Understanding Pedestrian Accidents in Indiana: What Victims Should Know

Pedestrian accidents are a somber reality, a testament to the vulnerability of human beings on the roadways. In a state like Indiana, where the car is king and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure is still burgeoning, the risks for those on foot can be quite pronounced. With this guide, we delve deep into the statistics, the crucial legal landscape, and the preventative strategies one should be aware of to attempt to navigate Indiana’s roadways safely.  Of course however, there will always be inattentive and non-safe drivers out on the roads.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana

Pedestrian Accidents in Indiana: More Than Just Numbers

The picture that statistics paint is often stark and bleak – such is the case with pedestrian accidents in Indiana. A notable increase in the number of pedestrian accidents has been recorded over the past decade, making it an issue that demands attention and action. The trend is concerning, hinting at a complex interplay of various factors, from the state’s weather to changing driving habits, new onboard technologies, and substance use.

> Current Data and Trends

Indiana’s pedestrian accidents have risen by a significant percentage, a jump that far eclipses national averages. From the rural back roads to urban thoroughfares, the uptick in these incidents paints a worrying trend, one that begs the question – what’s causing this surge?

> Top Causes

Distracted driving, a scourge of the modern era, is a significant contributor. The compulsion to glance at screens or multitask doesn’t wane behind the wheel, often with disastrous consequences. Similarly, impaired driving, exacerbated by an alcohol culture, contributes to the grim statistics. Additionally, speeding, itself a manifestation of the need for speed and impatience, further compounds these issues.

The Impact on Pedestrian Accident Victims

Beyond mere data, there’s a human element – the impact on the victims. Pedestrian accidents inflict not just physical injury, but a psychological and financial burden that can be just as crippling.

> Physical Injuries and Emotional Trauma

The injuries sustained in pedestrian accidents can be catastrophic or deadly, often leading to life-changing adjustments. And it’s not just the physical scars; the emotional trauma, especially when the victim is a child, can linger long after the casts and bandages are gone.

> Financial Losses

The financial implications are multifaceted. From medical bills to loss of income, the costs spiral rapidly. In this context, understanding the rights and legal avenues available to victims becomes integral to navigating the recovery process.

Legal Rights and Recourse

When the unthinkable happens, knowing where the law stands can provide a semblance of control and a path forward. The legal terrain for pedestrian accidents is complex, but essential knowledge for anyone navigating this territory.

> Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury lawyers are the beacon in the legal labyrinth, guiding victims through the nuances of pedestrian accident claims. Understanding that there’s a voice willing to advocate for the wronged can be a source of comfort and empowerment.

> Filing a Pedestrian Accident Claim

For those contemplating a claim, understanding the process and the key considerations is vital. Gathering evidence, establishing liability, and pursuing just compensation are steps that require insight and persistence – qualities an experienced personal injury lawyer can offer.

Tips for Preventing Pedestrian Accidents

In the realm of pedestrian safety, it transcends beyond the realm of legislators or law enforcers; it stands as a shared objective. Urban planners and vehicle manufacturers, among others, each have a role to play. Yet, at its core, individual choices and persistent endeavors are paramount.

Cities and urban landscapes serve as the primary battleground for pedestrian safety. Investments in infrastructure and the execution of adaptive policies act as pivotal forces that can tip the balance in favor of safety. Additionally, simple, practical advice for pedestrians and motorists can notably diminish accident risks. For pedestrians, visibility and alertness are fundamental; for drivers, patience, visibility, alertness and a gentle touch on the accelerator can be lifesaving.


Safety represents a shared mission, a cause that demands the involvement of every citizen. Join this cause – champion improved pedestrian rights, endorse safety-centric policies, and most crucially, embody the individual who opts for caution and mindfulness on the streets. The narrative of pedestrian incidents in Indiana isn’t a tale of despair, but a testament to resilience and determination. It tells of individuals and communities uniting to uphold the value of human life, where every step and every turn of the wheel is made with a conscious effort to reduce risks. Let these insights and instructions guide the way to a safer, more compassionate Indiana, where every journey – whether on foot or by vehicle – is approached with care and accountability.

If the unfortunate does transpire, don’t face it alone. Seeking legal counsel isn’t just a right; it’s a wise decision that can expedite the recovery process and ensure that the responsible parties are held accountable. Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free, one-on-one meeting with an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent victims all throughout the state, including Indiana residents injured in other states.

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Understanding Who is Liable in a Pedestrian Accident Case
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Win Your Accident Case: A Closer Look at Personal Injury Claims in Indiana

Personal injury claims are not just about seeking financial compensation; they are about regaining control amidst the chaos of an accident, and they are a means to hold those responsible for your suffering accountable. However, navigating the legal landscape of personal injury cases can be labyrinthine, particularly when specific state laws and regulations come into play. For Indiana residents facing the aftermath of an accident, understanding the intricacies of the personal injury claim process is critical to achieving a favorable outcome.

