Legal Options for Injured Victims: What You Need to Know

Having been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence is an incredibly difficult situation to be in. Not only are you dealing with physical pain and emotional trauma, but you may also be facing significant financial losses due to medical bills or lost wages from time off work. Fortunately, there are legal options available for those who have been wrongfully injured – and understanding your rights can help you get the compensation that you deserve.

In this blog post, we will discuss what personal injury law entails and how an accident lawyer can help injured victims navigate the process. We hope that by providing this information, we can empower individuals who have suffered harm at the hands of another person or entity to make informed decisions about their legal rights and options against the at-fault parties and their insurance carriers.

Call 317-881-2700 When You Need a Local Personal Injury Legal Advice in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 When You Need a Local Personal Injury Legal Advice in Indianapolis

What You Need to Know About Personal Injury Law

Personal injury law is an area of civil tort law that allows individuals who have suffered harm to seek legal recourse against the party or parties at fault and compensation for the damages caused are almost always paid by the at-fault parties’ insurance carriers. Generally speaking, when someone has been harmed as a result of another person’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct, they may be entitled to financial compensation for their damages. This could include medical bills, lost wages due to missed work, and pain and suffering related to the incident. In some cases, punitive damages may also be available depending on the specific circumstances of the case. 

Obtaining Personal Injury Compensation

If you think that you are eligible for personal injury compensation, it is important to understand what steps are necessary in order to pursue your claim. To do this effectively, it is recommended that you work with an experienced personal injury lawyer and to hire one as soon as possible. A qualified accident attorney will be able to guide you through the legal process, advise on the merits of your claim, and represent your interests in court if necessary. An injury attorney can also help you understand any statutes of limitation or caps on damages that may apply to your case – can help you understand and help to obtain what evidence is important to your case – as well as how to maximize the value of your claim so that you get the compensation that you deserve.

Common Damages Awarded in Personal Injury Cases

When it comes to personal injury cases, damages are a key factor to consider. Damages are financial compensation awarded to a plaintiff that has suffered injury due to the negligent or intentional actions of others. There are generally two types of damages awarded in a personal injury case: compensatory damages and punitive damages. Compensatory damages, also known as general damages or economic damages, make up the majority of personal injury awards. They are designed to compensate the plaintiff for their physical, emotional, and financial losses resulting from the injury, including medical expenses, hospital bills, pain and suffering and lost wages.  These types of damages would be paid by the at-fault person’s or company’s liability insurance carrier.

Punitive damages may be awarded if the defendant’s actions are deemed particularly egregious. Such damages are intended to punish and deter similar behavior in the future. The amount of damages awarded in a personal injury case can vary significantly based on the circumstances of the injury, the severity of the damages, and the jurisdiction in which the case is heard.  Moreover, an insurance company is not responsible for paying this type of damages so the defendant themselves would have to pay for this type of damages out of pocket.

Get the Settlement You Deserve as an Injured Victim in Indiana

In summary, if you have been injured due to someone else’s negligent behavior, there are legal options available for seeking compensation. Understanding personal injury law and working with an experienced Indiana personal injury attorney can help ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the maximum amount of compensation possible.

We hope this blog post has provided helpful information about legal options for wrongly injured victims. Contact Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a no-fee personal injury case evaluation with a seasoned accident lawyer in Indianapolis, today. Meet with us over the phone, video conference, or in person at our Indy office.

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10 Common Mistakes People Make When Filing for Personal Injury Claims

When you have suffered an injury due to the negligence or recklessness of another party, it’s only natural that you want justice. Filing a personal injury claim is one way to seek compensation for the damages and losses you’ve suffered as a result of your injury. However, filing a personal injury claim can be complicated and time-consuming and if not done correctly, you can lose your right to make the claim. To ensure that your case is handled properly and efficiently, it’s important to avoid certain mistakes when filing a personal injury claim.

In this blog post, we will discuss 10 common mistakes people make when filing for a personal injury lawsuit so that you can feel confident in pursuing the compensation you deserve.

Call 317-881-2700 When You Need a Local Personal Injury Law Firm in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 When You Need a Local Personal Injury Law Firm in Indianapolis

Top Ten Personal Injury Claim Mistakes You Do Not Want to Make

1. Not Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer: While you can technically file a personal injury claim on your own, it’s best to hire an experienced accident lawyer who can help you navigate the legal process and negotiate with insurance companies. A good personal injury attorney will also ensure that all of the necessary paperwork is completed correctly and that all deadlines are met.  Failure to do so can result in you not being able to make a claim.

