10 Common Mistakes People Make When Filing for Personal Injury Claims

When you have suffered an injury due to the negligence or recklessness of another party, it’s only natural that you want justice. Filing a personal injury claim is one way to seek compensation for the damages and losses you’ve suffered as a result of your injury. However, filing a personal injury claim can be complicated and time-consuming and if not done correctly, you can lose your right to make the claim. To ensure that your case is handled properly and efficiently, it’s important to avoid certain mistakes when filing a personal injury claim.

In this blog post, we will discuss 10 common mistakes people make when filing for a personal injury lawsuit so that you can feel confident in pursuing the compensation you deserve.

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Top Ten Personal Injury Claim Mistakes You Do Not Want to Make

1. Not Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer: While you can technically file a personal injury claim on your own, it’s best to hire an experienced accident lawyer who can help you navigate the legal process and negotiate with insurance companies. A good personal injury attorney will also ensure that all of the necessary paperwork is completed correctly and that all deadlines are met.  Failure to do so can result in you not being able to make a claim.

2. Waiting Too Long to File Claim: It’s important not to wait too long after the incident occurs to file a claim as there are time limits in filing cases. These are called the statute of limitations. Depending on where you live, this time limit could be as little as one year or two years from the date of injury, so it is crucial to begin the claims process immediately.  In addition, claims against certain governmental agencies have to be made within 6 months in Indiana so it is vital to hire a personal injury attorney immediately.

3. Not Keeping Accurate Records: If you’re filing a personal injury claim, it’s important to keep accurate records of all medical appointments and related expenses such as travel costs and prescription medications. It’s also worthwhile taking pictures of the accident scene or any visible injuries that may have occurred due to the incident in order to provide evidence for your case.

4. Discussing Your Case with Uninvolved Parties: It is important not to discuss the details of your case with anyone outside of the legal process as this could potentially harm your chances of receiving full and fair compensation for your damages. This includes using social media. Do not post anything on social media during your case, as anything as innocent as a “like” or GPS check-in can be used by the opposing party to try to lower the value of your claim.

5. Neglecting to Gather Evidence: Collecting evidence is an important part of filing a personal injury claim. This includes obtaining witness statements, police reports, medical records, and any other relevant documentation that could prove your case in court.  You attorney can do most of this for you but sometimes they need your help.

6. Not Considering All Potential Damages: When filing for an accident claim, it is important to consider all of the damages you may be entitled to receive, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering and more. It’s also important to keep track of any future losses such as disability-related costs due to the accident as these can be included in your settlement amount as well.

7. Accepting a Quick Settlement Offer: Insurance companies sometimes try to offer a quick settlement shortly after an accident occurs in order to minimize their own losses. However, these offers rarely reflect the true value of your case and can lead to a lower payout than what you are actually entitled to.

8. Not Understanding Your Rights: It is essential to have a clear understanding of your rights as an injured party when making a claim. This may include the right to file a lawsuit, seek compensation from responsible parties, and more depending on your specific situation.

9. Failing to Follow Through with Treatment: To receive maximum compensation for your damages, it’s important that you follow through with recommended treatments prescribed by medical professionals related to your injury as much as possible. Failure to do so could result in discrepancies regarding the severity of your injury that could ultimately affect the outcome of your claim. 

10. Not Being Patient: The personal injury claims process can be lengthy and complicated, so it’s important to remain patient throughout the entire process. This may require that you wait for medical evaluations, attend court hearings or mediation sessions, and contact various insurance companies multiple times in order to receive a settlement offer.

Get in Touch With an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Today

By understanding these common mistakes people make when filing a personal injury claim and taking steps to avoid them, you can feel confident in pursuing the justice and compensation you deserve. If you have any questions about filing a personal injury claim or would like to hire an experienced accident attorney near Indianapolis, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team here at Craven, Hoover, & Blazek P.C. at your earliest convenience. We are here to guide you through every step of this difficult process so that you can focus on your recovery.

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