In this guide, we delve into the key components of personal injury claims, the pivotal steps to take, and the nuances of Indiana’s legal framework. Whether you’re a victim of a car accident, slip and fall incident, trucking accident or medical malpractice, this resource will equip you with the knowledge you need to pursue just compensation for your injuries.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Personal Injury Claims Lawyer in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Personal Injury Claims Lawyer in Indianapolis

The Perils of Personal Injuries in Indiana

Indiana’s bustling cities, interconnected roadways, and vibrant communities mean that accidents, unfortunately, are a part of life. A personal injury can strike suddenly and disrupt every facet of your life. You may face physical pain, emotional trauma, financial distress, and the daunting task of dealing with the aftermath. Understanding the full extent of the difficulties you face as an injury victim forms the foundation for a proactive approach to your recovery, both personal and legal.

Types of Damages Suffered by Injury Victims

Personal injury cases typically involve a spectrum of damages, which can be categorized into economic and non-economic losses. Economic losses include medical expenses, wage loss, property damage, and any other financial detriment resulting from the accident. Non-economic damages encompass pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. Recognizing these various losses is crucial for later quantifying them in a claim.

Understanding Personal Injury Claims: The Why’s, How’s and Who’s

When is the right time to file a personal injury claim? Why should I file a claim? These are some of the first questions that often arise for injury victims. In Indiana, the reasons to file a claim are numerous, particularly when losses are significant and have a lasting effect. Whether you are the direct victim of an injury or a related party, the ability to file a claim is generally broad but defined within certain parameters.

Reasons to Pursue an Injury Claim

Filing a personal injury claim serves several purposes, including reimbursement for medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. Furthermore, it is a legal recourse to address the pain and suffering inflicted by the negligent party. In extreme cases, punitive damages may also apply, providing a measure of punishment and a deterrent affect for particularly egregious conduct.

Indiana Statutes of Limitations

Each state imposes statutes of limitations, which dictate the time-frame within which a claim must be filed. In Indiana, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is generally two years from the date of the injury. Failure to file within this period can result in an absolute bar to recovery, making prompt action imperative for any potential claimant.  If your claim is against a governmental entity, your time for filing a tort claims notice which is a prerequisite to filing a lawsuit is much shorter than 2 years.

How to File a Personal Injury Claim in Indiana

In Indiana, the injured person themselves is typically the primary claimant. However, in the event of severe injuries or fatalities, or if the injured person is a minor or dependent, a family member or guardian may seek compensation on their behalf. Additionally, certain situations may lead to third-party claims, expanding the scope of recovery options for victims. It is important to hire an experienced accident attorney to navigate the claim filling process with you. Generally, this process includes steps such as:

► Gathering Evidence and Documentation

The strength of your claim often hinges on the evidence collected at the scene and documented in the aftermath. Photographs, witness statements, dash and body camera and medical records can be pivotal in proving the cause and effect of your injuries. A comprehensive record is the cornerstone of any successful claim.

► Hiring an Attorney and Filing the Lawsuit

Navigating personal injury law can be daunting, particularly when you are contending with the complexities of a claim. Hiring an experienced accident attorney immediately is your best defense against the tactics of insurance companies and the legal maneuverings of opposing counsel. Your injury lawyer will guide you through the process of filing a lawsuit, ensuring that all legal formalities are met.

► Negotiating a Settlement or Going to Trial

The vast majority of personal injury claims are resolved through settlement negotiations. These discussions aim to reach a satisfactory agreement between the injured party and the at-fault party’s insurance company without going to trial. However, if a mutually acceptable resolution cannot be achieved, the case will proceed to trial where a judge or jury will determine the outcome.

Factors That May Affect Your Personal Injury Claim

Navigating the circumstances that can affect the outcome of a personal injury claim requires awareness and foresight. In Indiana, several key factors can significantly influence the trajectory of your case, such as:

Comparative Negligence Laws – Indiana follows a modified comparative negligence standard, whereby the injured party can still recover compensation even if they are partially at fault for the incident. However, their recovery is reduced by their percentage of fault. Understanding this concept is crucial, as it may impact the ultimate award.  If you are more than 50% as the injured party you do not win your case in Indiana.  If your claim is against a governmental agency or in medical malpractice cases, different laws apply.

Impact of Insurance Coverage – Insurance policies often play a significant role in personal injury cases. Understanding the relevant insurance coverage, policy limits, and potential for recovery from different sources is a critical aspect of claim evaluation and negotiation.

Social Media Activity – In the digital age, social media can become a double-edged sword in personal injury cases. Posts, comments, and photos shared online can be used as evidence, affecting the credibility of your claim. Maintaining discretion on social platforms can protect the integrity of your case and leave less chances of a defense attorney twisting or leaving context out of such evidence.

Tips for Maximizing Your Personal Injury Claim

Achieving the full potential of your personal injury claim necessitates a proactive and diligent approach. Here are essential tips to help you navigate your claim and maximize your recovery:

— Seeking Immediate Medical Attention

Prompt medical attention not only prioritizes your health, which is always paramount, but also creates a contemporaneous record of your injuries. This documentation is persuasive evidence in support of your claim.

— Documenting Injuries and Damages

A meticulous record of all injuries suffered, treatment received, and ongoing symptoms is indispensable. Establishing a documented chain of evidence paints a detailed picture of your losses and the subsequent impact on your life.

