Current COVID-19 Procedures for Craven, Hoover, Blazek P.C.

Here at the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, Blazek P.C., our personal injury lawyers are doing all that we can to remain protected and reduce the spread of COVID-19 during this unprecedented and uncertain time. Through social distancing, we can alleviate the concern we have for our staff and clients, alike.

Accordingly, we would like to inform our valued clients, both current and potential, that our office will remain open, Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. We will be operating virtually, as all appointments will be scheduled over the phone or via email; but if an in-person appointment is required, we will make those arrangements as needed.

As a client, you are our top priority, and we will do all that we can to help you with your personal injury legal matters. Please contact us at 317-881-2700, or email us directly from our website, for questions, or to schedule an appointment with one of our esteemed attorneys.

How to Get in Touch With Us

7550 S. Meridian Street, Suite C
Indianapolis, IN 46217

PHONE (317) 881 2700
TOLL-FREE (888) 881-2700
FAX (317) 885-4884

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Schedule a Free Consultation!