A Thorough Guide to Making a Car Accident Injury Claim

After a car accident, it can be difficult to know where to turn for help. You may have suffered physical injuries as well as emotional trauma from the incident, and you may not understand the legal process of making an injury claim. Fortunately, there are experienced car accident lawyers who can help guide you through the process and ensure that your rights are protected every step of the way.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through all the steps necessary for making a successful auto accident injury claim so that you get fair compensation for your losses. We’ll cover everything from understanding how defendant’s insurance companies work to finding an experienced car accident lawyer who will fight on your behalf in court if needed. With this information in hand, you can make sure that justice is served following a serious motor vehicle accident that was not your fault. Continue below to get started.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Car Accident Injury Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Car Accident Injury Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana

What To Do After a Car Accident

Being involved in an auto accident can be a terrifying experience, especially if you suffer injuries and trauma. Moreover, if the accident was caused by a negligent driver, it’s important to know what to do immediately after to ensure your safety and protect your legal rights.

The first step is to call 911 and get the authorities there as fast as possible. When police and medics arrive, seek medical attention on the spot if needed. Many car accident victims experience an “on-set of injury”, which means their pain and suffering appears days, weeks or even months after the car accident. After you are cleared to leave the scene, you will need to also seek immediate treatment at a qualified medical clinic of your choosing and retain all documentation you acquire in the process.

Next, be sure to document the accident scene. Start by making a police report. Then, begin taking photos and videos of any damage to your vehicle if you are capable of doing so. You can also ask someone to help you with this step. Also take pictures of the other driver’s vehicle and any injuries you sustained. Exchange insurance information with the other driver and gather the contact information of any witnesses. You also need to contact your insurance company to report the accident.

Finally, contact a personal injury law firm as soon as possible after your wreck to learn about filing a car accident injury claim and so they can help ensure all relevant evidence is obtained. They can help you assert your rights to being compensated for your damages and losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, property damages, pain, suffering, and more.

How to Move Forward with a Car Accident Injury Claim

Learn Your Insurance Coverage

The first step in making a car accident injury claim is to understand how insurance companies work. Different states have different laws regarding auto insurance, and the specifics of your policy will determine what kind of coverage you have access to when filing an injury claim. There are several types of coverage which may be applicable: liability, medical payments, property damages, uninsured, underinsured, etc…

Make sure that you understand your policy before filing a claim, so that you can get the maximum compensation possible from your insurer and to do that you should hire a personal injury attorney immediately and the attorney can explain the applicable policy to you. 

Hire a Car Accident Attorney

This is a critical step in the claim process, so don’t hold back on researching the best accident law firms available to you. Look for reputable auto accident attorneys with experience handling such cases, and who can negotiate skillfully with insurance companies to help get you the settlement that you deserve.

File Suit Against the At-Fault Party if Necessary

Once you’ve found an experienced car accident attorney, it’s important to be prepared before making a personal injury claim. Your attorney will need all of your medical records, including any expenses and bills related to your injuries, as well as documentation of any wages lost due to being unable to work. It’s also important that you provide detailed accounts of what happened, including photos if possible and witness statements from anyone who saw the accident unfold. The more information you can provide, the stronger your case will be. Your attorney will help with the accumulation of this evidence.

Be Patient and Trust Your Legal Team

Finally, it’s important to remember that making an injury claim after an auto accident is a long process that requires patience and perseverance.  Personal injury cases should not be settled until you are fully healed from your injuries or until your doctors are advising you no further medical care will be of substantial benefit to your condition. In the end, it takes time. Your civil lawyer will be there to guide you every step of the way and help ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve for your losses. With this comprehensive guide in hand, you’ll have all the information necessary to make sure justice is served following a serious car accident.

Get started on your auto accident injury claim with the right team of professionals on your side. Contact Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case evaluation with a seasoned car accident lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our services come at no expense and zero risk to you since we operate on a contingency-fee basis. This means that we only receive payment if we succeed in securing a settlement or winning an award for you.

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How Can an Attorney Help with My Car Accident Injury Claim?

When you are involved in a car accident, it can be a traumatic experience that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain of what to do next. Even if the other driver is clearly at fault, navigating the legal system to get fair compensation for your injuries and property damage can seem like an impossible task. That’s why having a qualified car accident lawyer on your side is so important.

