The Role of a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer: What to Expect

Navigating the labyrinth of workplace injury claims in Indiana can be a daunting task without the right guidance. In this complex system, a workers’ compensation lawyer serves as your beacon of hope, offering legal counsel and support every step of the way. They are well-versed with the intricacies of the Workers’ Compensation Act, ensuring that your rights as an injured worker are protected and your claims are handled efficiently.

Through this post, we aim to shed light on the essential role of a workers’ comp attorney and what you can expect when you engage their services in the state of Indiana.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Workers' Compensation Lawyer in Indianapolis
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Indianapolis

Understanding Workers’ Compensation in Indiana

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their jobs. In Indiana, most employers are required to have workers’ compensation insurance, which covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. However, navigating the claims process can be complicated, and employers and insurance companies may try to deny or limit your benefits. This is where a workplace compensation lawyer comes in.

The Role of a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

A workers’ compensation lawyer serves as an advocate for injured workers, ensuring that their rights are protected and their claims are handled effectively. They have in-depth knowledge of the Workers’ Compensation Act, which outlines the rules and regulations for workplace injury claims in Indiana. This includes understanding the types of workplace injuries that qualify for workers’ comp benefits, the time limits for filing a claim, the types of benefits available, and the process for appealing a denied claim.

The Workers’ Compensation Act is a set of laws that govern workers’ compensation claims in Indiana. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees in the event of a workplace injury or illness. These laws are designed to protect injured workers, ensuring that they receive fair compensation for their injuries and losses.

What to Expect from a Workplace Injury Lawyer

When you engage the services of a workplace injury lawyer in Indiana, they will guide you through every step of your claim, from filing to resolution. This includes gathering evidence, completing paperwork, and negotiating with your employer’s insurance company on your behalf. They will also represent you at hearings or mediation sessions if necessary.

A workers’ comp lawyer will also assist you in obtaining the appropriate medical treatment for your injury or illness and ensure that all medical bills are paid by the worker compensation insurance company. Additionally, they will help you understand the benefits available to you, such as temporary total disability benefits, permanent partial impairment benefits, and vocational rehabilitation.

What to Do if You are Seriously Injured at Work

If you are seriously injured at work, it is crucial to seek legal counsel from a workers’ compensation attorney in Indianapolis immediately. They can help you navigate the claims process and ensure that your rights are protected while you focus on recovering from your injuries.

It is also important to report your injury to your employer as soon as possible and seek medical treatment for your injuries. Failure to do so could jeopardize your eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits.


In conclusion, a workers’ compensation lawyer plays an essential role in helping injured workers receive the benefits they are entitled to under the Workers’ Compensation Act in Indiana. They provide legal representation and support throughout the claims process, ensuring that your rights are protected and your claims are handled efficiently. If you have been injured or become ill on the job in Indiana, do not hesitate to seek the assistance of a workers’ compensation lawyer to ensure that you receive the benefits you deserve. 

So, always remember, whenever faced with a work-related injury or illness in Indiana, a workplace injury attorney will be your best ally.  They will fight for your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to, allowing you to focus on recovering and getting back to work.  Keep this in mind and stay safe at work!

We hope this blog post has provided helpful information about workplace injury cases in Indiana. Contact Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial personal injury case evaluation with a seasoned workers’ compensation lawyer in Indianapolis, today. Meet with us over the phone, video conference, or in person at our Indy office.

Related Posts:

How to Successfully File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Indiana
How to Manage a Workers’ Comp Injury Claim
Common Warehouse Accidents Covered By Workers’ Compensation

Steps to Take After an Injury at Work

Getting injured at work can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Not only do you have to deal with the physical pain of the injury, but there are also financial concerns that come along with it. This is why it’s important to know what steps to take after an injury at work so that you can get back on your feet as soon as possible.

In today’s post, we will go over some of the key things you should do if you find yourself in this situation, including filing for workers’ compensation and seeking medical attention. We’ll also discuss how hiring a lawyer who specializes in workplace injuries could help protect your rights and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your losses. By following these steps, you can make sure that your recovery is both physically and financially secure.