2. Waiting Too Long to File Claim: It’s important not to wait too long after the incident occurs to file a claim as there are time limits in filing cases. These are called the statute of limitations. Depending on where you live, this time limit could be as little as one year or two years from the date of injury, so it is crucial to begin the claims process immediately.  In addition, claims against certain governmental agencies have to be made within 6 months in Indiana so it is vital to hire a personal injury attorney immediately.

3. Not Keeping Accurate Records: If you’re filing a personal injury claim, it’s important to keep accurate records of all medical appointments and related expenses such as travel costs and prescription medications. It’s also worthwhile taking pictures of the accident scene or any visible injuries that may have occurred due to the incident in order to provide evidence for your case.

4. Discussing Your Case with Uninvolved Parties: It is important not to discuss the details of your case with anyone outside of the legal process as this could potentially harm your chances of receiving full and fair compensation for your damages. This includes using social media. Do not post anything on social media during your case, as anything as innocent as a “like” or GPS check-in can be used by the opposing party to try to lower the value of your claim.

5. Neglecting to Gather Evidence: Collecting evidence is an important part of filing a personal injury claim. This includes obtaining witness statements, police reports, medical records, and any other relevant documentation that could prove your case in court.  You attorney can do most of this for you but sometimes they need your help.

6. Not Considering All Potential Damages: When filing for an accident claim, it is important to consider all of the damages you may be entitled to receive, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering and more. It’s also important to keep track of any future losses such as disability-related costs due to the accident as these can be included in your settlement amount as well.

7. Accepting a Quick Settlement Offer: Insurance companies sometimes try to offer a quick settlement shortly after an accident occurs in order to minimize their own losses. However, these offers rarely reflect the true value of your case and can lead to a lower payout than what you are actually entitled to.

8. Not Understanding Your Rights: It is essential to have a clear understanding of your rights as an injured party when making a claim. This may include the right to file a lawsuit, seek compensation from responsible parties, and more depending on your specific situation.

9. Failing to Follow Through with Treatment: To receive maximum compensation for your damages, it’s important that you follow through with recommended treatments prescribed by medical professionals related to your injury as much as possible. Failure to do so could result in discrepancies regarding the severity of your injury that could ultimately affect the outcome of your claim. 

10. Not Being Patient: The personal injury claims process can be lengthy and complicated, so it’s important to remain patient throughout the entire process. This may require that you wait for medical evaluations, attend court hearings or mediation sessions, and contact various insurance companies multiple times in order to receive a settlement offer.

Get in Touch With an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Today

By understanding these common mistakes people make when filing a personal injury claim and taking steps to avoid them, you can feel confident in pursuing the justice and compensation you deserve. If you have any questions about filing a personal injury claim or would like to hire an experienced accident attorney near Indianapolis, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team here at Craven, Hoover, & Blazek P.C. at your earliest convenience. We are here to guide you through every step of this difficult process so that you can focus on your recovery.

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The Benefits of Hiring an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer

Have you been injured in an accident? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for the damages that you have incurred as a result. But without the help of a knowledgeable and experienced personal injury lawyer, it can be difficult to navigate the legal process and secure maximum compensation for your claim.

Continue below to learn exactly why hiring a personal injury attorney to represent you is the most effective strategy for obtaining the best possible outcome in your accident case, plus tips on how to get started with a free consultation and protect your rights during the legal process.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Indiana Personal Injury Litigator.
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Indiana Personal Injury Litigator.

Why Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Working with a qualified personal injury attorney can provide many benefits, including access to resources not available to most individuals who attempt to file claims on their own. An experienced accident lawyer will understand how insurance companies work and what strategies are needed to successfully pursue a claim. They also know how much compensation is full and fair for each type of case, as well as what evidence needs to be presented in order for victims to get justice.

But that’s just the start. They also understand all applicable laws related to personal injury cases, which can make or break your case depending on whether they’re applied correctly or not.  With such extensive knowledge and experience at hand, hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer could mean the difference between winning or losing your case – as well as receiving full financial restitution or nothing at all!

