To sue or not to sue? Well, that is certainly an important question after sustaining serious injuries in an accident that was someone else’s fault. When wrongly injured by another party, it is natural to assume you will be fairly compensated for your injuries and subsequent damages. And although most personal injury lawsuits settle before ever reaching trial, this is not always the case. Sometimes, it takes a lawsuit to get the financial justice you deserve. But do you know if you need to sue?
Continue reading to learn how to determine if your personal injury accident is grounds for a lawsuit or if your case is a good candidate for settling out of court.
Considerations For Personal Injury Lawsuits
Whether a person, business, manufacturer, insurance company, or even a branch of government, an at-fault party should be held liable for your resulting personal injury damages and losses, including but not limited to lost wages, medical expenses, hospital bills, prolonged rehabilitation, pain, suffering, and more. But before your jump straight into a personal injury lawsuit, there are several considerations that need your attention first. You see, there may be no question that a person who’s been wrongly and negligently injured is a victim but being a victim doesn’t always mean there are valid grounds for a lawsuit, or that a lawsuit would be the best route to take.
Certain dynamics of a case largely determine whether a person can or should sue another for their injuries. For example, the seriousness of an injury must be examined and assessed, the opposing party’s actual level of fault or negligence, and the limits of the at-fault person’s insurance. All these factors and more are considerations that will reveal whether a lawsuit is an advisable action or not.
Can the At-Fault Party Pay?
Aside from all of the relevant factors to consider, one of the most important and deal-breaking is whether or not an at-fault party is capable of providing remuneration. Sometimes, an at-fault party does not have the means to pay for another’s damages because they are not insured; so even if they are sued and lose, a victim might not be able to be awarded any funds if there are none to give in the first place. This is especially true if the at-fault party doesn’t have liability insurance either. This is why every person should purchase uninsured and underinsured insurance coverage to protect themselves and other persons in their vehicle.
In this case, a victim will only waste their own time and money pursuing a lawsuit that can’t render recompense. The same goes for anyone intentionally or maliciously injured. A liability insurance policy will not cover intentional tort or wrongdoings, so if someone wants to recover compensation for an intentional injury, they must pursue it in court; but if the individual does not have the means to even pay for a victim’s damages, a lawsuit will also be unsuccessful in some situations in providing actual recompense.
If you are struggling with the decision to move forward with filing an injury claim for compensation, your best option is to consult with a seasoned personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis for personalized advice regarding your case. They will know if your case is valid, and whether you should pursue legal action against the at-fault party and they can look to determine any and all potential applicable insurance policies.
Are you asking yourself, “Where can I find the best accident lawyers near me?” Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. We do not get paid until we obtain a settlement or verdict for you, which means we strive to recover a settlement or verdict as quickly as possible for our clients, but always with the understanding that the settlement must be the full-and-fair based on all the evidence for the case. We represent injured persons throughout the state of Indiana.
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