An experienced attorney can guide you through the process, helping ensure that all paperwork is filed properly and that all deadlines are met. With their help, you have a much better chance of receiving full and fair compensation for any damages or losses resulting from the accident. In this blog post, we will discuss how an attorney can help with your car accident injury claim and provide tips on finding the right lawyer for your needs.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Car Accident Attorney in Indianapolis.
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Car Accident Attorney in Indianapolis.

Why Hire a Car Accident Lawyer to Represent You?

After the accident, your car accident attorney can help by assisting in the gathering of evidence and preserving important documents. The law requires that all drivers involved in an accident exchange contact and insurance information, as well as report the incident to their respective insurance companies. Your lawyer can provide assistance with making sure that these steps are taken properly and on time. Additionally, they will review any legal documents relating to the accident, such as police reports or witness statements. All of this is necessary for filing a successful claim against other parties involved in the crash.

Your car accident lawyer will also assess the extent of your injuries and medical bills resulting from the incident. They will work closely with you to determine if you have a valid claim for damages based upon the other driver’s negligence. The amount of compensation you will receive depends on a variety of factors, such as the severity of your injuries, lost wages due to time spent away from work, any property damage incurred, and much more. An experienced car accident attorney can help ensure that you get the full amount of money you are entitled to.

Finally, your auto accident attorney can represent you during negotiations with insurance companies or in court should your case go to trial. They will fight for your rights and make sure that all legal proceedings are handled properly and efficiently so that you receive fair and full compensation for the losses suffered because of the car accident.

Choose an Experienced Car Accident Attorney

If you have been injured in a car accident, it is important to find a qualified civil lawyer who has experience in handling auto accident claims in your state. A seasoned auto accident lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and ensure that you receive full compensation for all your damages and losses resulting from the accident.

Contact Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C.

Need assistance with a car accident injury claim? Contact our Indianapolis personal injury law firm to speak with a qualified auto accident attorney about your case. Our team of experienced lawyers is dedicated to providing clients with personalized legal services and achieving positive outcomes on their behalf. We will work diligently to ensure that all relevant documents are filed properly, deadlines are met, and that you receive fair compensation for any damages or losses incurred due to the car accident. Call us at 317-881-2700 or fill out an online form to schedule a free consultation!

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Understanding the Legal Consequences for Distracted Drivers

Distracted driving is a major cause of car accidents, and it’s becoming an increasingly serious problem. Every year, thousands of people are injured or killed due to drivers who weren’t paying attention to the road. In response, many states have enacted distracted driving laws that make it illegal for motorists to use their cell phones while behind the wheel. But do you know what your legal rights and responsibilities are when it comes to texting and driving? Are there any specific consequences if you get caught? And if someone else causes an accident because they were distracted, what should you do as a car accident lawyer?

In this blog post, we’ll explore these questions in more detail so that you can better understand the legal consequences of operating a vehicle while distracted or preoccupied. We’ll also look at how car accident lawyers can help protect your rights after an accident caused by someone else’s negligence.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Auto Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Auto Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana

Examples of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has become a serious hazard on the roads because it distracts drivers from paying attention to the task at hand – driving safely. Examples of inattentive driving may include conducting personal grooming, attending to children and animals in the car, using mobile devices for texting or talking, applying makeup, looking down while reaching for anything and rummaging through your purse or briefcase. Additionally, eating while driving and changing your music can also be considered distracted driving. Drivers should remember that distracted driving endangers not only their life, but the lives of other passengers and drivers on the road. In many cases, operating a motor vehicle while fatigued or upset can also be considered inattentive driving.

What You Need to Know About Driving While Preoccupied

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that distracted driving is illegal in many states. Most laws prohibit the use of cell phones while operating a motor vehicle, including talking on the phone, texting, or using social media apps. Violating these laws can result in hefty fines and even jail time if you’re convicted. In some cases, drivers may also lose their licenses for a period of time after being caught engaging in distracted driving.

Distracted Driving Car Accidents

But what happens if someone else causes an accident due to distracted driving? In this case, auto accident lawyers can help investigate the facts of the crash and determine who was at fault for causing the collision. If it turns out that another driver was distracted when they caused your accident, car accident lawyers can pursue compensation on your behalf. In some cases, car accident attorneys may be able to negotiate a settlement with the other driver’s insurance company or file a lawsuit if necessary.