Call 317-881-2700 for Help With Filing a Workplace Injury Claim in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 for Help With Filing a Workplace Injury Claim in Indianapolis Indiana

Workplace Injury Guide

No one ever expects to get injured at work, but unfortunately it does happen. Whether you’ve had a minor accident or a more serious injury, knowing what steps to take after an injury at work can help make the process easier and ensure that your rights are protected. Here’s what you need to do:

Notify Your Supervisor

The first thing you should do if you’ve been injured at work is notify your supervisor immediately and fill out an incident report or make sure one gets filled out. This document will serve as evidence of your injury in case you need to file for workers’ compensation or other benefits later on. It’s important that all details about the incident be included in this report so make sure to provide as much information as possible.

Get Medical Treatment ASAP

Next, seek medical attention right away even if you don’t think the injuries are severe as some injuries may not be readily apparent until hours later or may get worse with time. Make sure to tell the doctor and any other medical provider that this was a workplace-related injury so they can properly assess any long-term effects and provide appropriate treatment options for recovery. 

Talk to a Work Injury Lawyer

After seeking medical care, contact an attorney who specializes in workplace injuries so they can advise on how best to move forward with filing for workers’ compensation benefits from your employer. By working with an experienced work injury lawyer, you’ll get the best guidance for pushing through with your case and recovering the maximum benefits owed to you as an injured worker.

Follow All Doctor’s Orders

Finally, once your injury has been reported and documented, follow through with the treatment plan recommended by your doctor. This should include any physical therapy or medications needed for recovery. Make sure to stay in contact with your supervisor and human resources department, along with the insurance adjuster for the worker compensation insurance carrier, so that they are aware of any updates on your condition and how it continues to impact your ability to come back to work.

Get Help With a Workers’ Compensation Claim Today

Though an injury at work can be daunting, following these steps can help you get the support you need to recover quickly and safely. Take care of yourself and remember that you have rights!  Don’t hesitate to contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who specializes in workplace injuries. They will be able to provide more specific advice about how to handle your individual situation. In the meantime, take the necessary steps after an injury at work and stay positive—you’ll be back on your feet in no time!

Are you an injured worker looking for help with a workers’ comp claim in Indiana? The earlier you act, the higher your chances of success will be – so don’t delay! Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free consultation with a licensed workplace injury lawyer in Indianapolis. We represent victims all throughout the state of Indiana.

Related Posts:

Which Injuries Qualify For Workers’ Compensation in Indiana?
General Workers’ Compensation Benefits and How to Claim Them
Can I Quit My Job if I Am on Workers’ Compensation?

How to Manage a Workers’ Comp Injury Claim

When an employee is injured while on the clock, they are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits through their job. These benefits are meant to help cover the cost of the damages and losses incurred because of the accident. This may include lost wages, hospital bills, medical expenses, prolonged therapy, a permanent partial impairment rating and more. If an employee is killed on the job, the dependents are also entitled to receive benefits.

If you were recently injured at work, it is in your best interest to learn what you can about workplace accidents and injury claims so that you may make the right decisions regarding your physical and financial recovery. If you have not been injured at work, it is still wise to learn these tips so that you are prepared if it ever happens to you or someone you love.

Continue reading to learn what you should and should not do in the case that you are injured at work and considering workers’ compensation.

Workers Comp Lawyers Indianapolis IN 317-881-2700
Workers Comp Lawyers Indianapolis IN 317-881-2700

Workplace Injury Claim Process

What You Should Do

To protect yourself and your rights to maximum compensation, be sure to make the right decisions in the process. This includes the following:

Report your injury immediately, whether you think you need medical care or not.

Demand that a written accident report is made on the spot and be sure to get a copy for yourself.

Immediately seek or accept medical attention.

Retain all paperwork and documentation of your accident, injuries, and medical care. Keep track of all the written restrictions and instructions given to you by your doctor.

If your employer makes any retaliations or threats regarding your claim, contact the Department of Labor immediately and report the harassment.

If you are unsatisfied with your medical treatment or diagnosis, ask for a second opinion.

Obtain an attorney.  The worker compensation carrier for your employer has attorneys and you should also.

