re here to be your trusty guides through Indiana’s unique legal landscape. Let’s dive in.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Dog Bite Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Dog Bite Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis

General Dog Bite Legalities in Indiana

For many, a dog is a cherished companion and an adored member of the family. However, even the most well-loved dogs have off days. Understanding Indiana’s dog bite laws is not just about legal compliance; it’s about ensuring the safety of our loved ones, neighbors, and furry friends.

A single bite can lead to a myriad of consequences, raising questions about legal culpability, victim rights, and the overall safety of communities. As we unpack the intricacies of dog bite laws in Indiana, we aim to arm you with the knowledge needed to approach this delicate subject responsibly and with a mind to foster a secure community for all.

Overview Of Indiana Dog Bite Laws

Strict Liability

Under Indiana’s strict liability law, dog owners are held legally responsible for any injuries or damages caused by their dogs, regardless of the dog’s past behavior or the owner’s awareness of such behavior. In essence, the dog owner is “strictly liable” for the harm caused.  Some Indiana Codes are located at Indiana Code 15-20-1 et seq. and apply to the following persons:

(1) who is acting peaceably; and
(2) who is in a location where the person may be required to be in order to discharge a duty imposed upon the person by:

(A) the laws of Indiana;
(B) the laws of the United States; or
(C) the postal regulations of the United States;

Indiana’s “One-Bite” Rule

While the only Indiana statute on dog liability pertains to government and postal workers, Indiana courts allow dog bite victims who are not government and postal workers to pursue common law claims against dog owners.

However, to succeed in such a claim, a victim must prove that the animal’s owner was negligent.

Typically, to prove negligence, you must show that the owner knew or should have known that their dog was dangerous.

In most situations, this involves showing that the owner was aware that their dog bit someone in the past or had dangerous tendencies.

Exceptions and Defenses

It’s not an open-and-shut case of guilt. Indiana’s dog bite laws recognize certain exceptions and defenses that can be raised by dog owners. These typically revolve around trespassing victims, acts of provocation, or claims of defensive action by the dog at the time of the incident. It’s important for both dog owners and victims to be aware of these legal caveats.

Implications For Dog Owners

Responsibilities and Obligations

Dog ownership in Indiana mandates a series of responsibilities, especially when it comes to managing and controlling a dog that may, in certain circumstances, be a legal hazard. These include:

☑ Keeping the dog leashed or appropriately confined
☑ Ensuring the dog is properly vaccinated and licensed
☑ Preventing the dog from becoming a public nuisance

Prevention and Compliance

Understanding the law is only the beginning. Proactive measures are critical in preventing dog bites. Owners should focus on proper training and socialization for their pets, identifying and mitigating potential triggers, and always adopting responsible pet parenting practices.

Legal Consequences

Ignorance is not a valid plea in the eyes of the law. A neglectful or disobedient dog owner can face not only civil but also criminal charges in severe cases. Consistent obedience to leash laws and display of “no trespassing” signs can help reduce one’s legal exposure in the unfortunate event of a dog bite incident.

Legal Recourse For Victims

Rights of Dog Bite Victims in Indiana

Dog bite victims in Indiana have the right to seek compensation for their injuries. This right is fortified through civil action, which typically involves proving the owner’s negligence and the dog’s vicious or dangerous propensity.

Filing a Dog Bite Personal Injury Claim

Navigating the legal system can be daunting, especially when recovering from a traumatic injury. It is crucial for victims to act swiftly, documenting evidence, seeking medical attention, and preferably, consulting with a personal injury lawyer who is experienced in dog bite claims to articulate the strongest case possible.

Compensation Available

In Indiana, compensatory damages can cover a wide array of costs associated with a dog bite injury, including medical expenses, lost income, physical rehabilitation, and pain and suffering. Understanding the full spectrum of available compensation enables victims to claim a full and fair recompense for their losses.

In Summary

Dog ownership and dog bite incidents are multifaceted issues that demand a balanced consideration of legal, ethical, and community well-being. Advocating for greater awareness and adherence to dog bite laws not only strengthens our legal system but also contributes to a culture of shared responsibility and safety. Whether it’s through responsible ownership, prudent legal actions, or adopting a mindful approach to pet interactions, we can all play a role in preventing dog bites.

In Indiana, your duty as a dog owner extends beyond the welfare of your pet—it’s to the welfare of your neighbors, your family, and the harmony of your community. When every Hoosier is well-informed and well-prepared, we take significant steps towards fostering a state that is both legally sound and empathetically grounded in the face of dog bite accidents.

