How to Make a Claim as a Recent Construction Accident Victim in Indiana

Here in Indiana, construction accidents are not only one of the most common workplace injury accidents that occur on the clock, they are often times the most severe. That is because construction work typically involves heavy materials, powerful machinery, large motorized equipment, and working at heights. Construction injuries are not to be taken lightly, especially since many can result in an onset of injury, rather than an instantaneous one. For all of these reasons and more, construction accident victims tend to suffer exponentially in terms of their damages and losses.

If you are a recent construction accident victim, or your spouse, it is vital to hire a seasoned Indiana workers’ compensation lawyer for your construction accident injury claim. Continue reading to learn what you need to know about construction accident claims and lawsuits, including how to get started on yours.

Construction Site Accident Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indiana Construction Site Accident Lawyers 317-881-2700

Construction Accident Claims

Although construction contractors and proprietors have a legal duty of care to maintain safe and hazard-free construction sites, accidents still happen every day in this line of work. As mentioned, construction complexes are more dangerous than standard workplace environments because they house various tools, products, heavy machinery, and equipment. As a result, there are infinite types of risk involved with construction work, and even more ways a worker can get hurt.

Here in Indiana, the most common types of construction site injuries and accidents include:

➾ OSHA Violations
➾ Scaffolding Accidents
➾ Explosion Injuries
➾ Crane Injury Accidents
➾ Falls
➾ Ladder Accidents
➾ Roofing Accidents
➾ Chemical Leaks
➾ Welding Injuries
➾ Severe Burns
➾ Blunt Force Traumas
➾ Machine Malfunctions
➾ Faulty Equipment
➾ Electrical Injuries
➾ Forklift Injury Accidents
➾ Trenching Accidents
➾ Nail Gun Injuries
➾ Wrongful Death
➾ And More

Construction Site Accident Lawyers Can Help Your Case

It is important to protect your rights if you were injured on a construction site, whether as a worker, pedestrian, driver, or visitor. Hiring a team of skilled personal injury attorneys who well-versed and familiar with the intricacies regarding workplace accident law, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines, Indiana construction laws, safety laws, contractor liabilities, owner liabilities, agent liabilities, and similar areas of expertise, is your best chance at recovering the full and fair compensation you deserve.

Who to Trust With Your Indianapolis Construction Accident Claim

Call the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to speak with our team of highly-accredited and experienced personal injury attorneys about your recent construction accident in Indianapolis, Indiana. Attorneys Daniel Craven, Ralph Hoover, and Keith Blazek are fully-prepared to help you recover the full and fair compensation you deserve after being injured at a construction site. We offer free initial consultations and never collect lawyer fees unless we prevail for you. Get in touch with a friendly legal assistant about scheduling a free consultation with a construction accident lawyer, today.  We represent clients throughout the State of Indiana.

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
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