If you are denied certain benefits due to a “pre-existing condition”, be sure to protest with the help of an experienced Indiana workplace injury lawyer.

What You Should NOT Do

Do not fail to report your injury.

Do not decline medical attention. This can be harmful to you both physically and in terms of filing a claim.

Do not let the company’s case manager into your hospital examination room while you are with the doctor if you do not want them in there.

Do not let the workers’ compensation insurance carrier take too long to approve or deny your injury claim. There are state laws that mandate when they must respond. It is usually within 30 days after the claim is officially filed.

Do not believe your employer if they tell you there is a “minimum period” of employment that you must retain to receive workers’ compensation benefits. You are entitled to benefits immediately, no matter your length of employment.

Do not miss or reschedule any appointments that are made by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Missing too many appointments can revoke your right to certain benefits.

When you return to work, do not let your employer place you into a line of duty that violates your work restrictions provided by the treating doctor.

Are you having trouble getting what you need from your workplace injury claim? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with a skilled workers’ compensation attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can hold meetings over the phone, via online conferencing, or in person at our Indianapolis personal injury law firm.

Related Posts:

Do I Notify OSHA if Injured at Work Due to a Safety Violation?
What to Do After Being Injured in an Industrial Accident in Indiana
FAQS About Work Related Car Accidents

Is a Personal Injury Claim the Same as a Workers’ Compensation Claim? Claiming both?

After suffering injuries and subsequent losses following a workplace accident, you may be wondering if you should file a personal injury claim or take advantage of your workers’ compensation benefits through a workers’ comp claim, or both. It is important to understand the difference between a personal injury claim and a workers’ compensation claim if you want to recover the full and fair settlement for your specific damages and losses.

Continue reading to learn the primary differences between the two types of injury claims, when you can claim both, plus where you can get trusted information and guidance regarding your recent accident in Indiana.

Workers' Compensation Lawyers Indianapolis IN 317-881-2700
Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Indianapolis IN 317-881-2700

The Requirement of Fault in a Tort Claim

One of the most fundamental elements of a tort case is fault. An entity (person, corporation, company, government agency, etc.) that is to blame for a civil wrongdoing can be held responsible, and thus their insurance carrier would be responsible for paying out any settlement or judgment, for paying out damages to the surviving victim or family of victims under Tort Law. However, the question of fault is one of the most important and primary differences between a personal injury claim and a workplace injury claim.

Personal Injury Claims Must Prove Fault

To recover damages in a personal injury case, the claimant party (the victim or family of victim) holds the burden of proving fault, meaning they must demonstrate that the opposing party was negligent or wrong in some way, which directly caused them harm. General damages awarded in personal injury cases include medical expenses (past, current, and future), hospital bills, lost wages from time off work, and similar calculable losses related to the victim’s accident and/or injuries.

However, special damages may also be awarded in a personal injury case for pain and suffering, mental anguish, permanent scarring or disfigurement, loss of earning capacity, loss of enjoyment of life, and similar losses that cannot be added up on a calculator.

Workers’ Compensation Claims Do Not Require Fault

A workers’ compensation claim does not require the injured party to prove fault. In fact, no fault needs to be established whatsoever, even in respect to OSHA violations and negligent or reckless management. Regardless of fault, injured workers can be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, so long as they file a workers’ comp claim.

General workers’ compensation benefits include coverage strictly for quantifiable losses, like weekly earnings, hospital bills, medical expenses, permanent impairment benefits (if applicable), and vocational rehabilitation. Injured workers cannot generally sue their employer or employees for pain and suffering damages. There are exceptions to the rule, such as in the case of egregious or intentional torts.

Making Claims for Both

There are also situations where an injured party can make both a worker compensation claim and a tort claim at the same time.  For example, if a pizza delivery driver is delivering a pizza when he or she is rear-ended by another vehicle.  The injured driver could make a worker compensation claim through his employer and their insurance carrier since he was injured while on the job.  The injured worker could also seek a recovery under tort claims law from the defendant driver who rear-ended his vehicle and that person’s insurance carrier since he was injured as a result of tortious conduct by a person he was not employed by.