Distracted Driving is a Serious Risk

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that distracted driving is illegal and can have serious consequences for both drivers involved in an accident. If you’re ever injured by another driver who was distracted, contact car accident lawyers immediately so they can protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve. Understanding the legal consequences of distracted driving will help ensure that you stay safe on the road and avoid any costly mistakes related to this dangerous behavior.


Distracted driving poses significant risks to motorists and must be avoided at all costs. If you’re injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, car accident lawyers can help protect your rights and pursue compensation on your behalf. Make sure to always stay informed of the distracted driving laws in your state and understand the legal consequences that could come with breaking them. Doing so will allow you to remain safe while on the road and maintain your legal rights if something goes wrong.

Were you injured in a car accident or as a pedestrian due to another person driving while distracted? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury consultation. We can meet with you over the phone, via computer, or in-person at our Indianapolis personal injury law office. Our car accident injury attorneys represent clients throughout the state, as well as Indiana residents injured in other states and even residents of other states who are injured in Indiana.

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What You Need to Know Before Filing an Injury Claim for a Car Accident

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, then you should be considering filing an injury claim. This is an important step to take if you want to receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, property damages and other expenses related to the accident. But before doing so, it’s important that you understand what an injury claim entails and how best to go about filing one.

Here, we will discuss the key things that you need to know before filing an injury claim for a car accident. We will cover topics such as gathering evidence, seeking legal advice from a car accident lawyer, understanding insurance coverage, and more. By taking these steps into consideration ahead of time, you can ensure that your case is as strong as possible when it comes time to file your injury claim.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Car Accident Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Car Accident Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana.

Car Accident Victims Deserve Justice

After auto accident victims suffer physical, emotional, and financial losses due to the negligence or carelessness of another driver, they deserve financial justice. And they can do this by filing a car accident claim with help from an experienced personal injury lawyer. By holding the responsible party and their insurance carrier accountable for their insured’s actions, car accident victims can often benefit from the settlement achieved through a car accident claim and receive monetary compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

Victims have the legal right to demand that an at-fault driver and their insurance carrier take responsibility for the negligence of the at-fault driver. By hiring a seasoned personal injury attorney, car accident victims can rest assured that their case is being represented diligently. Preparing a solid case before filing a personal injury claim for a car accident is imperative. Becoming aware of all essential details beforehand can provide you with peace of mind and give your case its best chance for success.

Top Considerations for Filing an Auto Accident Claim


The first step when filing an injury claim for a car accident is to gather evidence. This means taking pictures and videos at the scene of the accident, obtaining police reports, and collecting contact information from any witnesses who may have seen the accident happen. All of this evidence can be extremely helpful in establishing liability and helping to prove your motor vehicle accident case.

Car Accident Lawyer

You should seek legal advice from a car accident lawyer immediately. This can help to ensure that your injury claim is filed correctly and on time, as well as helping you understand the process of filing an injury claim and what type of compensation you may be eligible for. A qualified car accident attorney will also be able to advise you on how best to negotiate with insurance companies and ensure that you get the maximum compensation possible.  An experienced car accident attorney will also help to ensure that the evidence needed to prove your case is obtained.


Finally, it’s important to understand your insurance coverage and the insurance coverage of the at-fault party and make sure that you and the at-fault party are fully covered for any medical bills and other expenses related to the auto accident. The more prepared you are with this information when filing an injury claim, the better chance you have of receiving a fair amount of compensation.  Your accident attorney will obtain this information  for you.

Get Support for Your Injury Claim

By taking the time to understand and consider these key topics, you can ensure that your injury claim is as strong as possible when it comes time to file. By doing so, you may be able to receive the compensation you deserve for any medical bills or other expenses due to a car accident. If you have any further questions about filing an injury claim, it’s best to contact an Indiana auto accident attorney immediately who can provide you with the legal advice and support you need.

Knowing your rights and how to defend them is essential if you have been injured because of another driver’s negligence. Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation for your car accident injury lawsuit in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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The Indiana Statute of Limitations For Car Accident Lawsuits

No one ever expects to be injured in a car accident. But unfortunately, auto accidents happen every day. And when they do, the injuries can be severe – even life-threatening. If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident, it’s important to know what to do next. This includes understanding the legal process and your rights, as well as getting the medical treatment you need.

It is important to act fast before the state’s statute of limitations eliminate your right to pursue legal action against the negligent party who caused your car accident and subsequent injuries. Once you obtain a verdict against the negligent party, that person’s insurance carrier would be contractually obligated to pay the verdict on their behalf, up to the defendant’s liability insurance limits. 

