How a Personal Injury Attorney Will Prove Your Accident Claim

Negligence is the legal concept that personal injury cases depend on. You need proof of negligence for an injured victim’s legal team to recover compensation for the injured person’s damages. This is why it is so vital to hire a licensed personal injury attorney that is experienced in the specific type of serious accident (motor vehicle, trucking collision, slip and fall, wrongful death, etc…) you or a loved one were recently involved in.

Hiring a seasoned accident attorney will give you an advantage when it comes to proving fault in a personal injury case. Just be sure to act fast before evidence is lost and file a claim before your state’s statute of limitations runs out.

Continue reading to learn more about establishing negligence and personal responsibility in an injury claim.

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Indianapolis IN Personal Injury Attorneys 317-881-2700

A Brief Explanation of Duty of Care in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Negligence can be defined in many ways, but there are two fundamental factors that make evident its basic concept: the two factors being “duty of care” and “breaching” that duty.  Every person in the United States has a legal responsibility, or duty of reasonable care, to prevent or avoid causing harm to another person, whether intentional or accidental. Establishing a party’s duty of care is the primary step in a personal injury case, and the step your lawyer will be initially focused on.

Proving Liability

Your hired legal team will work to prove that the at-fault party had a responsibility and failed to uphold that responsibility, causing another person to get injured or killed. They need to show the jury or judge that a defendant breached their personal duty of care, which led to a person getting hurt. If these two concepts can be established and upheld, then a plaintiff has a greater chance of winning their case and recovering recompense for their damages.

Proving Damages and Losses

Once these two concepts are demonstrated and confirmed, the next step is to prove that their client (the injured victim or plaintiff) suffered damages as a result of the defendant’s negligence. For more information or advice regarding accident lawsuits and filing claims after being hurt in an accident, be sure to consult a licensed Indianapolis Indiana accident lawyer for accurate and knowledgeable counsel you can trust.

Are you ready to begin the process of filing an accident claim after being wrongfully injured in an accident or event? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to learn your eligibility for pursing legal action against a suspected at-fault party.  Once a verdict or settlement is obtained, the at-fault party’s insurance carrier pays the verdict or settlement. From the initial consultation to the final verdict if necessary, our Indianapolis personal injury attorneys are by your side every step of the way.

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Facts About Lost Wages in a Personal Injury Claim

There are many types of damages and losses a personal injury victim can incur as a result of their accident and subsequent injuries. But one of the most common types of losses experienced by accident survivors is lost wages. When a person is seriously injured, they often lose time at work due to frequent hospital or doctors’ visits, or miss work entirely because they are unable to perform their work duties. Without a steady paycheck, accident victims then go on to suffer other types of financial losses, such as house bills and car payments.

For this reason and more, it is important for wrongfully injured victims to recover the full and fair compensation they rightfully deserve, including damages for lost wages. A personal injury lawyer can help you obtain the maximum settlement or verdict for your accident claim if you lost past, current, or future earnings as a result of another’s negligence.  

Continue below to learn more about lost wages, including how to prove them in a personal injury case and where to find skilled personal injury representation near you.

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Indianapolis IN Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700

Recovery After an Accident

Because injuries vary so greatly, so does the spectrum of recovery times. One person might recover within a few weeks, and able to return to work while they finish healing, while another person might spend years in recovery. Some personal injury victims never fully recover and lose their ability to work altogether. In all cases and scenarios, wrongfully injured victims deserve to be compensated for their lost income, as well as a wide range of additional damages, such as medical expenses, hospital bills, pain and suffering, mental and emotional anguish, permanent or partial disability, and much more as it pertains to the case.

Types of Lost Wages and Proving Them

There are various types of earnings a personal injury victim can lose out on, whether the victim is the actual injured person or a spouse or family member. The most common types of lost wages awarded in personal injury cases include hourly wages, overtime, sick leave, vacation days, bonuses, company perks, and benefits (i.e. insurance, social security, pension, etc.).

With so many kinds of wages paid to injured workers, it is necessary to prove such incomes with concrete evidence. The most common pieces of evidence used to prove a victim’s lost wages include pay stubs, tax documents, W2’s, a letter from the employer verifying a worker’s wages, a doctor’s note stating an employee cannot work, medical records, expert testimony, and basic data about their work schedule and weekly hours. If a victim is self-employed, their business’s banking records would be presented.

