After being involved in a car or truck accident, there are many important steps to take in order to protect yourself from the negligent party and their insurance carrier denying liability. The first and most important step is to contact the police and emergency services and obtain medical attention.
From there, if physically possible, it is wise to collect a fundamental amount of evidence from all parties involved to ensure you are well-prepared for an impending insurance or personal injury claim. The evidence will be used by both parties’ insurance companies to determine which company should be responsible for paying the other party’s vehicle damages and personal injury damages.
Continue reading to learn what kind of evidence you need to collect after a car accident.
Car Crash Evidence to Collect
Once you receive medical care from on-scene emergency personnel, you should gather up as much evidence as you can from all drivers and passengers involved in the accident, as well as, potential witnesses. If you are not physically capable of doing so, you can ask a police officer to assist you, or delegate the task to someone else at the accident site. If these options are not available to you, an attorney can possibly provide assistance.
The investigating officer will also obtain some of this information so it is always vital to call 911 after being involved in a collision and always wait for an officer to arrive at the scene to write the report.
✒ Driver’s Information
❊The first piece of evidence you should collect is the at-fault driver’s information.
✒ Full Name
✒ Contact Information
✒ Drivers’ License Number
✒ Insurance Information
✒ Vehicle Information
✒ CDL Number (if a truck driver)
✒ Company Name (if a commercial vehicle)
✒ Cargo Being Transported (if a commercial truck)
✒ Photographs
❊ Using your phone or a camera, take as many pictures of the accident site as you can.
✒ Vehicle Damages (all vehicles involved)
✒ Nearby Street Lights, Signs & Intersections
✒ Personal Injuries
✒ Insurance Cards
✒ Other Involved Drivers
✒ Witnesses
❊ Witness statements and testimonies are key in any type of accident claim. Do not be shy or scared to ask onlookers for their contact information, as their statements might be needed to prove the facts of your case later on. Witnesses can be other drivers, pedestrians, store clerks, onlookers, and anyone else that happened to see the accident happen.
Indiana Car Accident Attorneys
Call The Law Office of Craven, Hoover, & Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to make a car accident claim in Indianapolis, Indiana and throughout Indiana. Our seasoned car accident attorneys are prepared to recover the full and fair compensation you deserve after being injured in an accident that was not your fault. Not only do we offer free consultations, we never collect lawyer fees unless we recover a settlement for you.