Continue below to learn how long you have to file a car accident lawsuit in Indiana, plus who to trust for accurate and personalized legal advice.

Indianapolis IN Car Accident Attorney 317-881-2700
Indianapolis IN Car Accident Attorney 317-881-2700

Facts About Statute of Limitations

The Statute of Limitations (SOL) is the time frame in which a car accident victim can file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. The SOL varies from state to state but is generally two to four years after the date of the accident. If you have been in a car accident, it is important to speak with an experienced car accident attorney to determine the SOL in your state and whether you have a valid claim. If you do not file a lawsuit within the SOL, you will likely be barred from recovering any compensation for your injuries.

Indiana SOL for Auto Accidents

The Indiana statute of limitations for car accident lawsuits is two years. This means that you have two years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. If you do not file your lawsuit within this time frame, you will be barred from doing so and will not be able to recover any compensation for your injuries.

There are some exceptions to this rule, however. If you were a minor at the time of the accident, you have until your 20th birthday to file a lawsuit.  If your automobile collision involved state or county entities, you must quickly file what is called a tort claims notice first to be able to pursue your potential case so it is vitally important to contact an attorney right after your collision so no deadlines are missed and so valuable evidence may be obtained.

Talk to an Indianapolis Car Accident Attorney Right Away

If you have been involved in a car accident, it is important that you speak with an experienced Indiana personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Your attorney will be able to review your case and help you determine whether you have a valid claim. If you do have a claim, your attorney will work tirelessly to help you recover the full amount of compensation that you are entitled to.

Are you ready to get in touch with an Indianapolis car accident lawyer to schedule a no-fee consultation? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury case evaluation with a seasoned car accident lawyer in Indianapolis. We represent clients throughout the state of Indiana and Indiana residents injured in other states.

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The General Steps of a Car Accident Injury Trial

In the vast majority of cases of car accident lawsuits, both parties usually avoid trial by settling the case with the assistance from their respective attorneys. This happens when the claimant party, or injured victim, agrees to a settlement offered by the opposing party’s insurance carrier. However, if both parties cannot come to a settlement agreement, the case will go to trial. Trials are serious matters, which is why it is vital to always have private personal injury representation as a wrongfully injured victim in Indiana. They can navigate your car accident case every step of the way.

For a better understanding of what this might involve, continue below to review the general steps of car accident injury trial.

Car Accident Attorney Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700
Car Accident Attorney Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700

Car Accident Liability Disputes

In the case of a car accident liability dispute, a claimant has two options for resolution: they can settle with the insurance company or file a personal injury lawsuit. Settling with the insurance company would involve out-of-court settlement negotiations that would take place between the claimant party (injured victim and their legal team) and the insurance carrier.

If the insurance carrier offers a full and fair settlement for the injured victim’s damages and losses, the injured victim might agree to the settlement, and the case can be completed and closed. If the injured victim and their legal team reject the settlement offer by the insurance carrier, they can bring the case to court. At trial, a car accident injury dispute will be heard and decided normally by a jury and rarely by a judge.

Car accident injury cases tend to go to trial because they are high-value, or because they involve complicated factors surrounding liability and causation. It is important to have an experienced Indianapolis car accident lawyer working your case for the best possible chance at recovering the maximum settlement for your damages and losses.

What To Expect at a Car Accident Injury Trial

Your personal injury car accident lawyer will handle every aspect of your case, from start to finish. On your behalf, they will attend every hearing and pretrial meeting representing your best interests. The general phases of a car accident injury trial include discovery, mediation, jury selection, opening statements, presentation of evidence, closing arguments, jury deliberation, and verdict delivery.

Discovery Phase

The discovery phase is a type of pretrial meeting that takes place between the legal team of the claimant party (injured victim) and the legal team of the plaintiff party (insurance company). During this phase, the lawyers will exchange information relevant to the case by means of depositions, interrogatories, or other requests for evidence.

Jury Selection

Following the discovery phase, both the plaintiff and claimant legal teams will interview a panel of potential jurors by asking them several questions. They will need six qualified jurors and one alternate in Indiana.

Opening Statements

Once the trial begins, both sides will make opening statements to the court and jury. These statements outline what the lawyer intends on proving throughout the proceedings.