We hope this blog post has provided helpful information about canine attack accidents in Indiana. Contact Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial personal injury case evaluation with a seasoned dog bite accident lawyer in Indianapolis, today. Meet with us over the phone, video conference, or in person at our Indy office.

Related Posts:

Navigating the Legal Terrain: Dog Bite Claims in Indiana
Are Dog Bite Claims Covered Under Homeowners’ Insurance?
Am I Liable if My Dog Bites Someone?

From Asphalt to Advocacy: Your Guide to Indiana Motorcycle Accident Claims

Motorcycle accidents are not just high-impact incidents that end with the crack of the helmet against the pavement; they often lead to a long and arduous aftermath for those involved. As a motorcyclist, you embody the thrill of the open road, but you also face higher risks when accidents occur.

This guide aims to shed light on the comprehensive steps necessary to navigate the complex world of motorcycle accident claims in Indiana. Whether you’re a seasoned biker or a personal injury victim seeking justice, this deep dive into the legal process will act as a roadmap, offering clarity and direction during a tumultuous time in your life.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Motorcycle Accident Claim Lawyer in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Motorcycle Accident Claim Lawyer in Indianapolis

The Fundamentals of Motorcycle Accident Claims

The first step in any personal injury case is to understand the intricacies of the legal process. A motorcycle accident claim is like any other personal injury claim but has its nuances. Motorcyclists are significantly more vulnerable on the road, and the injuries they suffer can be devastating. The legal process begins with the determination of fault, which is a crucial aspect of your claim. Unlike car accidents, motorcycling is often a single-incident liability, which means that identifying fault is even more pivotal for motorcyclists. Multiple parties might be held liable, from the other driver to the manufacturer of a defective helmet.

Unique Considerations for Motorcycle Accident Victims

Motorcycle accident claims are distinctive in the type and severity of injuries that often result. From road rash and broken bones to traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord damage or death, the extensive list of potential injuries requires a keen understanding of the medical and legal ramifications. Furthermore, there’s often a bias regarding motorcyclists, which can make determining fault and navigating the legal system more arduous. This bias isn’t insurmountable, but it does underline the need for a well-constructed strategy to handle claims successfully.

Gathering Evidence

Evidence forms the backbone of any strong claim, and in a motorcycle accident, proving fault and the extent of injuries is paramount. The adage “time is of the essence” couldn’t ring truer. In the immediate aftermath of an accident, adrenaline is high, and emotions are visceral. However, your first instinct should be to gather as much evidence as possible to bolster your claim. Assuming you’re physically able, here’s what you should aim to collect:


Take Photos: Document the scene, your bike, the other driver, the other vehicle, and any visible injuries.

Obtain Witness Statements or Contact Data: Speak to anyone who might have seen the accident. Eyewitness accounts can be invaluable.

Secure Police Reports: The police report is a crucial piece of evidence. Ensure that responding officers thoroughly document the accident.


Preserve Physical Evidence: Don’t repair or dispose of your motorcycle or damaged gear. These items may serve as vital proof.

Gather Medical Records: Ensure all of your medical treatment and diagnoses are well-documented. This will help substantiate your injuries and medical expenses.

Dealing with Insurance Companies

Navigating the labyrinth of insurance can be bewildering. Motorcycle insurance typically covers damages and medical expenses, but the statutory minimums might not be enough to compensate a severely injured rider. Moreover, insurance companies often employ strategies to devalue claims, especially for motorcyclists.

Consider the following tactics used by insurance adjusters to lower the value of personal injury claims:

Quick Settlement Offers: These offers may seem attractive, but they rarely reflect the true value of your claim and do not consider long term damages sustained.

Delaying Tactics: Insurers may slow the processing of your claim to pressure you into an unfavorable settlement.

Blame Shifting: Expect the other party’s insurer to try to shift some, if not all, of the blame onto you. This is where your prepared evidence and legal counsel are vital.

Seeking Legal Representation

Hiring a personal injury attorney experienced in motorcycle accident claims is arguably the most critical decision you’ll make. The right lawyer becomes your advocate, your voice, and your warrior in the legal arena. A good attorney understands the complexities of motorcycle claims and how to combat the bias potentially working against you.

An Indiana motorcycle accident lawyer is essential for several reasons:

Case Preparation: A well-prepared case is often the key to a successful claim. Lawyers know what evidence to gather and how to present it.