How to Get a Free Consultation to Learn Your Rights

One great way to get started on your claim is by taking advantage of a free consultation with a personal injury law office. Many civil litigators who practice tort law offer free case evaluations to help accident victims and clients understand their legal options and determine if they indeed have a case.

During the consultation, the attorney will review the details of your accident and injury, provide an honest assessment of your case, and offer advice on how to proceed. This is a great opportunity to get informed and empowered about your legal rights and options. You should always speak to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after your injury so don’t hesitate to schedule a free case evaluation today!

Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Cases

It is vital that you act fast after suffering injuries and damages as a result of another’s negligence or fault. Most states, including Indiana, put a time limit on how long you can make a claim. This limit is known as the Statute of Limitations. The time frame varies from case to case, but typically ranges from one to six years. It’s important to be aware of the Statute of Limitations for personal injury cases because if you wait too long, you may lose your right to seek compensation.  In Indiana, claims against certain governmental entities have an even shorter claims period.

For example, if you were injured in a car accident and didn’t file a claim within the permitted time frame (2 years for Indiana in most cases), you most likely will not be able to recover damages for your medical bills, lost wages, or pain and suffering. Therefore, it’s crucial to act promptly and seek legal advice from a trusted attorney if you’ve been injured in an accident.

Social Media Mistakes to Avoid as a Personal Injury Client

Personal injury clients should take caution when using social media. Posting information, even seemingly mundane or innocent posts, can lead to convoluted court proceedings and costly legal battles down the line. It therefore pays to be very careful about what information you put into the public space while your injury case is still in process – regardless of how insignificant it might seem at first. Pictures, comments, likes, ratings, and more can all end up being examined as part of reaching a trial decision on negligence or malicious intent or damages. By avoiding social media altogether during personal injury cases, you can reduce any chance of unintentionally tipping the scales against you and receiving a lower value settlement.  In the end, some defense attorneys are very good at arguing a post or photo means something it does not so it is best to just avoid posting anything.  

For example, say a person posts a photo of them at a theme park with their grandchild and they are smiling in the photo.  A defense attorney will say “see, they look fine”.  Then the plaintiff/grandparent would have to explain to the jury that nobody took a photo of them 3 hours later after trying to keep up with the grandchild, which would have not have shown them smiling because walking around the theme park was causing their back pain from an auto collision to act up and that walking around a theme park for 3 hours never caused them back pain before.  In addition, they would not have to explain that most people smile for photos, even if they are hurting at the time.

Are you ready to work with a seasoned litigator and win the settlement you deserve as an accident victim? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free consultation with our personal injury attorneys in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also represent injured victims all across the state and Indiana residents injured in other states. No need to travel for meetings – we can hold consultations over the phone, at your home, online, or at the hospital if needed.

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What You Need to Know About Personal Injury Attorney Fees

Personal injury attorneys provide essential legal services to those who have been injured due to the negligence of another party. They help victims seek full and fair compensation for their losses and suffering, often in the form of a settlement or jury verdict. But with any legal service comes fees, and personal injury lawyers are no different. In this blog post, we will discuss what you need to know about personal injury attorney fees so that you can make an informed decision when hiring representation for your civil claim. We will cover topics such as contingency fees, how much a lawyer might charge for an initial consultation, and more.

So, if you’re considering filing a personal injury claim but don’t know where to start when it comes to finding an attorney and understanding their fee structure, then keep reading!

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Personal Injury Attorney in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Personal Injury Attorney in Indianapolis

Types of Fees You Might Owe to Your Personal Injury Attorney

Contingency Fees

One of the most common payment structures used by personal injury law firms is a contingency fee arrangement. This means that the firm will only collect payment if they successfully win your case and obtain monetary compensation for you. Depending on the firm, this percentage could range anywhere from 33.33 to 40 percent of the total money recovered in your claim. It’s important to remember that not all accident law firms work on a contingency fee basis, so it’s always best to check with them beforehand or during your consultation.  For example, our law firm charges 33.33% for attorney fees if the case is settled and 40% if the case goes to trial.  The increase in fees is due to the increase in work in actually trying the case.  Some attorneys charge 40% for settlement and 50% for trial but we do not.