Presentation of Evidence

During this stage of a car accident injury trial, both legal teams for each side will present the evidence they have that proves their case. Such evidence might include documents, records, witness testimonies, expert testimonies, photographs, videos, receipts, and relevant evaluations.

Closing Arguments

Towards the end of the trial, after all evidence has been presented and argued, the claimant’s lawyer and the plaintiff’s lawyer will make closing arguments. These are similar to opening statements in that they summarize all facts and testimony presented and proved throughout the trial.

Jury Deliberations

During this phase of a car accident trial, the jury will deliberate and ultimately decide whether the claimant met their burden of proof or not.


After the jury and judge decide that the claimant party did meet their burden of proof and therefore the opposing party’s liability in the case, they will be award financial compensation. If the judge and jury decide that the claimant party failed at meeting this burden, the case will be closed, and they would receive no compensation.

Are you ready to discuss the legal options you have surrounding your recent and wrongful car accident in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial case evaluation for your car accident injury lawsuit in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent injured persons and the loved ones following the wrongful death of a relative throughout the State of Indiana. We also represent Hoosiers who were injured and the Estates of persons wrongly killed in other states.

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Possible Liable Parties in a Self-Driving Car Accident

Decades ago, self-driving cars were merely a fantasy often depicted in some of our favorite throwback movies and TV shows, like Total Recall, Timecop, Herbie, The Fifth Element, and Christine. Yet today, they are a real thing. You may have seen one or two autonomous vehicles powered by Siri or Google in your community or downtown technology district. You may have already ridden in one. But like virtually all new technological innovations, there are bound to be some stumbling blocks. After all, self-driving vehicles are still a brand-new means of transportation in society. So, how safe are self-driving cars? That is hard to say. What can be said is, self-driving car accidents do happen. And when they do, pinpointing the liable party can be tricky since there are multiple possibilities.

Continue below to review some of the more likely responsible parties in a self-driving motor vehicle accident, plus where to get trusted legal advice after being wrongfully injured by an autonomous car or negligent driver in Indiana.

Self Driving Car Accident Lawyer Indiana 317-881-2700
Self Driving Car Accident Lawyer Indiana 317-881-2700

Autonomous Vehicle Accidents and Liability

When it comes to self-driving car accidents, the most common liable parties include the human operator, technology company, automaker, government, or a third party. It is possible for more than one of these parties to be responsible for any damages suffered by a passenger or driver of an autonomous vehicle.

The Operator of the Vehicle

Self-driving cars are not fully autonomous; they still require a human supervisor or operator. It is very possible for the operator of the autonomous vehicle to be responsible for a car accident. Whether driving or on autopilot, if an operator of a self-driving vehicle is reckless or negligent during the ride, and as a result an accident happens, it could be their fault.

The Technology Company or Vehicle Manufacturer

There is a company that made the actual vehicle, then there is the company that made the technology possible. If a self-driving car accident occurs because the technology company was negligent in some way. For instance, if they did not properly test the vehicle before releasing it or resolve a significant microchip defect in the autonomous technology, they could be held liable for an injured victim’s damages and more.

The automaker of the vehicle might be responsible for a self-driving car collision or accident if there is a defect in the car’s assembly, design, or advertising that directly caused the accident and subsequent damages.

Government Agency

In rare cases, a government agency can be liable for a self-driving vehicle accident. This might happen if an autonomous car accident occurs as a result of inadequate safety testing, safety rules, and fundamental regulations, or due to a serious roadway defect.

Third Parties

Third parties that might be responsible for a self-driving car accident include drunk drivers, reckless drivers, negligent commercial truck drivers, or a business that fails to maintain a safe parking lot.

No matter what kind of car accident you were wrongfully injured in, it is your right to be granted a full and fair settlement for your damages. Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced car accident injury lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent all motor vehicle-related accident cases throughout the state of Indiana, including truck accidents, pedestrian accidents, motorcycle accidents, wrongful deaths, and more.

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Am I Liable if My Guests Drink and Drive?

Social host liability is a real thing, and you should be fully informed of this legal responsibility before serving alcohol at your next soirée. Of course, not all states have social host liability laws, such as New York and California, but most do. So, do your part by learning what it takes to be a safe and responsible social host.

Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700
Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700

Key Facts Surrounding Social Host Liability

If you are planning to serve alcohol to guests at your next event or party, be sure you know where you stand in terms of legally liability. The law will hold you [and therefore your home owner’s insurance company] responsible for the actions and inactions of your intoxicated guests, including drinking and driving. In fact, DUI cases are among the most common scenarios in which social host liability comes into play. If you knowingly serve alcohol to an already-inebriated guest or over-serve alcohol to a formally-sober guest, and then they drive home, you can be held legally responsible for any damages and losses they cause while operating their vehicle under the influence of alcohol.

Whether they drunkenly decided to joyride across a private golf course, fall asleep at the wheel and hit a pedestrian, or cause a serious auto accident that results in bodily harm to another, responsibility for these incidents could link back to you if the driver got drunk at your party on your alcohol. In serious cases, a social host could face criminal charges on top of a civil lawsuit.

Serving Minors

Social hosts also have a legal duty of care to ensure alcohol does not get in the hands of anyone who is under the legal drinking age. If you are caught serving alcohol to a minor, and that minor, under the influence of alcohol, drives and gets into an accident, you could be held civilly and criminally responsible. This also applies in some cases of unknowingly supplying alcohol to minors. In the case that your teenager and some friends steal the liquor from the cabinet, and then an accident takes place as a result of their intoxication, the law might hold the homeowners and legal guardians liable.

Dram Shop Laws

Restaurants must uphold this same duty of care. Dram Shop laws impose legal liability onto owners of bars, restaurants, liquor stores, and any other establishments that sell alcoholic beverages and products to intoxicated customers. These laws are set to protect individuals from harming themselves or others as a result of over-indulging in alcohol. For instance, it is possible for a victim of a drunk driving accident to sue the establishment that sold the drunk driver the alcohol, but only if the driver was already intoxicated at the time of the sell.

Were you or a loved one seriously injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced drunk driving accident lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent all drunk driving cases throughout the state of Indiana, including car accidents, truck accidents, pedestrian accidents, motorcycle accidents, wrongful deaths, and more.

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Understanding Onset of Injuries After a Car Accident

Even as low as 5 or 10 miles per hour, vehicles are essentially multi-ton missiles on the road. So, when drivers are involved in a collision, the event is usually traumatic. The force produced by a car wreck can cause a wide range of injuries to both passengers and drivers, especially soft tissue injuries, back injuries, neck injuries, and concussions; injuries that are not always present right away.  It does not take a big collision for a person to be injured in even a “minor” automobile collision because the force of the collision between the two vehicles involved in the collision flows through your flesh and body.

A common phenomenon surrounding car accidents is known as an onset of injury, which describes a car accident victim who does not show signs of injury until hours, days, or even weeks following the collision. Such car accident victims often feel concerned that they are no longer eligible to claim payments through an accident claim or lawsuit because their injuries were not apparent at the scene of the accident. But those who are wrongly injured in a car wreck deserve justice no matter how many days later their injuries appear, and the law tends to agree.  Moreover, medical doctors agree that a delayed onset of injuries for a person involved in an automobile collision is very common.

Continue reading to learn more about experiencing an onset of injury after a car accident, including what you should do if you were hurt in an auto collision that was not your fault.

Auto Accident Attorneys Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700
Auto Accident Attorneys Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700

Do Not Mistake a Minor Accident for Minor Injuries

Even a seemingly minor car accident can cause bodily injury that does not appear at or directly after the scene of the collision. And if a minor car accident can pose the risk of late-appearing bodily harm, you can safely presume that a more serious auto accident can lead to an onset of injuries as well. An auto accident victim might feel fine, even unharmed, after the event, especially with their adrenaline pumping, but then days, weeks or even months later, begin experiencing signs and symptoms of serious injury. The most common types of late-appearing car accident injuries include neck injuries, back injuries, soft tissue injuries, whiplash, and concussions.

Because onset of injury is a real possibility among car accident victims, it is crucial to monitor your daily health following the wreck and to seek medical attention at the first sign of any evolving injuries. Such records will protect your rights to claiming payments through an accident claim or lawsuit, down the line, especially when the defendant’s insurance adjuster starts arguing you were not injured.

What To Do After a Car Accident

After being involved in a car accident that was not your fault, it is important to protect yourself by filing a police report at the scene and receiving medical attention from responding EMT’s. Also at the scene, gather as much video and photo evidence of the surroundings, including car damages, street signs, traffic signs, skid marks, intersections, any visible injuries on you, and more. You should also try to gather contact information from any witnesses. All of this evidence can help support your rights to being compensated.