— Keeping a Record of Expenses and Losses

Maintaining a ledger of all related expenses, such as medical bills, property damage, and other financial outlays, is imperative for a comprehensive demand for compensation.

— Hiring a Reputable Personal Injury Attorney

An attorney with a robust track record in personal injury cases can be the most crucial asset in your journey to securing fair compensation. With their expertise, they can ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the best legal advocacy possible.

Final Thoughts

Seeking a just resolution to a personal injury claim is more than a legal process; it is a personal journey to reclaiming your life. With the insights and knowledge provided in this guide, injury victims in Indiana are empowered to take the necessary steps towards recovery and the pursuit of deserved compensation. Remember, the key to winning your case is to act decisively and align yourself with the right legal representation from the outset.

If you or a loved one has been injured in Indiana, do not hesitate to seek legal advice tailored to your specific situation. The road to recovery may be long, but with the right approach, just compensation can be within reach. Contact Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Call now before time runs out on your claim.

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Vocational Rehabilitation After a Workplace Injury: A Guide for Injured Workers

In the aftermath of a workplace injury, returning to work can seem like a distant reality. However, vocational rehabilitation offers a beacon of hope, providing the means for injured workers to reclaim their professional and personal lives and independence. This blog post is dedicated to understanding how vocational rehabilitation can serve as a crucial step on the road to recovery.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Seasoned Workers' Comp Attorney Near Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Seasoned Workers’ Comp Attorney Near Indianapolis

Types of Workplace Accidents and Injuries

Workplace accidents range from slips, trips, and falls, lifting injuries to incidents involving machinery or hazardous materials. According to OSHA, common violations leading to these injuries include inadequate fall protection, poor hazard communication, and insufficient respiratory protection. It’s important for workers to recognize these hazards and understand their rights in the workplace.

Understanding Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation is a process intended to enable persons with disabilities, which includes those injured at work, to overcome barriers to accessing, maintaining, or returning to employment or other useful occupations. Early intervention post-injury is critical for the best outcomes in vocational rehabilitation, facilitating a quicker and more effective recovery.

The Role of Vocational Rehabilitation

Through vocational rehabilitation, injured workers are afforded a range of services catered to their unique circumstances:

Assessment of Skills and Abilities: Understanding what you can do post-injury allows for a realistic rehabilitation plan.

Development of a Personalized Plan: Goals are set, and strategies formulated to address specific employment barriers.

Training and Retraining Opportunities: This can involve learning new skills or refreshing existing ones to meet job demands.

Job Placement Assistance: Support in finding suitable employment that accommodates any lingering limitations.

Benefits of Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation helps restore not only vocational capacity but also:

Independence and Self-Confidence: Gaining the skills to re-enter the workforce empowers individuals.

Successful Return to Work: Structured plans ease the transition back into employment.

Enhanced Physical and Mental Well-Being: Staying active and purposeful promotes overall health.

Navigating the Vocational Rehabilitation Process

It is a collaborative journey, often involving a rehabilitation counselor, to guide you through steps such as:

Accessing Resources and Support: Many programs offer tools and support networks.

Overcoming Challenges and Setbacks: Prepare for ups and downs and celebrate small victories along the rehabilitation pathway.

Legal Considerations

Injured workers should be aware of their rights under workers’ compensation laws, which may include vocational rehabilitation services. It’s important to understand timelines for claiming benefits and the process of disputing any denials. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) also offers protections that facilitate a fair and reasonable accommodation in the workplace. Understanding how vocational rehabilitation interacts with Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is equally important for those who qualify for both services.

Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Injured workers should consider the merits of having an attorney to defend their rights and ensure fair compensation during recovery. A personal injury lawyer who also handles workers’ compensation cases can navigate the complexities of such claims and advocate on your behalf. A seasoned workers’ compensation attorney, you can secure the resources necessary for comprehensive rehabilitation. If your claim to vocational rehabilitation services is denied, a lawyer can provide the representation needed to appeal the decision.


If you’ve suffered a workplace injury, don’t overlook vocational rehabilitation as a pivotal part of your healing process. With the right guidance, support, and legal aid, you can pave a pathway towards reclaiming your career and life. Talk to a workplace injury attorney today to explore your rights and the compensation you’re entitled to. Your journey to resume work can be just as rewarding as it is challenging.

As always, we hope this information has been helpful. If you ever need assistance with a workplace injury claim in Indiana, our team of experienced accident lawyers is here to help. Contact Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 for a free initial case evaluation and let us guide you through the workers’ compensation claim process. Your well-being and rights are our top priority.

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Know Your Rights: Strategies to Secure Full and Fair Personal Injury Compensation

In the aftermath of an accident, understanding your rights and the compensation you are entitled to is essential. This blog post will help guide you through the often complex landscape of personal injury settlements, illuminating the types of damages awarded and how compensation is calculated. When suffering from personal injuries, you may be entitled to general damages, punitive damages, and compensation for various losses you’ve endured.