Knowledge of the Law: The legal system is complex, and personal injury laws vary by state. A lawyer will navigate these intricacies for you.

Negotiating Skills: Attorneys are skilled negotiators and can secure better settlements than individuals can on their own.

Trial Experience: If your case goes to trial, you want someone with trial experience in your corner.

When selecting a lawyer, consider the following:

Experience in Motorcycle Accidents: Look for a lawyer with a track record of successful motorcycle accident cases.

Clear Communication: Your lawyer should be able to explain the legal process and your options in a clear, understandable manner.

Resources: Cases, particularly those involving severe injuries, can be costly. Choose a lawyer with the resources to see your case through.

Client Testimonials: Read what others have to say about the lawyer.

Negotiating Motorcycle Injury Settlements

Settling a claim often avoids the stress and uncertainty of going to trial. However, it’s crucial that any settlement offer fully compensates you. Your attorney will first calculate the economic damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and repair costs. Then, they’ll assess non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering. Successful personal injury claim negotiation is an art, which is why you need professional legal representation to obtain the best possible outcome in the case.

Taking Your Case to Trial

Sometimes, a fair settlement isn’t possible, or trial is the most advantageous route from the outset. The trial process can be intimidating, but with the right preparation, you’ll be ready for the courtroom.

The Typical Trial Process:

Discovery: This phase allows all parties to collect relevant information and depose witnesses under oath.

Pre-Trial Motions: Your attorney may file motions to limit evidence that can be presented, or in anticipation of a summary judgment.

The Trial Itself: This is your chance to present your case. Your attorney will present evidence, call witnesses, and offer a closing argument.

The Verdict: The judge or jury will render a verdict, which determines if and how much you’re awarded.

How to Prepare for Trial:

Work Closely with Your Attorney: Your role in preparing your case is crucial. Work closely with your attorney to understand what’s expected during the trial.

Manage Your Expectations: Trials can be unpredictable, and the outcome is uncertain. It’s essential to manage your expectations while maintaining a hopeful outlook.


Navigating a motorcycle accident claim is a formidable task. From dealing with initial injuries to the complexities of the legal system, it can be overwhelming. However, understanding the process and having the right support can make all the difference. It’s vital to seek legal advice early to protect your rights and ensure you receive the financial justice you deserve.

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, take heed of the guidance presented here. Know your rights, understand the process, and be proactive in seeking the assistance you need to move forward with confidence and security. After all, the pursuit of a claim isn’t just about financial compensation; it’s about ensuring accountability and safety for riders across the nation.

Should you find yourself the victim of a motorcycle injury, remember that the road from asphalt to advocacy is one best traveled with the guiding presence of an experienced personal injury attorney. Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case evaluation with a seasoned motorcycle accident lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent victims all throughout the state, plus Indiana residents injured in other states.

Related Posts:

Motorcycle Accidents: The Impact and How to Recover
What are the Essential Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident?
Facts About Confirming Fault in a Motorcycle Accident

A Guide to Personal Injury Settlement Values: What’s Your Claim Worth?

Sustaining a personal injury can disrupt your life in ways that are not just physical but also financial and emotional. One of the most important aspects of recovering from an accident is securing a fair and just settlement for the damages you have incurred. Although the notion of what’s ‘fair’ can be subjective, the legal system provides structured guidelines for valuing personal injury claims, which can help in understanding what injured individuals can reasonably expect as compensation.

Navigating the labyrinth of personal injury claims and the multitude of factors affecting settlement values can seem daunting. This guide breaks down the intricate process of calculating personal injury settlements, aimed at empowering victims to understand their rights and work towards the compensation they deserve.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With Our Personal Injury Settlement Lawyers in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With Our Personal Injury Settlement Lawyers in Indianapolis

Why Understanding Personal Injury Settlement Values Matters

Before diving into the specifics of calculation, it’s essential to grasp the significance of settlement values. Many personal injury victims accept the first or second settlement offer presented to them by insurance companies without realizing the true worth of their claim.

Understanding the calculation breakdown helps in:

1) Ensuring fair compensation for all tangible and intangible losses
2) Empowering victims and their attorneys to negotiate from an informed position
3) Gaining the financial means to cope with present/future challenges resulting from the injury

By gauging settlement values accurately, claimants can transition from being mere accident statistics to individuals advocating for their own justice.