Future Lost Wages

Not only can personal injury victims possibly collect compensation for past and current lost wages, but they may also qualify to collect compensation for future lost earnings as well. This type of personal injury claim is referred to as a loss of potential to earn, and is often awarded in personal injury cases when a victim’s injuries are sustaining, rendering them unable to work for the foreseeable future. They are compensated for all projected future earnings, including pay raises, promotions, bonuses, overtime, and benefits.

Do you want to learn your eligibility for collecting compensation for lost wages after being wrongfully injured in an accident? Contact the accident attorneys at Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case evaluation with a seasoned personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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Can I Recover Compensation for Lost Wages After My Personal Injury Accident?
How to Recover Lost Wages After Suffering a Personal Injury in Indiana
Will I Be Compensated for PTO and Sick Days in My Personal Injury Claim?

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How Soon Should I Notify My Insurance After Being Injured in an Accident?

If you plan on making a claim for an injury, or even just property loss, it is important to notify your insurance company as soon as possible following accident. Continue reading to learn what you need to know about speaking with your insurance company after being injured in an accident that was not your fault.

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Indianapolis IN Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700

Notify Your Insurance Carrier Immediately After an Accident

If you are involved in an accident, and you plan on filing a claim for injury or property losses, it is your responsibility to contact your own insurance carrier and notify them right away. This will ensure that filing a claim later on is even possible. Do this regardless of whether or not you plan to file a claim with the other party’s insurance company. Always contact your own insurance first, then contact seasoned Indiana personal injury lawyer to represent your claim.

How Soon is Soon?

For those injured in an accident, it can sometimes be difficult managing a serious phone call right away. If you are sent to the hospital, or severely incapacitated directly after an accident, take the time to recuperate your energy. You should be equally protected so long as you do so within 3 days or 72 hours. If you are capable of calling and speaking to your insurance carrier, do so the very same day of the accident. In many cases, claimants will call directly from the scene of the accident.

Read the Fine Print of Your Policy

It is important to know that some insurance policies have terms and conditions regarding deadlines for notifications of accidents. Your insurance carrier might require you to contact them within a certain time period in order to be eligible for benefits. Be sure you have read your insurance policy thoroughly so that you understand your rights and requirements as a claimant.

Speaking With Insurance Personnel

You must be very careful when you call your insurance company to notify them of your accident. You do not want to implicate yourself in any way that makes you look responsible for the incident. Be sure to stick with the facts of the accident, detailing what happened, where it happened, what property incurred damage, if anyone was injured including yourself, and if there were any witnesses. Your insurance representative will walk you through a series of questions to get the information they need, initially.

Do Not Speak With Other Insurance Adjusters

If another person’s insurance company contacts you to discuss the accident, do not take the call. Only allow your accident lawyer to speak with any other parties’ insurance representatives or adjusters. These employees are trained to manipulate any information you give them to lessen the value of the claim, or hold you responsible in any way for the accident. Even when contacting your own insurance company to explain the accident, it is best to first speak with your accident lawyer.

Does all of these seem quite stressful to you? You don’t have to worry about comprehending fine prints in insurance policies and claimant rights after an accident. Just hire a skilled and experienced Indianapolis accident lawyer to represent your claim. They will navigate all aspects of your claim for you, and recover the full compensation you deserve for your losses and damages.

Ready to get started on your accident claim now? Contact the accident attorneys at Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. to schedule a free consultation with a seasoned accident attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also represent persons who live here, but injured in another state.

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Current COVID-19 Procedures for Craven, Hoover, Blazek P.C.

Here at the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, Blazek P.C., our personal injury lawyers are doing all that we can to remain protected and reduce the spread of COVID-19 during this unprecedented and uncertain time. Through social distancing, we can alleviate the concern we have for our staff and clients, alike.

Accordingly, we would like to inform our valued clients, both current and potential, that our office will remain open, Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. We will be operating virtually, as all appointments will be scheduled over the phone or via email; but if an in-person appointment is required, we will make those arrangements as needed.

As a client, you are our top priority, and we will do all that we can to help you with your personal injury legal matters. Please contact us at 317-881-2700, or email us directly from our website, for questions, or to schedule an appointment with one of our esteemed attorneys.

How to Get in Touch With Us

7550 S. Meridian Street, Suite C
Indianapolis, IN 46217

PHONE (317) 881 2700
TOLL-FREE (888) 881-2700
FAX (317) 885-4884

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
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A Basic Overview of the Tort Law Definition

Have you ever broken a rule, and as a result, someone got hurt? Well, torts are something like that, just much more serious. Torts are civil wrong-doings, negligent or immoral behaviors and actions against others. The law identifies a tort as a morally wrong action or inaction, and recognizes it as grounds for a lawsuit. Most often, torts come with significant consequences, like serious injuries and death, which is why the law provides certain relief for personal injury victims.