It’s important to remember that securing full and fair compensation is often a rigorous process, requiring the expertise of an accident lawyer. Continue reading to navigate the world of personal injury compensation confidently, ensuring you don’t settle for less than you deserve.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Indiana Personal Injury Accident Lawyer
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Indiana Personal Injury Accident Lawyer

Types of Damages Awarded to Personal Injury Victims

When discussing personal injury settlements, it’s crucial to understand the types of damages you may be entitled to receive. Personal injury cases can result in various types of damages awarded to the victim. These damages can cover a wide range of losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damages.

General damages are awarded to compensate the victim for tangible monetary losses, such as medical expenses, hospital bills, and lost wages. Non-economic damages, like pain-and-suffering and loss of enjoyment of life, can also be awarded depending on the nature of the case. These damages are more subjective and thus, more challenging to quantify, but they may include damages for psychological injuries as well.

Punitive damages can be awarded in situations in which the defendant’s actions are seen as intentionally harmful or reckless, aimed to punish the offender and set an example for others. The total amount of damages awarded often depends on the severity of the injury, the long-term effects on the victim’s life, and other mitigating factors.

Overall, it’s essential for plaintiffs to work with an experienced personal injury lawyer to ensure that they receive financial compensation for all of the damages they have suffered.

Calculating Personal Injury Compensation

When determining the amount of payment that you are entitled to, several factors come into play. These may include medical expenses, lost wages due to missed work, property damage, and overall pain and suffering caused by the accident. To determine the value of your case accurately, it’s vital to keep and accumulate records of all the expenses and losses you’ve incurred as a result of the accident.

The process of calculating personal injury compensation can be complex, and it’s crucial to seek the assistance of an experienced Indiana injury attorney. They have the expertise to evaluate your case thoroughly and negotiate with insurance companies or represent you in court. Hiring a personal injury lawyer will provide you with the best chance that you receive full and fair compensation for your losses and helps alleviate the stress of navigating the legal process on your own.

More on the Importance of Hiring an Accident Lawyer

Pursuing a personal injury claim for compensation can be overwhelming, especially when you’re dealing with physical and emotional injuries. In addition to guiding you through the process, an accident lawyer will have your best interests in mind and strive to secure a full and fair settlement. They have extensive knowledge of Indiana personal injury law and can navigate the complexities of negotiations or legal proceedings. Moreover, insurance companies may try to take advantage of your lack of legal knowledge and offer a lower settlement amount than you deserve. An accident attorney will fight for your rights and ensure that you receive proper compensation for all damages and losses incurred.


In conclusion, understanding your rights as a personal injury victim and the types of damages awarded is crucial in securing full and fair compensation. It’s essential to keep records of all expenses and losses incurred and to obtain the medical care necessary to get you back to where you were before the injury, and hiring an accident lawyer can greatly benefit the outcome of your case. Remember, you deserve to be fully compensated for any injuries or damages caused by another party’s negligence. Don’t settle for less than what you are entitled to and seek the help of an experienced accident lawyer to ensure your rights are protected.  So, if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, don’t hesitate to seek legal advice and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Remember, knowing your rights is the first step towards securing full and fair personal injury compensation. Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. at 317-881-2700 to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can hold meetings in our office, or, if you cannot travel, we can speak over the phone or at your place of medical in-patient care. Call now before time runs out on your claim!

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Suing for a Wrongful Death in Indiana

When confronting the anguish of losing a loved one, the added stress of considering a wrongful death lawsuit can be overwhelming. Yet, for many, it’s a necessary step for achieving justice and financial stability in the wake of tragedy.

This blog post is designed to guide you through the intricate process of filing a wrongful death lawsuit in Indiana. We’ll discuss the crucial do’s and don’ts, unravel the complexities of pursuing wrongful death claims, and provide insights into how a wrongful death lawyer can simplify this legal journey. Although a settlement for damages may not alleviate the emotional pain, they can provide the financial support necessary for the future.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With Our Indianapolis Personal Injury Attorneys
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With Our Indianapolis Personal Injury Attorneys

Indiana Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Before diving into the “do’s” and “don’ts”, let’s clarify what a general wrongful death lawsuit entails. In legal terms, a wrongful death occurs when someone else’s actions or negligence cause the death of another person. These deaths can result from various situations, such as car accidents, medical malpractice, workplace accidents, or criminal acts. The purpose of a wrongful death lawsuit is to hold the responsible party accountable and provide compensation for the surviving family members.

The Do’s: Steps to Take When Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

When considering filing a wrongful death lawsuit, it’s essential to know the necessary steps to take to ensure its success. Here are some crucial do’s when pursuing a wrongful death claim in Indiana:

Seek Legal Representation: First and foremost, seek the help of an experienced wrongful death lawyer. The legal system is complex, and having a knowledgeable advocate on your side will make all the difference.

Gather Evidence: Collecting evidence is crucial when building a strong case. This includes any police reports, medical records, witness statements, 911 tapes, body and dash camera video and other relevant documents.

File Within the Statute of Limitations: In Indiana, there is a two-year statute of limitations to file a wrongful death lawsuit against entities that are non-governmental. This means you must initiate the legal process within two years from the date of your loved one’s death and if governmental, you must file a tort claims notice in as little as 6 months.

Document Your Losses: Keep track of any financial losses resulting from your loved one’s death, such as funeral expenses, medical bills, loss of income, and future losses.

