Big truck accidents are far too common. Not only do they happen quickly, they also tend to result in severe property damages and bodily injuries. If you have been seriously injured in a car accident because of a negligent semi-truck driver or trucking company, protect your rights to a full and fair financial recovery by speaking with a large truck accident lawyer in Indianapolis as soon as possible. They can help you understand truck accident liability and determine the best approach to recovering the maximum settlement for your damages.
Continue reading to learn some facts about truck accidents, including who is usually liable and how to get started on your Indiana injury claim.

Truck Accident Liability in Indiana
In most cases of motor vehicle collisions caused by large trucks, such as semis and Landolls, the trucking company is liable for the injured victim’s damages and losses. Most large truck drivers and operators are employees who work for a trucking company, but some are independent contractors known as owner operators. Either way, if a truck driver is negligent and their negligence causes a car crash that harms the driver and/or passengers, the trucker and their employer will be held legally responsible. In any event, any settlement or verdict would be paid by the defendant’s insurance carrier.
Thanks to a doctrine known as respondeat superior, all employers are accountable for their employee’s negligence. So, if a negligent truck driver causes a serious accident, the trucking company they work for would be sued, and the trucking company’s insurance plan would pay the settlement to the victim or victims.
But what about owner operators; you ask? Well, thanks to Federal regulations, all trucking companies are responsible for their employee’s negligent acts, even if they are contracted out. So, if an independent trucker is hired to carry and transport a load for a trucking company, the trucking company would be liable in the case of a negligence act or accident.
Warning to All Truck Accident Victims
If you or your loved one was recently injured in a car crash that was caused by a negligent or careless trucker, it is critical to understand that the trucking company’s insurance carrier is not your friend. Their primary role is to pay as little as possible to accident survivors.
For this reason, it is vital to hire a seasoned personal injury lawyer to represent your trucking company accident claim in Indiana. Act now, however, before evidence is lost to support your claim, or time runs out to file.
Not sure which personal injury law firm to trust with your financial recovery in Indiana? Skip the search and go straight to the esteemed and trusted professionals and associate legal teams at the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C.! Contact us at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case evaluation with a seasoned truck accident lawyer, today. No need to travel, as we can hold meetings over the phone or via online video conferencing if needed.
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