Continue below to learn more information about tort law, the most common types of torts, and what relief you can seek if you were recently injured in an accident that was not your fault.

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Personal Injury Attorney Law Firm 317-881-2700

Tort Law

Tort law was established to serve 4 particular objectives: 1) to compensate victims for the injuries they’ve suffered as a result of another’s actions or inactions; 2) to transfer the cost of related damages and losses to the culpable party, such as hospital bills, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more; 3) to set an example and prevent harmful, reckless, and negligent behaviors in the future; and 4) to justify the legal rights and welfares of the victim that were compromised, diminished, or made powerless.

Compensation for Damages and Losses

Victims of torts can pursue legal compensation for damages and losses incurred as a result of the wrongdoing. Exemplary damages typically include hospital bills, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, prolonged physical therapy, and similar damages that result in economic loss. More extreme cases of torts can include many other types of damages, such as loss of companionship, mental anguish, PTSD, paralysis, wrongful death, and more. Injured victims can also pursue compensation for damages like diminished quality of life and loss of benefits from a loved one’s death.

When a victim makes a claim to collect compensation for damages sustained from a personal injury, they generally seek compensation from the negligent party’s insurance company. The victim’s accident attorney will handle all communication and legal proceedings with the opposing insurance company representatives to agree on a full and fair settlement. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, then the case can be taken to trial where a judge or jury will decide what’s fair.

Types of Torts

Common categories of tort law today include both intentional and non-intentional torts, such as general personal injuries, workers’ compensation, wrongful death, slip and falls, head or brain injuries, dog bites, nursing home neglect, motorcycle accidents, premise liability, product defects, medical malpractice, defamation, slander, libel, several types of deliberate infliction of emotional or physical trauma. In fact, every type of tort can be grouped into three separate categories of tort law: Intentional torts, Negligent torts, and Strict Liability torts.

Intentional torts are deliberate, premeditated, and purposeful. Assault and battery, sexual misconducts, and some nursing home neglect are some examples of intentional tort. See our blog, “The Difference Between Intentional and Unintentional Torts” to learn more.

Negligent torts occur as a result of carelessness and disregard. Disobeying traffic signals and causing an accident that harms another person is an example of negligent tort. Other examples include pedestrian accidents, hit-and-run accidents, medical malpractice and slip and fall accidents.

Strict liability torts, on the other hand, occur when a particular action causes harm or damage to another person, such as liability for making and selling defective products that are hazardous potentially.

It is Vital to Hire an Accident Lawyer

In order for accident victims and their families to recover a full and fair settlement in a personal injury case, it is vital to hire a seasoned personal injury law firm to navigate and pursue the case. Qualified accident lawyers retain the proper knowledge, experience, drive, and resources to professionally investigate and manage an accident case, and fight an insurance company for the settlement their client deserves. With extensive trial and litigation experience, a personal injury attorney will know exactly how to negotiate with the insurance company. This is a complex skill that takes years of practice and hands-on experience to master, so be sure to hire an accident lawyer that has the experience your case needs to be successful.

Indiana Personal Injury Lawyers You Can Trust

Call the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to learn more about recovering the full and fair compensation for your damages following a serious accident or injury in Indiana. Not only do our skilled Indianapolis personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations, we never collect attorney fees unless we recover a settlement for you. Get started by scheduling your consultation, today.

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Which Law Firm Should I Hire For My Indianapolis Personal Injury Claim?

When it comes to negotiating a full and fair settlement for your personal injury claim, there is no room for error. This is why you should retain the services of a professional and esteemed personal injury law firm that can fight for your rights to a full and fair outcome. But with so many accident attorneys in Indiana to choose from, how do you know which one is the best fit for you? The answer is quite simple. Choose the Indianapolis personal injury law firm that Hoosiers have relied on for their accident settlements for decades:

The Law Firm of Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C.

Continue below to learn what our esteemed Indianapolis personal injury law firm can do for you, and why you should choose us to represent you in your injury or wrongful death claim.

Free Initial Consultations

Why Choose Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C.