Case Evaluations

Another factor that can affect personal injury law firm fees is how much they charge for an initial consultation. Many accident attorneys provide first-time consultations for free, while others may charge a flat fee or hourly rate. Regardless of what you decide to do, make sure you have a thorough understanding of the attorney’s fee structure before committing to anything binding.  Our law firm offers a free initial consultation.

Fees Associated with Filing a Lawsuit

Finally, personal injury lawyers might also bill you for certain expenses related to your case. These expenses could include filing fees, deposition fees, charges for expert witnesses or investigatory teams, copies of records or reports, legal research fees, basic office expenses, and other costs. If there are additional costs throughout the legal process, it is important to make sure that you understand how and why your personal injury attorney has been authorized to cover them. Knowing upfront what outlying costs might be associated with your case is key to getting started on the right path toward financial justice.  Our law firm normally pays for these expenses up front so our client does not have to come up with the money initially and then we reimburse ourselves out of the settlement or verdict amount.  If we do not obtain a recovery we do not recover for the expenses.

There is No Need to Worry About Fees When You Hire the Right Injury Lawyers

Overall, understanding personal injury lawyer fees is an essential part of making an informed decision when hiring legal representation for a tort claim or lawsuit. With so many accident law firms out there competing for business, it is important to choose the right litigators. Doing your research and knowing what fees you should expect can help you make the best decision for your case.

Get Started on Your Case Without Any Upfront Fees!

Here at the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C., we understand that finances can often present a stressful obstacle when it comes to pursuing a legal claim, especially when someone may be off work due to their injuries and having little income coming in. That’s why we operate on a contingency fee basis; that means you’ll never owe us anything unless we achieve a settlement for you. Moreover, if you’d like to discuss the circumstances of your case with seasoned personal injury attorneys, but without any financial responsibility, then worry not – our consultations are offered completely free of charge. We can assist in evaluating the validity of your claim and guide you through the legal process, providing support from beginning to end.

So, if you’re in need of legal representation and would like to discuss what way forward is best for you, get in touch today and let us know how we can help. Contact us to speak with a qualified Indianapolis personal injury attorney about your case. We represent victims all throughout the state, as well as Indiana residents injured in other states and residents of other states injured in Indiana.

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Financial Assistance for Amputation Victims: What You Need to Know

Losing a limb due to an accident is very traumatic and life-altering for the victim. It is even more devastating when the amputation was caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness. If you or a loved one has suffered from an amputation injury, it is important to understand your rights and what financial assistance may be available to you. A personal injury lawyer can help victims of amputations seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, disability benefits, rehabilitation costs and other expenses associated with their injuries.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the options available to amputees who have been injured in accidents that were not their fault. We will discuss how they can access financial assistance through legal means such as filing a lawsuit against those responsible for causing their injuries. Finally, we will offer information on how best to navigate the complex legal system so that you get the justice and compensation that you deserve.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Amputation Injury Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Amputation Injury Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana

The First Step After a Serious Personal Injury Accident

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident resulting in an amputation, the first step is to contact a personal injury lawyer. This lawyer will be able to review your case and provide legal advice about compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, permanent disability, loss of ability to work, reduced quality of life, and other economic and non-economic losses incurred due to your injuries. They will also advise you on how best to take legal action against those responsible for causing your injuries. If successful in court, victims of amputations can receive financial assistance from the liable party’s insurance company or from them directly through a settlement agreement or jury award.

Punitive Damages

In cases where gross negligence was involved, victims may be able to sue for punitive damages. Punitive damages are designed to punish the negligent party and deter them from committing similar acts and also to deter others from the same or similar acts. These can amount to a significant sum of money and victims should discuss their options with an experienced personal injury lawyer to get a better understanding of what type of compensation they may be eligible for.

Amputee Coalition of America (ACA)

In addition to legal options, there are several organizations that offer financial assistance for amputees who have been injured in accidents or due to medical complications. For example, Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) provides grants and resources for those affected by limb loss or dysfunction. They also provide emotional support and guidance throughout the process from beginning to end so that amputees get the proper care and attention they need.

National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA)

The National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) is another resource for victims of amputations and other injuries, offering resources to support victims during their recovery process. NOVA also offers financial assistance through programs such as the Victims of Crime Act Program (VOCA). This program provides funds to states that can be used to cover expenses associated with medical bills, rehabilitation costs and emotional trauma caused by amputees’ injuries or wrongful death.

