Facts About Premise Liability Policy For Small Business Owners

Slip and fall injuries can and do happen on the premises owned or controlled by business owners, small and big alike.  All businesses should have general liability insurance and premise liability insurance for a commercial property and their business in general.  Small and big employers and their employees are sometimes “negligent”, which basically means failing to use due care.  If a business is negligent, they can and should be held liable for resulting injuries and damages to their patrons.  If a business is found to be negligent by a judge or jury, their insurance carrier will pay for any verdict against the company.

Continue reading to learn about premise liability policy protection and who to call for pertinent advice and information about this topic and more.

Indianapolis IN Slip and Fall Lawyer 317-881-2700
Indianapolis IN Slip and Fall Lawyer 317-881-2700

General Liability Insurance for Small Businesses

Not only is it important to retain this kind of insurance, it is also important to obtain the right amount of coverage. Having enough coverage is necessary for proper protection for the business and to provide for full compensation for a patron injured as a result of negligence. An experienced insurance agent can provide accurate assessments for a business’s particular policy coverage needs although in general, the more coverage you have the better.

For such insurance policies, a business pays a monthly or quarterly premium for their insurance coverage. This premium promises an insurance defense attorney to fight their case, as well as a money reserve to cover any court-ordered retributions or remunerations awarded against them by a verdict or for funds to use to obtain a settlement.  This is another reason supporting the importance of having enough liability coverage.

Premise Care and Maintenance

Businesses have a legal obligation to provide a safe premise for anyone invited or welcomed onto their property. It is important to properly inspect, maintain and care for their property, inside and out, so people are not injured. This means proper inspections, floor cleaning, repair, and maintenance, as well as routine snow shoveling and salting, pathway clearing, concrete repair, and much more. It would also includes reviewing and ensuring that the property meets all safety rules, codes and ordinances.

It is also their duty and legal obligation to supervise employees and staff within their business as businesses can only act through their owners, officers, agents and employees. If any of these persons were negligent and contributed to causing a person’s injuries, the business itself is held responsible under Indiana law.  Thus, it is important to make sure all employees are fully aware of the importance of premises safety for any business.

Hire an Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyer if You are Hurt in a Slip and Fall Accident

If you were recently injured in a slip and fall accident, contact a licensed Indianapolis slip and fall lawyer for professional legal advice and information. You may be entitled to legal compensation for your damages and losses.

Were you seriously injured in a slip and fall accident in Indiana? Contact the accident attorneys at Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. to schedule a free consultation with an Indianapolis Indiana slip and fall lawyer, today at 317-881-2700. We are happy to discuss your case over the phone, via Zoom, at your home or in person at our office.  We have also successfully represented premises liability cases for big box stores like Walmart, Lowes, and Menards. We represent injured victims throughout the state of Indiana.

You Should Also Read:

 Important Injury Lawsuit Information for Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents
What Causes the Most Slip and Fall Accidents?
What Physical Evidence Should I Keep for a Slip and Fall Claim?

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Schedule a Free Consultation!

Were You Injured at a Store After Falling on Ice or Snow?

Premise liability is a staple principle of tort law. If you were recently shopping at a local store that did not take the proper precautions to protect its patrons from falling on snow and ice, or being involved in an accident as a result of neglected snow and ice removal, you could be entitled to certain compensation for your related damages and losses.

Continue reading to learn more about premise liability in Indiana, including how to get started evaluating your potential personal injury case.

Indianapolis Slip and Fall Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Slip and Fall Lawyers 317-881-2700

Basics of Premise Liability

Premise liability refers to an area of the law that holds property owners legally responsible for any harm or damages caused to people who are on their premises. For clarity, a property’s “premise” is defined as inside and outside the property, sometimes including sidewalks and access property. Furthermore, factors of premise liability differ depending on whether the injured person was invited onto the property, licensed to enter the property, or trespassed onto the property.

Situations like structural hazards, violence and assault, food poisoning, animal attacks, swimming pool accidents, and bonfires, are general examples of premise liability cases, however, one of the most prevalent types of premise liability cases involve slip and fall accidents. In the case of snow and ice, if a store owner does not properly manage the removal of the accumulation on their premises, it can result in slippery walkways outside, slippery floors inside, obstructed fire escapes, unleveled surfaces, car and pedestrian accidents, and other hazardous conditions.

If a property owner is aware of unsafe conditions or should have been aware, and allows the unsafe conditions to continue by failing to eliminate all hazards, they are putting visitors and customers at risk of being injured. In such cases, if a person is involved in an accident caused by a property owner’s negligence, and as a result of the accident injuries occur, the property owner could be held legally liable for that person’s related damages and losses, such as hospital bills, medical expenses, lost work wages, pain, suffering, and more.

Premise Liability Organizations

Important organizations related to premise liability law in Indiana are the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC). 

Indiana Slip and Fall Attorneys

Slip, trips, and fall cases are some of the most complex, thus requiring the attention of a seasoned personal injury law firm. If you were recently injured after falling on snow, ice, or any other hazard, it is vital that you contact a licensed Indiana slip and fall attorney as soon as possible to learn your rights to compensation.

Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

At the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C., we offer free initial consultations to get you started on the right path toward financial recovery. There is no out-of-pocket obligation to pay unless we recover a settlement for you. We have also successfully represented premises liability cases for big box stores like Walmart, Lowes, and Menards. Call 317-881-2700 to schedule your introductory appointment with a skilled and knowledgeable accident lawyer you can trust.