There are many choices around town for personal injury representation. But victims know who to turn to for aggressive and dedicated legal guidance. The Law Office of Craven, Hoover and Blazek has several decades of combined experience practicing personal injury law, and retain the knowledge and steadfast motivation to ensure you obtain the most full and fair settlement for your damages and losses. We are with you every step of the claims process, from the free initial consultation, to the final settlement or verdict.

You can trust that our law firm has the resources and skills to fight for your rights to full and fair compensation. We care about our clients’ rights and take their accident and injury cases very seriously. We begin with a thorough review and assessment of the circumstances surrounding your accident so that we can document a strong case against the negligent party or parties. If we cannot get the at-fault party’s insurance company to settle out of court and pay you the compensation you deserve, we will file a lawsuit and take your case to court on your behalf. 

Personal Injury Attorney Keith Blazek
Free Initial Consultations

Our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers understand that serious accidents are troubling and damaging in more ways than one. Not only can a serious accident result in extensive financial losses, they can also require extended mental, physical and emotional rehabilitation. We encourage those who have been in an accident and suffered serious injury or harm to call our Indianapolis accident attorneys as soon as possible for legal advice. Be sure to act fast, before the state’s statute of limitations runs out, and you can no longer make a claim against an at-fault party.  If the statute of limitations runs out, you are no longer able to make a claim. It is always better to contact us as soon as possible after the accident so information and evidence is not lost.

Schedule a Free, In-Person Consultation Today

Contact our Law Office today at 317-881-2700 and schedule a free initial consultation with a highly experienced Indianapolis injury attorney to find out if your injuries might entitle you to legal compensation in Indiana.  Our seasoned Indianapolis personal injury attorneys maintain a concentrated focus on accident law, and retain extensive trial and litigation experience with a written track record of success. Not only do we offer free initial consultations, we never collect lawyer fees unless we recover a settlement or judgment for you. Get started by scheduling your free consultation, today.

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The Difference Between a Reservations of Rights Letter and a Demand Letter

After being hurt in an accident that was no fault of their own, an injured victim will likely make a claim against the at-fault party’s insurance carrier in order to collect compensation for their damages, including property damages. Upon doing so, the first document they will send to the insurance adjuster is called a demand letter. Likewise, the first document they might receive in return from the insurance provider is called a “reservations of rights” letter.

Continue reading to learn the difference between these two documents, and how to ensure your claim is on the right track to a successful outcome.

Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700
Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700

Demand Letters

Initial demand letters are for property damages.  Once an injured party has finished their medical care, a demand letter for personal injuries is sent.

After sustaining injuries associated with an auto accident that was the other driver’s fault, you may need to take charge fast in order to receive compensation for property damages, medical bills and emotional suffering.  One strategy is to develop a solid letter of demand to the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier.  A demand letter is a formally written memo that becomes the catalyst for negotiating compensation for the accident.

Demand letters are important ways to begin the negotiation process of a car accident claim. They can be complicated. Hiring a professional personal injury attorney who will write this demand letter is strongly advised for anyone involved in a personal injury auto accident case. 

In the introduction of a demand letter, often times, stone-cold facts are the focus, rather than hear-say, opinions, and accusations.  Facts and evidence are necessary to a personal injury auto accident case and any other case for that matter.  Once the introduction segment of the letter is complete, the demand section follows.  In the demand segment of the letter, facts and injuries, supported by the evidence, are set forth as well as a demand amount.

Reservations of Rights Letter

Once a personal injury victim files a claim with or against an insurance company, the first document they might receive from the insurance provider is called a “reservations of rights” letter. This letter is sent by the insurance company before the negotiations process begins. When victims receive a Reservations of Rights letter from the insurance company they are filing a claim with, they can feel a sense of anxiety due to misconception of its contents.

Many believe that the insurance carrier is claiming they are not going to cover a victim’s damages, when in fact, this is not the case. A Reservations of Rights letter simply conveys to the claimant that the insurance provider for the at-fault party “reserves the right” to not pay for anything if the accident is not covered under the at-fault person’s or entity’s insurance policy. It also informs the claimant that they are still going to investigate the case to assess liability.

Insurance companies send these letters to claimants in order to protect themselves from future legal conflicts. This informs claimants that although they are starting an investigation, they are not acknowledging fault or promising coverage. They also express that remuneration is not guaranteed at all unless their investigation proves the accident is covered under their particular policy.