Personal Injury Lawyers

Finally, it is important to remember that you do not have to take on your legal battle alone – there are experienced personal injury lawyers out there who will fight for your rights and ensure that you receive just compensation for your suffering. An experienced attorney can help you get the justice and compensation you deserve.

By following these steps, amputees can ensure that they receive the proper care and attention they need and get the justice and compensation they are entitled to. Knowing where to turn for support during this difficult time is key in helping victims of amputations regain control of their lives and rebuild their future. 


If you or a loved one has been injured in an amputation accident, it is important to understand your rights and what financial assistance may be available to you. A personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis can provide legal advice about how best to pursue compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, disability benefits, and other expenses incurred due to your injuries. They can also advise on how best to navigate the complex legal system so that you get the justice and compensation that you are entitled to. Furthermore, organizations such as Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) and National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) also offer resources for amputees who need financial assistance. Regardless of the route you choose, it is important to seek legal advice so that you understand your rights and get the justice and compensation you deserve.

As a victim of a wrongful accident that resulted in an array of damages and losses, you deserve our help and guidance. Contact Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to speak with a seasoned personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis, today. We represent Indiana residents throughout the state, as well as those injured in other states. Request a free consultation while you still have time to file a claim for compensation.

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How to Prove Negligence in a Child Injury Case

No parent wants to think that their child has been injured due to someone else’s negligence. Unfortunately, it happens all too often, and when it does, parents may be able to seek justice by filing a lawsuit against the responsible parties and collecting the judgment from the defendant’s insurance company. But before any legal action can take place, it must first be determined whether or not negligence is present in your case.

In this blog post, we will discuss how you can prove negligence in a child injury case so you can get the compensation your child deserves.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Child Injury Lawyer in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Child Injury Lawyer in Indianapolis

3 Important Elements of Proving Negligence in a Child Injury Lawsuit

>Duty of Care

When it comes to child injury lawsuits, the most common form of negligence is a failure to exercise reasonable care. This means that the defendant had an obligation to provide a safe environment for children and failed to do so. To prove negligence in this kind of case, you will need to show that the defendant had a duty of care and breached that duty by either not providing adequate safety measures or by acting in some way that caused your child’s injury.


In addition, you must also be able to demonstrate the extent of your child’s injuries as well as any damages incurred due to those injuries. You should have medical records detailing your child’s diagnosis and treatment plan, as well as any medical bills related to their medical expenses. You will also need to provide evidence of any lost wages or other financial losses that resulted from the injury.


Finally, you must be able to show that the negligence of the defendant was a responsible cause of your child’s harm. This can be done by showing a “causal link” between the breach in duty and your child’s injuries, which is often supported by expert testimony from doctors and other professionals familiar with your case.

Defining Negligent Supervision

Was your child injured because someone else was not providing proper supervision over them? Negligent Supervision torts involve lawsuits that occur when a child is injured due to someone else’s negligent behavior. This type of tort lawsuit states that the person accused of negligence is responsible for not properly supervising or controlling whatever situation caused the injury to the child. This could be a friend’s parent, babysitter, daycare employee, school staff member, and even a family member.

If a court finds the accused party negligent in providing supervision, then they are legally required to pay damages for any pain, suffering or medical expenses incurred from the child’s injury. These kinds of actions have become more widely accepted as society evolves. The understanding around the responsibility for providing necessary safety nets for children grows even wider with each child injury case.

Common Damages Awarded in Child Injury Cases

Child injury cases are often complex, but they almost always involve the award of some form of compensation in a successful settlement. While the type and extent of damages vary widely from case to case, there are some common types of awards seen in such scenarios. These typically include both economic compensation for hospital bills, medical expenses, and other financial losses related to the child’s injuries, as well as non-economic damages for pain, suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, permanent disfigurement, disability, and more. In addition to such compensatory damages, parents might also seek out punitive damages, which are intended to punish those responsible for their child’s accident and deter similar future behavior.

Hire a Child Injury Attorney to Protect Your Rights

When filing a child injury lawsuit, it is essential to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side who understands how to prove negligence in a child injury case. With the help of an experienced child injury attorney working on your side, you have a better chance at making sure those responsible are held accountable and that your child receives proper compensation for your child’s injuries and losses.