Factors Affecting Personal Injury Compensation

Personal injury settlement values are not essentially arbitrary; they’re grounded in measurable and subjective factors. The primary elements influencing these values include:

Severity of Injuries – The extent of physical harm directly correlates with the settlement value. More severe injuries that require extensive medical treatment and have a lasting impact on an individual’s life warrant higher compensation.

Medical Expenses – Calculating medical costs incurred due to the injury is relatively straightforward. It includes past, current, and estimated future medical bills related to injuries sustained in the accident.

Lost Wages – Monetary losses from missed work also play a vital role in settlement calculations. This includes lost wages from time off work for recovery and any decrease in future earning capacity due to the injury.

Pain and Suffering – This is a factor that varies greatly from case to case, as it encompasses the physical discomfort and pain, emotional trauma, and mental distress caused by the injury and its aftermath.

Future Medical Needs – Some injuries require ongoing care or may necessitate adjustments in lifestyle, leading to substantial future medical costs, which should be accounted for in a settlement.

Comparative Negligence – If the injured party is found partially at fault for the accident, their settlement may be reduced proportionally. Understanding contributory negligence and comparative fault laws is crucial in assessing potential impact on the settlement value.

Economic Damages

Economic damages refer to the measurable financial losses incurred as a direct result of the injury and cover areas like:

Medical Expenses – The cost of treatment can be determined by adding up all related medical bills including hospital stays, surgeries, prescription medications, and necessary medical equipment.

Lost Wages – Documenting the wages lost due to the inability to work provides a clear number to calculate this portion of economic damages.

Property Damage – In cases involving vehicle accidents or property-related injuries, the cost to repair or replace damaged property is an additional economic damage that contributes to the overall settlement value.

Through meticulous assessment and documentation of these economic damages, a more comprehensive understanding of the financial burden endured by the victim is revealed.

Non-Economic Damages

Unlike economic damages, non-economic damages are more subjective and can be challenging to quantify. This category includes pain-and-suffering, such as emotional distress and loss of enjoyment of life.

Pain and Suffering – Although intangible, pain and suffering are an important component in valuing personal injury claims. Multiplying the tangible costs by a “pain multiplier” is a commonly used method though not the only one.

Emotional Distress – This covers side effects such as anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These effects may often require testimony from mental health professionals to be taken into account.

Loss of Enjoyment of Life – Injuries can rob individuals of the ability to partake in activities they once enjoyed. Factoring this into the calculation acknowledges the intangible losses suffered.

Accounting for these non-economic damages is often more nuanced and requires a balanced approach that accounts for the victim’s unique circumstances.

Additional Considerations

Beyond the direct calculation of damages, several other considerations can significantly impact the ultimate settlement value, such as statute of limitations, insurance coverage caps, and even negotiation tactics.

Statute of Limitations – Each state has its own statute of limitations— the time within which a lawsuit must be filed. Missing this deadline can bar a claimant from any recovery, no matter how severe the injury.

Insurance Coverage Limits – Understanding the insurance policies involved and their coverage limits is vital as it can cap the maximum settlement, even if the calculated value is higher.

Negotiation Strategies – A nuanced approach to negotiation, involving the help of a skilled personal injury attorney, can often lead to higher settlements by leveraging strong arguments and evidence.

A broad understanding of these considerations ensures that personal injury victims approach the settlement process with a strategic mindset, enhancing their outcomes.

Seeking Legal Advice

Navigating the complex world of personal injury settlements can be challenging, especially for those unaccustomed to the legal intricacies involved. Seeking the counsel of an experienced personal injury lawyer is the best course of action. These professionals specialize in valuing claims and negotiating with insurance companies to obtain the best possible outcome for their clients. By equipping themselves with knowledge and legal representation, claimants can confidently pursue the compensation they deserve. This aids in their path to recovery and offers some sense of closure after experiencing the trauma of an injury.


The road to a personal injury settlement is rarely straightforward. From determining the severity of injuries to understanding the complexities of non-economic damages, the process is rife with nuances that can dramatically impact the final compensation amount. By delving into this guide, victims can better equip themselves with the understanding necessary to advocate their case effectively and ensure that the settlement they receive does justice to the physical, emotional, and financial hardships they’ve endured. Remember, the more informed you are, the stronger position you will hold in the quest for fair recompense for your injury.

Are you ready to pursue the personal injury settlement you and your loved ones deserve? Contact the law office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 today. Our Indianapolis civil litigators provide free initial consultations and never collect lawyer fees unless we recover a settlement or verdict for you. We represent victims all throughout the state, plus Indiana residents injured in other states.

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