How to Learn More About Your Indiana Accident Claim

Call the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to learn the best course of action for your unique Indiana personal injury claim. Our seasoned Indianapolis accident lawyers are ready and able to recover the full and fair compensation you deserve after suffering serious injuries in an accident that was not your fault. Not only does our law firm offer free consultations, we never collect lawyer fees unless we prevail for you!  We represent injured persons and the surviving loved ones in wrongful death cases throughout Indiana.

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Factors for Calculating a Personal Injury Settlement

After being hurt in an accident through the proven fault of someone else and suffering a long list of losses, you are owed a debt. Although there is no exact formula and equation that can tell you the exact value of your claim, there are several factors that will help you make a valid and reasonable estimation. Always talk to a personal injury lawyer to understand your unique accident claim and potential rights to compensation as every case is different.

In the meantime, continue below to review some of the most common factors used to compute a full and fair personal injury settlement value.

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Personal Injury Attorney Law Firm 317-881-2700

How are Personal Injury Settlements Calculated?

Assessing the amount of damages in a personal injury case can be a challenging and complex process since so many variables influence the final decision. Not only do insurance companies use a basic damage formula to produce a settlement offer for claimants, courts and juries also play a vital role in evaluating the losses or injuries of a victim’s body, health, property, and overall quality of living.

The value produced by the damage formula is only the foundation used by insurance companies and personal injury attorneys during negotiations. The value may increase if the accident attorney can prove more damages or the extensiveness of damages. Furthermore, the percentage of fault among each party is assessed and applied to the deciding factors of the case. These are all vital and proven reasons why injured victims need a seasoned Indianapolis personal injury lawyer to represent their claim.

Top Personal Injury Factors Considered by Juries and Insurance Companies:

❖ Medical Expenses – Add up the total amount of medical bills, both covered and out-of-pocket. This includes hospital bills, physical therapy, medication, medical supplies, and similar costs.

❖ Estimated Future Medical Expenses – Estimate a reasonable value for your future incurred medical costs, such as medication, prolonged physical therapy, and similar expenses.

❖ Lost Earnings – Add up all of your lost wages from missing work. This includes any lost benefits.

❖ Future Lost Income – Estimate the sum of your future lost wages by determining how long you will be out of work as a result of your injuries.

❖ Property Damage – Add up your total value of property damage. This is generally pertinent in car accident claims.

❖ Multiplier for General Damages – A multiplier formula can be applied to approximate your overall damages. Simply multiply the total value by a reasonable and valid multiplier. The more severe, lasting, and painful your injuries, the higher the multiplier number will likely be. Talk to an injury lawyer to learn which multiplier is most accurate for your claim.

Non-Economic Damages (Pain and Suffering) – Estimate a value for pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of quality of life by using your multiplier. See our blog, “How is Pain and Suffering Determined in a Personal Injury Settlement?” to learn more about making this estimation.  These damages should be valued the highest.

Talk to a Seasoned Indiana Accident Attorney

Call the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to make a personal injury or wrongful death claim in Indiana. Our seasoned Indianapolis personal injury attorneys maintain a concentrated focus on accident and injury law, and have extensive trial and litigation experience with a written track record of success. Not only do we offer free initial consultations, we never collect lawyer fees unless we recover a settlement or judgment for you. Get started by scheduling your consultation, today.

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How a Personal Injury Consultation Will Ease Your Mind After an Accident

No one really understands the pain, discomfort, and overall struggle that goes along with being injured in an accident more than you do right now. If you have a family, they too might also feel the impact of your accident and subsequent suffering. With all of this going on, likely your mind is filled with all sorts of emotions and anxieties. How are you going to pay for all of your hospital bills? Where are you going to get money for groceries and rent when you can’t even work? How is my quality of life going to be affected by these injuriesAm I going to get better and how long will it take if I am?

Fortunately, there is a simple way to put your mind at ease for the time being. All you have to do is find a trusted and experienced Indiana personal injury law firm that provides free initial case evaluations. Not only can they give you proper legal advice regarding your unique case, they can provide the support and protection you need during your legal matters.  There is nothing more reassuring than knowing we are on your side.

Continue reading to learn that you need to know about personal injury consultations, including how they can help you during this challenging time.

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Personal Injury Attorney Law Firm 317-881-2700

What a Case Evaluation Will Do

A personal injury case evaluation is designed to achieve three primary goals. First, they are meant to determine whether or not you have a valid case. Second, they will determine where your claim falls within the state’s statute of limitations. Third, a case evaluation will identify any potential challenges or prohibiting factors posed. Furthermore, an initial personal injury case evaluation will give you an opportunity to learn more about your legal rights, including your rights to recovering a settlement for your damages and losses. During this evaluation, you will also have an opportunity to ask your potential lawyer questions about their practice, and the best course of action for your particular claim.