Understand Indiana’s Wrongful Death Statute: Indiana has specific laws regarding wrongful death lawsuits, and it’s crucial to understand them before proceeding with your case. A knowledgeable wrongful death lawyer can guide you through these statutes.

The Don’ts: Mistakes to Avoid When Pursuing a Wrongful Death Claim

As crucial as it is to know the do’s, it’s equally essential to understand what not to do when filing a wrongful death lawsuit. Here are some common mistakes you should avoid:

Do Not Delay: As mentioned previously, there is a statute of limitations for filing a wrongful death lawsuit in Indiana. Don’t wait until the last minute, as this can jeopardize your chances of receiving compensation. It is always best to hire your own attorney as soon as possible.

Do Not Discuss Your Case with Insurance Companies: The responsible party’s insurance company may reach out to you to discuss the case. It’s crucial to not engage with insurance adjusters without consulting your wrongful death lawyer first.

Do Not Accept a Settlement Without Consulting a Lawyer: Similarly, it’s important that you do not accept any settlement offers without a lawyer’s guidance. Insurance companies try to offer a lower amount than what you are entitled to, and a wrongful death lawyer can negotiate on your behalf.

Do Not Assume You Are Not Eligible to File: In some cases, family members may assume they are not eligible to file for a wrongful death lawsuit. It’s essential to consult with a lawyer to determine your eligibility and who in the family shares in any settlement or verdict.

Do Not Share Sensitive Information on Social Media: It’s best that you do not post any information about your case on social media. This can potentially harm your case and will be used against you by the defense if possible.

The Role of Punitive Damages in a Wrongful Death Case

In Indiana, punitive damages may be awarded in wrongful death lawsuits. These damages are meant to punish the responsible party for their actions and serve as a deterrent for similar behavior in the future.

In Summary

Losing a loved one is devastating, but seeking justice can help bring closure and financial stability for the future. By following the do’s and avoiding the don’ts, working with a wrongful death lawyer, and understanding the role of punitive damages, you can navigate through this challenging process and achieve justice for your loved one. Remember, you don’t have to go through this alone. Seek legal support and take the necessary steps towards seeking justice. Let the law work for you when dealing with such unfortunate events and protect the rights of your loved ones who are no longer with us.

Seek justice today if your family has just suffered a tragic death caused by another’s negligence. Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced wrongful death lawyer in Indianapolis. We provide contingency-fee representation, so you don’t pay anything unless we successfully secure a settlement or verdict on your behalf.

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Slip and Fall Accidents in Indiana: What You Need to Know

Slip and fall accidents can lead to serious injuries and life-altering consequences. In the state of Indiana, understanding the premises liability law is crucial if you find yourself involved in a slip and fall incident. This knowledge can provide you with the necessary legal framework should you decide to pursue a slip and fall lawsuit or claim. This blog post will unravel the intricacies of Indiana’s premises liability laws, shed light on how to navigate a slip and fall injury, and offer practical advice on protecting your rights and interests in these unfortunate circumstances.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With Our Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With Our Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers in Indianapolis Indiana

Indiana’s Premises Liability Law

Premises liability is a legal concept that holds property owners, managers and possessors responsible for injuries and accidents that occur on their property. In the state of Indiana, this law applies to slip and fall accidents, making it essential for individuals to understand what constitutes premises liability. Under Indiana Code Section 34-31-11, property owners have a duty of care to provide a safe environment for anyone on their property, whether invited or uninvited.

This includes ensuring that the premises are free from any hazardous conditions and taking necessary measures to prevent accidents and injuries. For instance, if a customer slips on a wet floor at a grocery store, causing them to sustain injuries, the property owner or possessor can be held liable for failing to keep their premises safe and free from hazards that caused the accident. The victim could file a slip and fall accident claim and collect compensation for their damages, such as medical bills and lost wages.

Pursuing a Slip and Fall Lawsuit

If you have suffered a slip and fall injury on someone else’s property, you may be entitled to compensation through a slip and fall lawsuit. However, pursuing legal action can be complicated and requires a thorough understanding of the law. It’s crucial to seek the assistance of a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer who specializes in slip and fall cases. They can help you navigate the legal system and fight for your rights. In Indiana, there is a statute of limitations of two years from the date of the accident to file a slip and fall lawsuit.

What Victims Need to Prove in a Slip and Fall Case

To win a slip and fall lawsuit in Indiana, the victim must prove that the property owner was negligent. This means showing that the owner failed to fulfill their duty of providing a safe environment for visitors on their premises. Common examples of negligence in slip and fall cases include failure to repair or warn about hazardous conditions such as wet floors, loose carpeting, or icy walkways. You must also prove that the property owners, managers and/or  possessors knew or should have known about the dangerous condition prior to the fall. The most common types of injuries that slip and fall victims suffer include broken bones, head injuries, and back injuries.

Protecting Your Rights and Interests

In the aftermath of a slip and fall accident, it’s essential to take certain steps to protect your rights and interests. These include seeking immediate medical attention, documenting the incident by taking photos or videos of the scene, obtaining contact information from any witnesses, and reporting the accident to the property owner or manager. It’s also crucial to avoid making any statements or accepting any settlements from the property owner’s insurance company without consulting a lawyer first.


