Spinal Cord Injuries and Lawsuits

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Thousands of people each year suffer spinal cord injuries that result in life-changing damages, like chronic pain, paralysis, and even death. One of the leading causes of spinal cord injuries in the United States is motor vehicle accidents and collisions. In many cases, these types of accidents are caused by negligent or careless driving.

If you or a loved one was recently injured in a car wreck that occurred as a result of another driver’s negligence, you may be legally entitled to compensation for your damages.

Continue reading to learn more about spinal cord injuries, as well as, the recommended steps to take following a serious personal injury.

Back, Neck, and Spinal Cord Injuries

As mentioned, car wrecks and motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of spinal cord injuries, as well as, neck, back, and additional orthopedic injuries. These kinds of injuries are often serious and life-changing. Many even result in immediate or eventual death. The spinal cord is one of the most delicate and complex components in our bodies. It, essentially, is a bundle of nerves that starts at the stem of the brain and runs down the back, all the way to the tailbone. Even if implicated in the slightest bit, a person can suffer life-long consequences, like loss of sensation and movement.

Common Spinal Cord Injuries Include:

Paraplegia – Paralyzed from the waist down.

Quadriplegia – All four limbs are paralyzed.

Central Cord Syndrome – Damage to nerve fibers that carry information from the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord.

Brown-Sequard Syndrome – A puncture wound to the neck or back, on one side of the spinal cord.

Anterior Spinal Cord Syndrome (ASCS) – Compression of the main artery, called the anterior spinal artery, which runs down the front of the spinal cord.

Spinal Shock – Temporary loss of neurological activity below the level of injury. This includes loss of sensation, reflexes, and motor functioning, with a gradual recovery following a spinal cord injury.

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries:

• Motor Vehicle Accidents
• Assault, Battery, and Violence
• Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents
• Sports or Recreational Accidents
• Horse-Related Accidents
• Alcohol Related Incidents

Spinal cord injuries are serious in all cases. If you or a loved one suffers a spinal cord, neck, or back injury as a result of another’s negligence, consider filing a personal injury claim to collect compensation for your own, or your family’s damages. It is strongly encouraged to consult a licensed Indianapolis catastrophic injury lawyer for advice and information regarding orthopedic injury lawsuits and more. They can professionally assess whether or not you have a valid case, and assertively take the lead on your accident claim. You can recover compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, medical expenses, hospital bills, prolonged rehabilitation, mental anguish, and much more.

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Call The Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our licensed Indianapolis personal injury lawyers, regarding a recent catastrophic injury or accident. Attorneys Daniel Craven, Ralph Hoover, and Keith Blazek are highly accomplished and compassionate accident lawyers with many years of litigation and trial experience. We offer free initial consultations to assess your claim without any payment obligation from you! And we never collect attorney fees unless we recover full and fair compensation for your damages. Call 317-881-2700 and speak with a knowledgeable and friendly legal representative about scheduling an appointment with a licensed personal injury attorney in Indianapolis, IN, today.

Social Media Mistakes to Avoid Following a Personal Injury Claim

Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Social media is vastly popular all across the world. It can be a great outlet for personal thoughts, creativity, and emotions; however, when it comes to filing a personal injury claim, social media can be your case’s biggest threat. Once involved in an accident caused by another’s negligence, it is important to follow a certain series of steps to protect yourself.

Seeking immediate medical attention, filing a police report, never admitting any fault, and hiring a personal injury attorney are all part of the plan; but relinquishing details or making statements concerning your accident, online, is not.

Continue reading to learn some common social media mistakes to avoid so to not jeopardize your accident claim.

Personal Injury Lawsuits

Social media can quickly sabotage a personal injury lawsuit in several ways. With the new rise of various social media portals and websites, we are still learning how they affect other aspects of our lives. We must understand that social media can now be used as evidence against individuals. For example, an employer can reprimand an employee that calls in sick to work, and then posts pictures of themselves at the beach the same day. The same idea can be applied to lawsuits and trial. Social media pictures and posts can sometimes be used as evidence in a court of law. Here are the three most common mistakes personal injury victims can make after filing a lawsuit against a negligent party:

Disclosing Confidential Requisites of Settlements

Many lawsuits that settle out of court will require both parties to sign a non-disclosure agreement. This agreement is used to prevent either party, or family and friends of each party, to say anything about the opposing party. Leaking or revealing confidential terms of settlements and trial details can be illegal under this agreement. Many people do not think about their social media sites as a means of breaking such agreements, but they are indeed. It is mandatory to refrain from mentioning anything about a lawsuit or settlement, online or anywhere else.

Posting Incriminating Footage or Photography

Videos, pictures, and even blogs can be incriminating in a personal injury lawsuit. For instance, if a person is pursuing a slip and fall lawsuit after suffering a broken pelvis at work, the might not want to post a video of themselves practicing their golf swing anytime soon. The opposing insurance company or counsel will surely use this as evidence against an injury-compensation claim. Photos and pictures can also jeopardize an injury case.

Making Aggressive or Threatening Statements

It is very common for people to express negative and angry feelings online and on social media portals; however, in a personal injury case, this is a big mistake that can cost a person their case. Making threatening or intimidating statements about the opposing party is a bad idea. This is especially true for corporations. Although online social media posting is legal, it can gravely hurt a victim’s chances of recovering remuneration for their damages in a personal injury accident. It will only guarantee a case going to trial; where such videos, photos, and postings can be used against them in a court of law.

Personal Injury Law Firm

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Call Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 for more information about our personal injury law firm in Indianapolis, Indiana. Attorneys Daniel Craven, Ralph Hoover, and Keith Blazek are highly accomplished and well-versed in personal injury law. We offer free initial consultations to assess victims’ cases and determine their eligibility for compensation. We never collect attorney fees unless we prevail for you! Trust us to obtain full and fair compensation for a recent personal injury suffered at the hands of another’s negligence. Call 317-881-2700 and discuss
your personal injury with a licensed accident
lawyer in Indianapolis, IN