After you leave the scene of the accident, it is critical to see a doctor right away. If you do not want to go to the emergency room, make a doctor’s appointment for the next day or as soon as possible. It is important to see a doctor after a car accident whether you feel injured or not. Not only will a doctor be able to check you out and give you instructions on how to self-monitor for later-appearing car accident injuries, and these medical records will help support your case as well.

During this process, it is vital that you do not speak with any insurance adjusters or representatives. Instead, work fast to hire a personal injury law firm in Indiana that specializes in car accident injury claims. They have the knowledge and resources to represent your case and obtain the maximum settlement or verdict you deserve. Just be sure to choose the best car accident attorneys in Indianapolis!

Insurance companies for defendants have attorneys and insurance adjusters working on the case for the defendant from the moment the at-fault driver informs them of the automobile collision.  You should have immediate attorney representation as well to make sure you get treated fairly and so the other side does not entice you to doing things that will only help their side.

Are you looking for a qualified and experienced civil litigation law firm that can meet these expectations and more? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury case evaluation with a seasoned car accident lawyer in Indianapolis. We represent clients throughout the state of Indiana and Indiana residents injured in other states.

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What You Need to Know About Bicycle Accident Personal Injury Claims 

Spring is in full swing, which means an increased opportunity for outdoor fun. Bicycles, tricycles, scooters, roller blades, and more are all traditional springtime activities for adults, teens, and kids alike. It is a fun and healthy recreational pastime that allows us to get outdoors, spend time with our loved ones, and enjoy the nice weather. Unfortunately, bicycle safety is pushed under the rug all too often, and because of this, accidents happen. Even when safety is properly considered, there are incidents that can take place out of our control. For this reason, all cyclers bike enthusiasts should know their rights if injured on a bicycle at no fault of their own.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about filing a bicycle accident personal injury claim in Indiana after being wrongfully injured on your bike.

Bicycle Accident Claims Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700
Bicycle Accident Claims Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700

Indianapolis Bicycle Accident Causes and Common Injuries

There are two main types of bicycle accidents that result from negligence outside of a rider’s control: motor vehicles and bicycle defects. If a car, truck, or product defect causes an accident that results in a rider’s injury, liability falls on them, not the rider. Both situations can lead to serious personal injuries to a cyclist.

Several serious injuries can result from bicycle accidents, such as brain damage, traumatic brain injuries, comas, concussions, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, and even death. These injuries can be life-threatening or permanent in severe situations. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), from the years 1932 to 2008, more than 50,000 bicycle-related deaths occurred.

These alarming statistics do not even include injuries and deaths sustained from bicycle defects. According to the same statistics, in the year 2008 alone, more than 50,000 cyclists were injured in negligent traffic accidents.  The most devastating truth among these statistics is that in 2008, 13% of bicycle accident fatalities were children. Bicycle safety is something everyone needs to take seriously. We can stop these accidents from taking place with responsible driving and education at a young age.

Defective Bicycles

As for product defects and bicycles, there is not much we can do to stop these unfortunate and unforeseen incidents from happening. We can only hope and trust that bicycle manufacturers are working hard at preventing problems with their products and doing their best to improve their product’s safety value. The most common defects seen in bicycle accidents include problems with bolts, screws, composite forks, aluminum frames, and similar components.

Making an Injury Claim After a Bicycle Accident

In the case that a person is seriously injured in a bicycle accident as a result of another driver’s carelessness or bike defect, it is crucial to contact a bicycle accident personal injury attorney immediately. All states have a statute of limitations that set forth how long a victim, or their family, has to file a personal injury claim. Once this time frame runs out, a victim can no longer lawfully sue for full and fair compensation.

A licensed Indiana personal injury lawyer can help victims of bicycle accidents obtain compensation for their damages, such as pain and suffering, medical expenses, hospital bills, prolonged rehabilitation, lost wages, time of work, and much more. Licensed accident attorneys with extensive experience and knowledge will try to negotiate and settle out of court for their clients if possible. Be sure to choose a law firm that has your best interests at heart and in mind.

Were you recently injured in a wrongful bicycle accident in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to meet with a seasoned Indianapolis Indiana personal injury lawyer you can trust to recover the settlement you deserve. We represent victims all throughout the state of Indiana and Indiana residents injured in other states.

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