Slip and fall accidents can happen to anyone, at any time, in Indiana. Understanding premises liability law and your rights as an individual can help you navigate these unfortunate circumstances effectively. If you find yourself involved in a slip and fall injury, make sure to seek legal guidance immediately to protect your interests and hold the responsible parties accountable for their negligence. Remember, you have the right to compensation for any damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Would you like to speak with a seasoned civil litigator who knows how to deal with premises liability cases in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced slip and fall lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent injured victims all across the state, Indiana residents injured in other states and residents of other states injured in Indiana. In addition, we offer the option to hold meetings either by phone, at your residence, online, or at the hospital if necessary.

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Legal Rights of Hit and Run Accident Victims in Indiana

Experiencing a hit and run accident is a traumatic event that can leave victims feeling helpless and uncertain about their rights. In Indiana, where hit-and-run incidents are alarmingly common, victims should be aware of their legal rights and the course of action they can pursue.

This blog post aims to provide an informative guide on the legal rights of car accident victims in Indiana, shed light on the role of hit and run accident lawyers, and offer insight into the process of filing a personal injury lawsuit. Here, we unpack the complex legal landscape and provide you with the knowledge you need to navigate your way toward justice and compensation.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Hit and Run Injury Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Hit and Run Injury Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Hit and Run Accidents

A hit and run accident occurs when a driver involved in a collision flees the scene without exchanging their personal and insurance information with the other party. Sadly, such accidents are all too common on Indiana’s roads, with over 3,500 hit and runs reported in 2022 alone. These accidents can result in serious injuries or even fatalities, leaving victims and their families to deal with physical, emotional, and financial consequences.

Injuries sustained can range from minor to life-threatening. Pedestrians are particularly vulnerable to hit-and-run accidents, and injuries often include broken bones, head trauma, and internal organ damage. In car accidents, victims can suffer cuts, bruises, whiplash, and more severe injuries such as spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). It’s important for those who have been injured in a hit-and-run accident to seek medical attention and contact the authorities for help.

Legal Rights of Hit-and-Run Victims

Under Indiana law, hit-and-run car accidents are treated as criminal offenses, and the driver who flees the scene can face severe penalties if caught. As a victim of such an accident, you have the right to hold the responsible party accountable and seek compensation for your losses.

First and Always Call the Police

For any hit and run incident or any incident at all, always call the police and make sure that a police report is made. The police will take down information that is vital to your case including the fact the incident happened and where.

Seeking Compensation

If you have sustained injuries or property damage in a pedestrian or car accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation. In Indiana, personal injury accident victims can pursue compensation through their own insurance company’s uninsured motorist coverage. However, this process can be complex and requires the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Time Limit for Filing a Lawsuit

In Indiana, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit in a hit and run accident is two years from the date of the incident in most situations. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with an experienced auto accident lawyer and take legal action within this time frame to protect your rights and receive fair compensation.  It is always best to contact an attorney as soon as possible following the incident so vital facts and evidence can be obtained and stored.

The Role of Hit and Run Accident Lawyers

Navigating the legal process can be overwhelming for accident victims, especially when dealing with a hit and run incident. A skilled and knowledgeable hit and run accident attorney can provide valuable guidance and support throughout every step of your case. They can help you gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent you in court if necessary. Most personal injury law firms work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you receive compensation for your injuries. This allows victims to seek legal representation without worrying about upfront fees and ensures that their lawyer will strive for the best possible outcome for their client.


Being involved in a hit and run accident is a distressing experience, but it’s essential to remember that you have rights as a victim. Seeking legal guidance from hit and run accident lawyers can help you understand your options and hold the responsible party accountable for their actions. So, know your rights and take the necessary steps to protect them. Remember, you are not alone, and help is available to guide you towards a fair resolution. Let’s work together to make our roads safer for everyone. 

Are you or a loved one currently dealing with the aftermath of a hit and run accident? Contact the law firm of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 today.Our Indianapolis civil litigators provide free initial consultations and never collect lawyer fees unless we recover a settlement or verdict for you. Whether hit while walking, riding, or driving, you have rights. Call today before time runs out and evidence disappears.

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Clarifying Social Host Liability: Legal Implications for Indiana Residents

With so many Hoosiers coming down from a long weekend of New Year’s celebrations, it is crucial to be aware of the responsibilities that come along with hosting social events. Today, we’re tackling the complex issue of social host liability and its legal implications, particularly for residents of Indiana. With the increase in alcohol consumption during New Year’s Eve parties, there are real and potential repercussions for homeowners and business owners who allow over-consumption on their premises. 

Today, we will delve into the penalties for social host violations in Indiana, plus provide information on what to do if a loved one was tragically injured or killed due to the over-serving of alcohol over the New Year’s Eve weekend. Stay tuned as we navigate the intricate waters of social host law, for knowledge is power when it comes to protecting ourselves and our loved ones.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Personal Injury Lawyer in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Personal Injury Lawyer in Indianapolis

The Increase of Alcohol Consumption on New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is known for being one of the biggest party nights of the year. With celebrations taking place all over Indiana, alcohol consumption tends to skyrocket during this time. Unfortunately, this also means an increase in social host violations and potential harm caused by over-consumption. When we gather with friends and family to celebrate any event, it’s important to always remember that being a responsible host means helping to ensure the safety of your guests.