Are you the parent or guardian of a child who has been seriously injured because of another’s negligence? Contact Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case evaluation with a seasoned child injury lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent victims all throughout the state, as well as Indiana residents injured in other states and residents of other states injured in Indiana. Request to have your meeting over the phone, via online video, at your place of in-patient medical treatment, or in person at our Indy-based office.

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How to Cope After a Head Injury: 10 Tips for Recovery

Head injuries can be life-changing events, both for the person who has sustained the injury and their loved ones. If you or someone you care about is going through recovery from a head injury, it’s important to know that there are resources available to help cope with this difficult situation. From understanding your legal rights to connecting with support groups and getting access to specialized medical care, these 10 tips will provide guidance on how best to navigate the road of recovery after a head or brain injury.

Each tip provides ideas on how to manage physical symptoms as well as psychological issues that may arise following a head injury. A head injury lawyer can also help protect your rights if negligence was involved in causing your injury. Continue below to learn these tips and more.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Head Injury Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Head Injury Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana

Not All Head Injury Recovery Paths are Alike

Recovering from head or brain injuries can be an unpredictable and draining experience for victims, as no two journeys are alike. While the phases of head injury recovery generally include acute, sub-acute, and long-term recovery periods, the exact chronology for an individual may not perfectly align with those steps. The path to healing after head trauma is often littered with unique challenges, from setbacks large and small, to periods of stasis that demand patience and perseverance. It is ultimately important to recognize that head injury recovery demands flexibility and compassion for victims – no two roads to recovery are the same.

10 Tips for Head Injury Victims in Recovery

1. Connect with a head injury attorney: Knowing what legal options are available to you after a brain injury can help provide important financial security and emotional peace of mind during recovery. A qualified lawyer experienced in head and brain injuries can discuss the details of an accident, determine liability, and fight for full and fair compensation.

2. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is an effective way to reduce stress, regulate emotions and improve focus. When managing a brain or head injury, it is important to practice mindfulness regularly and create a space that encourages relaxation and self-care.

3. Create a support system: Surround yourself with positive people who understand your situation and provide understanding, kindness, patience, and encouragement as you move through your recovery journey.

4. Reach out to TBI support groups: Traumatic brain injury support groups can be an invaluable resource for people struggling with the aftermath of a Minor Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Connecting with others who are in similar situations can help provide emotional support and understanding and reduce feelings of isolation.

5. Get specialized medical care: Depending on the severity and type of head injury, specialized medical care may be necessary. Medical professionals who work with individuals recovering from head or brain injuries often have specific techniques that they use to promote healing and improve quality of life.

6. Eat healthy foods: Eating a balanced diet is essential for helping you recover physically after a head injury. It also aids in proper brain function. Focus on incorporating whole grains, lean proteins and plenty of fruits and vegetables into your diet.

7. Get plenty of sleep: Restful, restorative sleep is important for helping the body heal after a head or brain injury. Try to get at least seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night in a dark, quiet environment if possible.

8. Exercise regularly: Exercise can help reduce stress, improve physical health, and promote faster healing from head or brain injuries. Start small with light stretches or a short walk and gradually increase the intensity as you regain strength.

9. Stay organized: Serious head injuries can cause confusion and disorientation that make it difficult to focus on daily activities or manage basic tasks like keeping track of appointments or organizing paperwork. Staying organized can help to reduce stress and minimize distractions.

10. Avoid overstimulation: Too much sensory input, like loud noises or bright lights, can be difficult to cope with when recovering from a head or brain injury. Try to limit exposure to noisy environments or bright lights whenever possible.

Reach Out for Help With Your Head Injury Recovery Journey

Recovering after a head injury can be a long and arduous process that requires immense amounts of patience and support. But by taking the necessary steps to access help from legal professionals, medical experts, brain injury support groups, as well as making sure you prioritize your physical and mental health needs, it is possible for head injury victims to make progress on the path to recovery. With proper guidance and care, hope is available for both individuals impacted by head injuries and their families.

Get Started on Your Financial Recovery – Talk to a Head Injury Attorney Today

If you or a loved one have suffered from a head or brain injury due to the negligence of another, it’s important to speak to an experienced head injury lawyer in Indianapolis as soon as possible. They can help you understand your legal rights and options for compensation. Reach out today to get the answers and peace of mind that you need during this difficult time.

