There have been numerous bikers who have been successful in lawsuits against negligent drivers and collecting the judgment against the negligent driver’s insurance company. However, the specific details and circumstances surrounding your particular bike accident claim will determine whether or not you have grounds to sue and a valid claim.
Continue reading to learn what you need to know about bike accidents, including your rights to compensation.

Information for Bike Accident Victims
When a bike accident victim has a valid claim, they can hire a personal injury attorney to represent their best interests in recovering compensation for their damages. Such lawyers work on a contingency-fee basis, which means clients do not pay anything out of pocket for their services. In a contingency fee arrangement, a client only pays their lawyer for their services if they recover a settlement or judgment. See our blog, “What are Contingency Fees?” to learn more about this common accident law firm payment arrangement.
Your Rights as a Bike Rider
Just like pedestrians, cyclists also have rights on most roads. In the eyes of the law, so long as bikers are adhering to all local, state, and federal laws pertaining to road and traffic, their rights must be respected by all others, both drivers and pedestrians. In the case of your recent bike accident, if you were on a road that permits cycling and bicycle traffic, and a driver acted negligently, the law will most likely deem the driver at-fault for the accident. Accordingly, you would be on track for a successful bike accident claim if you were obeying all rules of the road leading up to your accident.
Common examples of driver negligence that can cause bike accidents include speeding, swerving, changing lanes without signaling or looking, drunk driving, drugged driving, texting, distracted or inattentive driving and fatigued driving. Other scenarios that strengthen a bike accident victim’s case would be if the driver were playing music too loud, using the phone, driving with multiple passengers and similar distracting actions. Also, having tinted or obstructed windows on a car can make a victim’s claim stronger.
As a biking accident victim, your best chance at recovering the full and fair compensation is to contact a seasoned personal injury attorney who is well-versed in bike accident claims. They have the knowledge, skills, and resources to obtain a settlement you deserve for your damages and losses.
How to Get Started on a Bike Accident Claim in Indiana
Call The Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 for trusted bike accident personal injury representation in Indianapolis, Indiana and throughout the State of Indiana. Our seasoned bicycle accident attorneys work hard to ensure our clients’ rights to full and fair compensation. We offer free initial consultations to review your case with you, and we never collect attorney fees unless we prevail for you!