What to Bring to a Personal Injury Consultation

Initial personal injury consultations are free of charge with our law firm.  Moreover, we do not charge any fee to a client until we win your case. However, there are several things you can do to prepare for your consultation to better optimize your time with a licensed personal injury lawyer. Some important items you might want to bring to your initial consultation include medical provider contact information, medical and hospital bills, missed work dates due to injury and recovery, witness contact information, insurance adjuster’s contact information, insurance policy documents, copy of the police report, and any other tangible evidence. Try to also bring a list of questions you have about your claim so that you do not forget to ask them. See our blog, “What to Bring to a Personal Injury Consultation” for details about locating such information for your case evaluation.

Important Topics You Should Discuss

During your initial consult meeting, you will want to address some important topics regarding legal costs. These topics include lawyer fees and expenses. Your attorney will be able to clearly and concisely answer all of your questions regarding these issues. After deliberating these topics, it is helpful to discuss what happens next. This will allow you to prepare for your case and follow through with any instructions or advice your lawyer has given you.

Who to Trust for Your Indiana Personal Injury Case Evaluation

Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700, located in Indianapolis, Indiana, if you or a loved one was recently hurt or someone died as a result of a serious accident in Indiana. Our personal injury attorneys offer free initial consultations to sit down and assess your case. If we feel that you are entitled to compensation for your injuries, we begin working on your case immediately, without charging a dime. If we do not prevail for you, you will not owe our law firm any payment. We are the strong voice and immediate action you need for your personal injury lawsuit.  We represent clients throughout the State of Indiana.

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Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Pros and Cons of Insurance Company Structured Settlements

When an insurance company agrees to pay someone a settlement, they may offer to make payments periodically rather than in one lump sum. This is called a structured settlement, and it does sometimes occur in insurance claims and lawsuits. At first thought, you might expect a structured settlement to be a bit of a disadvantage to the payee, however there may be more benefits to structured settlements that meets the eye. On the other hand, there are also a few disadvantages, or what some would consider cons to structured settlements.

Continue reading to learn some of the pros and cons of insurance Company structured settlements, and where to get the best legal advice regarding your potential accident claim.

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Personal Injury Attorney Law Firm 317-881-2700

Potential ADVANTAGES of Structured Settlements 

If you were to ask a group of individuals who have received a structured settlement in the past from an insurance company, they would likely tell you that the primary benefit they experienced was secure financial management. By receiving their settlement in increments rather than one lump sum, they were able to better control their spending and savings, and therefore, practice improved financial management.

Here are some additional prospective benefits to receiving a structured settlement:

In many cases, a structured settlement usually winds up paying out more money than a lump sum payment.

Structured settlements can also make financial planning, namely tax planning, a lot easier when compared to the process following a lump sum payout.

Due to the added annual income a structured settlement provides, recipients may be eligible for certain tax benefits and advantages.

Many recipients of structured settlements enjoy adding to their annual income as an alternative to receiving a bulk payment from an insurance company settlement.

By receiving a structured settlement in periodic payments, recipients can better control their spending and savings over time.

Potential DISADVANTAGES of Structured Settlements

When it comes to the possible disadvantages of structured settlements, there may be a few. In fact, if you were to ask the same group of individuals in the last example, they would likely have a few complaints as well. One of the main disadvantages discussed among structured settlement recipients and legal advisors is the fact that it can hold you back from taking advantage of certain investment opportunities, such as investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, business, schooling, and more.

Here are some other possible cons to accepting a structured settlement:

In some scenarios, a structured settlement can turn out to be less money than a lump sum payment after you consider commissions, fees, and inflation.

Many are opposed to structured settlements from insurance companies because they don’t like the idea that a financial institution has control of their settlement.

There are several legal regulations restricting how you can sell your structured settlement, if you ever choose to do so.

Trusted Legal Advice About Insurance Settlements for Indiana Injury Claims

Call The Law office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to discuss your potential Indiana personal injury claim with a licensed accident attorney you can trust. Our law firm offers free initial consultations and never collects lawyer fees unless we recover a settlement or judgment for you. Get started on your path to financial and emotional recovery with a simple phone call to our Indianapolis accident injury lawyers, today.  We represent clients throughout the State of Indiana.

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700