Look no further for a free case evaluation with an esteemed personal injury law firm in Indiana. Contact Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to meet or speak with a skilled head injury lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent clients throughout the state, as well as Indiana residents injured in other states and those injured while visiting Indiana.

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Should I Accept a Structured Settlement?

When you are injured, the last thing you want to worry about is money. You need to focus on healing and getting back to your life. That is why some people choose to accept a structured settlement following an injury. A structured settlement is a series of payments that are made over time, usually as a result of a lawsuit. They can be an advantageous way to receive compensation, but there are also some disadvantages to consider before accepting one.

Continue reading to review some of the most referenced pros and cons of structured settlements in personal injury cases.

Call 317-881-2700 For Structured Settlement Legal Advice in Indianapolis IN.
Call 317-881-2700 For Structured Settlement Legal Advice in Indianapolis IN.

The Facts Surrounding Structured Settlements

Structured settlements are an option for people who have won lawsuits or received large sums of settlement money as a result of personal injury claims. A structured settlement is a financial arrangement in which the recipient receives payments over time, rather than in one lump sum. There are advantages to this type of arrangement, including the ability to receive larger total payments and the elimination of the need to invest or manage a large sum of money all at once. However, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider before agreeing to a structured settlement.

Personal Injury Structured Settlements: Advantages vs. Disadvantages

One of the biggest advantages of a structured settlement is that it can potentially provide greater financial security than a lump sum payment. This is because the payments are spread out over time, which can make it easier to budget and manage your finances. Additionally, the payments are often tax-free, which can further increase your overall financial security. However, one of the potential disadvantages of a structured settlement is that you may not have access to all of the money immediately. This can be particularly problematic if you have large medical bills or other expenses that need to be paid right away.

Another potential disadvantage of a structured settlement is that the terms of the agreement may be inflexible. For example, you may be required to receive payments over a certain period of time, and you may not be able to modify the agreement if your financial circumstances change. Additionally, if you pass away before the end of the structured settlement agreement, your beneficiaries may not receive the full amount of the money agreed to with the structured settlement.

Overall, structured settlements can be an option for many people, but it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. If you have any questions about whether a structured settlement is right for you, be sure to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney at Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. as soon as possible.

Where to Get Trusted Advice Regarding Structured Settlements in Indiana

Structured settlements can provide advantages and benefits to those who are injured or disabled due to an accident or medical malpractice. However, a structured settlement is not suitable for every situation, so it is important to seek the advice of an experienced Indianapolis personal injury attorney when considering such an agreement. The Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. is experienced in structured settlements and can provide you with the legal advice to determine if this option is right for you.

Are you ready to learn more about your rights to collect compensation for your recent accident in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. today at 317-881-2700 and schedule a free case evaluation with an accident lawyer in Indianapolis. Our extremely knowledgeable team is standing by to help you with your legal needs. We understand that making the decision to hire an attorney can be difficult and we are here to assist you in any way possible. From the far corners of Indiana to beyond, we tirelessly advocate for injured Hoosiers – no matter where they may be.

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Will My Personal Injury Claim Take a Long Time?

There are various factors that influence the total timeline of a personal injury case. Some cases may take only a few weeks or months, while others might take two years or more if a person sustains substantial and on-going injuries and problems. Consult with an experienced accident attorney to understand the elements of your case and the predicted length of time it will take.

For now, continue below to learn more about how long personal injury claims take and where to get trusted legal advice surrounding your accident case concerns.

Injury Attorneys Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700
Injury Attorneys Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700

Complex Personal Injury Cases Take Longer to Settle

You can roughly get a feel for the amount of time it will likely take for your claim to settle by the complexity of the case. The more complex the case, the more difficult it will be to adjudicate, which delays the settlement phase even longer. This is especially true for cases that go to trial.

Certain Liable Parties Can Attempt to Delay a Personal Injury Case

Another factor that can extend the timeline of a personal injury case is the type of liable party, or parties. If the liable party, or defendant, is a company, corporation, or government entity, or if there are multiple liable parties (defendants) in a case, the process can take longer.

Proving Negligence and Extent of Damages Can Take Time

As a claimant in a personal injury case, you hold the burden of proving that the opposing party is at fault for your accident and subsequent damages. Your Indiana personal injury lawyer will document a strong and impactful case to prove that the opposing party breached their duty of care, or was otherwise negligent, and as a direct result, caused your accident and damages. In addition to proving negligence, your team will need to prove your damages to support reasonable compensation.