Understanding Social Host Liability

Social host liability is a legal concept that holds hosts responsible for their actions and the actions of their guests when it comes to serving alcohol. Essentially, if an individual over-consumes alcohol and causes harm to themselves or others, the host could be held liable for their negligence in allowing excessive drinking on their property. This law applies not only to homeowners but also to anyone who serves alcohol at a social gathering, such as a party or event.

In Indiana, the law states that, “a person who knowingly or intentionally sells, furnishes, gives away or otherwise provides alcoholic beverages to a minor commits a Class C misdemeanor.” (IC 7.1-5-7-8). This means that if an underage individual is served alcohol at a party and causes harm to themselves or others, the host can face legal consequences.

Penalties for Social Host Violations in Indiana

The consequences for social host violations vary depending on the severity of the situation. Accordingly, they can render both civil and criminal penalties. In Indiana, serving alcohol to a minor is considered a Class C misdemeanor, which can result in a fine of up to $500 and/or up to 60 days in jail (IC 7.1-5-7-8). If the incident involves serious injury or death, the host could face Class A misdemeanor charges or even felony charges, both of which come with much harsher penalties. All of these legal consequences not only affect the host but also have an impact on the individual who has been harmed or their loved ones.

What to Do If Someone You Love is Injured or Killed

If someone you care about has been tragically injured or killed due to over-serving of alcohol at a New Year’s Eve party, it’s important to take immediate action. First and foremost, seek medical assistance for the individual and continue to follow up on all medical appointments and orders. Then, hire an experienced Indianapolis civil litigator who can help represent you in a social host liability claim. They will assist you from start to finish, from gathering evidence, like the location of the party and who served alcohol, to recovering a full and fair settlement for your damages.


As we enter a new year, let’s make sure that our coming celebrations are not only fun but also safe for everyone involved. As hosts, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our guests do not over-consume alcohol and put themselves or others in harm’s way. Remember, social host liability is a serious issue with legal implications that should not be taken lightly. Stay informed, stay responsible, and have a happy and safe New Year!

Are you ready to file a lawsuit against a negligent party host who over-served your loved one last year? Contact Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can hold meetings in our office, or, if you cannot travel, we can speak over the phone or at your place of medical in-patient care. Call now before time runs out on your claim!

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The Role of a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer: What to Expect

Navigating the labyrinth of workplace injury claims in Indiana can be a daunting task without the right guidance. In this complex system, a workers’ compensation lawyer serves as your beacon of hope, offering legal counsel and support every step of the way. They are well-versed with the intricacies of the Workers’ Compensation Act, ensuring that your rights as an injured worker are protected and your claims are handled efficiently.

Through this post, we aim to shed light on the essential role of a workers’ comp attorney and what you can expect when you engage their services in the state of Indiana.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Workers' Compensation Lawyer in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Indianapolis

Understanding Workers’ Compensation in Indiana

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their jobs. In Indiana, most employers are required to have workers’ compensation insurance, which covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. However, navigating the claims process can be complicated, and employers and insurance companies may try to deny or limit your benefits. This is where a workplace compensation lawyer comes in.

The Role of a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

A workers’ compensation lawyer serves as an advocate for injured workers, ensuring that their rights are protected and their claims are handled effectively. They have in-depth knowledge of the Workers’ Compensation Act, which outlines the rules and regulations for workplace injury claims in Indiana. This includes understanding the types of workplace injuries that qualify for workers’ comp benefits, the time limits for filing a claim, the types of benefits available, and the process for appealing a denied claim.

The Workers’ Compensation Act is a set of laws that govern workers’ compensation claims in Indiana. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees in the event of a workplace injury or illness. These laws are designed to protect injured workers, ensuring that they receive fair compensation for their injuries and losses.

What to Expect from a Workplace Injury Lawyer

When you engage the services of a workplace injury lawyer in Indiana, they will guide you through every step of your claim, from filing to resolution. This includes gathering evidence, completing paperwork, and negotiating with your employer’s insurance company on your behalf. They will also represent you at hearings or mediation sessions if necessary.

A workers’ comp lawyer will also assist you in obtaining the appropriate medical treatment for your injury or illness and ensure that all medical bills are paid by the worker compensation insurance company. Additionally, they will help you understand the benefits available to you, such as temporary total disability benefits, permanent partial impairment benefits, and vocational rehabilitation.

What to Do if You are Seriously Injured at Work

If you are seriously injured at work, it is crucial to seek legal counsel from a workers’ compensation attorney in Indianapolis immediately. They can help you navigate the claims process and ensure that your rights are protected while you focus on recovering from your injuries.

It is also important to report your injury to your employer as soon as possible and seek medical treatment for your injuries. Failure to do so could jeopardize your eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits.


