Legal and Health Measures to Take After Being Victimized in an Impaired Driving Incident

Being wrongly injured in a drunk driving accident can be a harrowing encounter, leaving victims to navigate the challenging aftermath, both legally and health-wise. This blog post endeavors to provide enlightening insights on the pivotal steps you should take after falling victim to an impaired driver. From seeking legal recourse with the help of an Indianapolis personal injury lawyer to addressing the immediate health implications and the process of recovery, we hope to help guide you through this tumultuous journey.

Understanding your rights and the resources available to you as a victim of a wrongful pedestrian or car accident can make a significant difference as you seek justice against the drunk driver responsible for the incident. Continue reading to learn more.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Drunk Driving Accident Attorney in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Drunk Driving Accident Attorney in Indianapolis

What To Do Directly After a Car Accident

The moments immediately following a car or pedestrian accident caused by an impaired driver can be confusing and chaotic. However, it is essential to take specific actions that can significantly impact potential legal and health outcomes. Let us explore some of these steps.

Call 911: The first thing you should do after being involved in an accident is to call for help. This includes contacting the police and medical services. The police report and other evidence obtained by the police will serve as crucial evidence in your case.

Seek Medical Attention: Even if you do not feel significantly injured, it is vital to get checked by a medical professional after an accident. Some injuries may only manifest later or get worse with the passage of time, and seeking immediate medical attention can help detect and treat them early on.

Gather Evidence: If possible, gather as much evidence as you can at the scene of the accident. Take photos or videos of the damaged vehicles, property, persons, and/or your injuries. Get contact information from any witnesses and exchange insurance details with the impaired driver if the police do not show up at the scene for some reason.

Seeking Legal Recourse with a Personal Injury Lawyer

After an impaired driving incident, seeking legal recourse is crucial in obtaining justice and compensation for your injuries. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the complex legal system and ensure that your rights as a victim are protected. They can assist you in:

Filing a Lawsuit: Your lawyer will file a lawsuit against the impaired driver for compensation of your injuries, medical bills, and other damages if need be.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Your lawyer can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

Representing You in Court: If the case goes to court, your lawyer will represent you and present your case to the judge and jury, fighting for your rights as a victim.

Addressing Health Concerns and Seeking Support

Aside from seeking legal recourse, it is crucial to prioritize your health after being victimized in an impaired driving incident. The emotional trauma and physical injuries can take a toll on your well-being, and seeking support is essential. Consider:

Seeking Counseling: If you are experiencing emotional distress, seek counseling or therapy to help you cope with the trauma and any potential PTSD.

Attending Follow-Up Medical Appointments: It is essential to attend all follow-up appointments with your doctor to monitor and treat any injuries sustained in the accident.

Joining Support Groups: Consider joining a support group for victims of impaired driving accidents. These groups can provide a sense of community and understanding from those who have been through similar experiences.

Moving Forward

Being victimized in an impaired driving accident is a traumatic experience that can leave lasting physical, emotional, and financial effects. However, by following the steps outlined above, you can take necessary legal and health measures to help you move forward from this ordeal. Remember to prioritize your well-being, seek support when needed, and trust in the legal system to help you seek justice against impaired drivers. Stay safe on the roads and always be vigilant while driving.  Your safety is paramount. Together, we can work towards preventing future drunk driving accidents and ensuring justice for all victims of impaired drivers. 

Were you or a loved one recently injured by an impaired driver, either here in the state or somewhere else in the country? We can protect your rights to compensation. Contact Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with a seasoned accident attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can hold meetings over the phone or via online video conference if you are unable to travel. We can also visit your place of in-patient medical treatment.

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