To gather all the relevant evidence needed to prove your case, your lawyer may need to hire expert witnesses, forensic specialists, accounting experts, and accident reconstruction services, or prepare witnesses, including yourself. These needs add to the overall time it takes to reach a settlement or verdict.

How Long Care is Needed

The longer an injured person needs to obtain treatments, the longer it will take the case to resolve.  This is because it takes some time for doctors to determine if a person’s injuries are permanent or not.  If an injured person’s injuries are permanent and will last a lifetime, then obviously that would need to be taken into account when attempting to determine a full and fair settlement value for the case.

Insurance Companies Might Require Legal Representation

In some cases, insurance companies require claimants to acquire legal representation for their claim. If the claimant is hospitalized or comatose for several weeks after a catastrophic accident, they are not capable of retaining a lawyer for the purpose of pursing an injury claim. This scenario would increase the expected timeline of the case.

Refusing to Accept a Settlement Offer Will Extend Negotiations

It is important to trust your personal injury lawyer with their evaluation of your case. If you refuse every settlement offer you get, you can expect the process to take longer. You can feel confident in accepting an offer that your attorney agrees is full and fair and the attorney should explain to you why they believe the offer is fair.  If an offer is not fair, your attorney should also explain to you why that is their opinion.

The best way to avoid extending the timeline of an injury claim is to hire the right attorney to represent your case. Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury case evaluation, today. We represent clients throughout the state, plus Indiana residents injured in other states.

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Do I Still Have Options if the Insurance Adjuster Denies My Injury Claim?

If an adjuster denies your personal injury claim, you still have legal recourse. An experienced Indiana personal injury lawyer will fight the insurance company and ultimately recover the settlement or verdict you deserve. Continue reading to learn what to do if an insurance adjuster denies your injury claim, plus who to trust in Indianapolis for seasoned personal injury representation.

Indiana Accident Claim Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indiana Accident Claim Lawyers 317-881-2700

Coverage for Personal Injury Damages and Losses

When a person is wrongly injured, the at-fault party’s insurance company is held liable for the victim’s subsequent economic damages and losses, and sometimes, non-economic damages like prolonged physical therapy, pain-and-suffering, loss of companionship, and more if the at-fault party had liability coverage. Examples of common economic damages include hospital bills, medical expenses, lost wages from missing work, future compensatory losses, and much more.

Personal injury damages and losses generally depend on the severity of the accident and resulting injuries, as well as local jurisdiction. On the other hand, there are times when the faulted party’s insurance company denies liability after a victim submits their claim, stating that the law says the victim is responsible for the accident, and ultimately, any damages that may have been incurred as a result.

What Does an Insurance Adjuster Do?

In these cases, it is important to know more about adjusters and what their job entails to better understand what they tell injured victims. Furthermore, it is important to know that there are still viable options for personal injury victims whose claims are denied by the opposing party’s insurance adjuster.

An adjuster is usually not a lawyer or legal professional; they are regular insurance company employees. This means that they may have a broad idea on the law regarding their particular job role and the cases they oversee, but they do not have detailed knowledge of the law or the facts. They cannot possibly know whether you are liable for the accident that caused your injuries and losses. For this reason, it is vital to hire an experienced Indianapolis IN personal injury lawyer to navigate your claim and fight for fair compensation on your behalf.

Although insurance companies do not want you to hire or even speak with an attorney, they have their own in-house attorneys to assist their adjusters from day one, defending an injured party’s claim from the at-fault party’s perspective. Overall, insurance companies want to pay out the lowest settlement possible for every claim as they are in the business of making money, and the tactics they use are designed to pay out as little or nothing if possible.  Insurance carriers have attorneys from day one and so should you.

What To Do if Your Claim is Denied

You should hire an attorney from day one following your collision and prior to talking with anyone else about the collision. Talk to a personal injury attorney in Indianapolis to learn your rights from day one. You should not try to be your own attorney.

Are you looking for qualified and trustworthy personal injury guidance in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury case evaluation. Our seasoned accident attorneys can meet with you over the phone or computer, or in-person at our Indianapolis law office. We represent injured persons throughout the state of Indiana and Indiana residents injured in other states.

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