In conclusion, a workers’ compensation lawyer plays an essential role in helping injured workers receive the benefits they are entitled to under the Workers’ Compensation Act in Indiana. They provide legal representation and support throughout the claims process, ensuring that your rights are protected and your claims are handled efficiently. If you have been injured or become ill on the job in Indiana, do not hesitate to seek the assistance of a workers’ compensation lawyer to ensure that you receive the benefits you deserve. 

So, always remember, whenever faced with a work-related injury or illness in Indiana, a workplace injury attorney will be your best ally.  They will fight for your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to, allowing you to focus on recovering and getting back to work.  Keep this in mind and stay safe at work!

We hope this blog post has provided helpful information about workplace injury cases in Indiana. Contact Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial personal injury case evaluation with a seasoned workers’ compensation lawyer in Indianapolis, today. Meet with us over the phone, video conference, or in person at our Indy office.

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Key Factors Influencing Your Personal Injury Settlement Value

Navigating the complex world of personal injury settlements is no easy feat, especially when dealing with the tactics commonly employed by insurance companies to minimize payouts. When you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, understanding the key factors that influence the value of your claim is crucial.

This blog post aims to guide you through these critical elements, helping you to effectively calculate and negotiate your personal injury damages. We’ll discuss the variables that can affect your settlement value, shed light on the strategies that insurance companies and their attorneys may use to decrease your compensation and provide insights into the personal injury calculator, a tool that can be effective in valuing your claim. Stay tuned as we delve into the intricacies of personal injury settlements.

Call 317-881-2700 to File a Personal Injury Settlement Claim in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to File a Personal Injury Settlement Claim in Indianapolis Indiana

What Factors Affect the Value of Your Personal Injury Settlement?

When determining the value of your personal injury claim, several key factors come into play. These variables can vary significantly from case to case, making it challenging to assign a figure for your damages. However, understanding these elements and how they influence your settlement value is crucial in negotiating a fair compensation amount. Here are some of the key factors that can impact your personal injury settlement value:

Nature and severity of injuries: The type and extent of your injuries have a significant impact on the value of your claim. Generally, more severe injuries should result in higher compensation amounts.

Medical treatment and expenses: The cost of medical treatment for your injuries, including past and future expenses, can significantly impact your settlement value.

Lost wages and income: If your injuries have caused you to miss work or impacted your ability to earn an income, this can be factored into your compensation amount.

Pain and suffering: Physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish resulting from the accident can also be considered when calculating the value of your claim.  These damages are calculated differently by each insurance carrier for a settlement or a jury for a verdict.

Duration of recovery: The length of time it takes for you to fully recover from your injuries can also play a role in determining the value of your settlement.

As you can see, there are multiple variables that can impact the value of your personal injury settlement. However, keep in mind that each case is unique and may involve additional factors not mentioned here. It’s always best to consult with a personal injury lawyer to assess your specific situation and determine the most accurate estimate of your potential settlement value.  You should hire an attorney.

How Do Insurance Companies Try to Lower the Value of a Personal Injury Claim?

Insurance companies are businesses, and their primary goal is to make a profit. As such, they may employ various tactics to decrease the value of personal injury settlements and minimize their payout. Some common tactics used by insurance companies include:

Disputing liability: Insurers may try to shift the blame onto the injured party or argue that their policyholder is not entirely at fault for the accident, even if the argument is without very much merit.

Downplaying injuries: Insurance companies may downplay the severity of your injuries and try to get you to settle quickly before you realize the full extent of your damages and before you can hire your own attorney.

Delaying the claims process: Insurers may intentionally prolong the settlement process to pressure you into accepting a lower offer.

Using recorded statements against you: Be cautious when providing recorded statements to insurance companies, as they can use them to discredit your claims and reduce your settlement value by attempting to get you to guess in your answers or attempting to have you  answer in a way which can later be argued in a misinterpreting way.

The Role of Personal Injury Calculators in Valuing Your Case

Personal injury calculators are online tools that use algorithms and data input to estimate the potential value of your claim. While these calculators can be helpful in providing a rough estimate, they should not be relied upon as the final say on your settlement value. These tools do not take into account all the nuances and complexities of personal injury cases, and their results may vary significantly from what you eventually receive. It’s always best to seek professional legal counsel and use the personal injury calculator as a starting point rather than the final determining factor.


The value of your lawsuit settlement can be influenced by various factors, including the nature of your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, temporary or permanent injuries and pain and suffering. Insurance companies will try to lower the value of your settlement through tactics such as disputing liability and downplaying injuries. While personal injury calculators can provide a general estimation, it’s crucial to consult with a lawyer for a more accurate assessment of your claim’s value.

With this knowledge in hand, you’ll be equipped to negotiate a fair settlement and receive the compensation you deserve.  In the end, it is also difficult to assign any specific number as reasonable to any settlement or potential verdict because all juries are different but you attorney should be able to provide you with an accurate ballpark for a full and fair settlement after evaluating the law and facts relevant to your case.

Don’t let insurance companies take advantage of you – know your rights and seek legal assistance when necessary.  Contact Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 for a free case consultation and let our Indianapolis civil litigators guide you through the personal injury claim and settlement process. We represent any victim all throughout the state, plus Indiana residents injured in other states.

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