Talk to a Licensed Accident Lawyer in Indiana

When it comes to pursuing compensation after an accident or injury, it is best to consult with a seasoned Indiana personal injury lawyer who can explain your rights to recovering damages in a language you can clearly understand. It is also important to act fast because there are statutes of limitations on personal injury claims and evidence needs to be obtained before it disappears.

Would you like to speak with a trusted and experienced personal injury lawyer without any financial obligation? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial case evaluation for your personal injury claim in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent clients throughout Indiana and Indiana citizens injured anywhere and can meet over the phone, via the internet, or in person at our Indy-based office.

Related Posts:

When is an Injured Employee Ineligible for Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
Can I Quit My Job if I Am on Workers’ Compensation?
Reasons Why Some Personal Injury Claims Take Longer to Settle than Others

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How to Bring a Third Party Claim After a Workplace Injury in Indianapolis

After being injured in the job, employees are generally eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, which are basic and only cover the injured party’s damages in a limited fashion. But what if an employee’s accident was another party’s fault other than their employer or company? This is common in the case of car accidents, such as a negligent driver causing a serious collision with a truck driver who is on the clock and operating the company vehicle. Additionally, what about the other types of losses suffered by injured workers that are just as significant and impactful, like mental anguish, pain, and suffering? Worker’s compensation benefits do not usually pay out for such damages.

Fortunately, injured workers harmed by another’s negligence other than their employer or a co-employee can pursue a third party claim to obtain the full and fair amount of compensation they deserve for ALL their damages and losses. If you were recently injured at work you can bring a workers’ compensation claim to recover benefits for your medical expenses, bills, some of your lost wages and if you have been permanently injured, you can also receive limited amounts for the permanency.  If you are injured while working through the fault of a third party who is not your employer or a co-employee, you can make a claim for all your damages.

Continue reading to learn more about third party personal injury claims and how to get started on yours.

Indianapolis IN Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700
Indianapolis IN Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700

Third Party Claims for Injured Workers

Third party claims are important for workers who are injured on the job by another party separate from their company or employer. In such situations, not only should an injured worker accept workers’ compensation benefits after an accident on the clock, but they should also seek additional compensation from the separate party who caused their accident and ensuing damages.

In order for your third party claim to be successful, you will need a skilled and experienced personal injury law firm representing your case. As the claimant, you hold the burden of proving your case, including the defendant’s duty of care, their negligence, your resulting injuries, and overall damages and losses.

Who to Trust for Third Party Workplace Injury Claim Help in Indianapolis

The Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. is your source for trusted personal injury workers’ compensation representation in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our seasoned accident lawyers have represented numerous workers’ compensation, workplace accident cases and third party cases resulting from injuries to persons that occurred while the person was working, including Spanish speaking workplace accidents. We have the proper skills, legal resources, finances, and more to obtain fair and full relief for workplace accident victims.

This assures our clients that they have entrusted the right law firm for their work-related injury lawsuit. Our history shows that we work hard to fight for and protect our client’s rights, while recovering all funds and benefits they are rightfully entitled to. We offer free initial consultations and charge no fees unless we win compensation for you.

Are you ready to get your claim in motion or learn more about your rights? Contact us today at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with a licensed workplace accident lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients state-wide, and never collect attorney fees unless we prevail for you.

You Should Also Read:

Difference Between Third Party Lawsuits and Worker’s Compensation Claims
FAQS About Having to Go Back to Work After a Workplace Injury
How to Try to Prevent a Heavy Lifting Injury at Work

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
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Can I Make a Workplace Injury Claim for Hearing Loss?

From the beginning days of workers’ compensation law, people who have suffered hearing loss due to their job have been making injury claims with their employers insurance carriers. If you believe you are a victim of workplace-induced hearing loss, this blog is for you. Continue reading to learn what you need to know about making a workers’ compensation claim for hearing loss in Indiana, including who to trust to represent you and your case and how to get started.

Indiana Workers' Compensation Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indiana Workers’ Compensation Lawyers 317-881-2700

Defining Hearing Loss

Workers’ compensation claims for hearing loss are complex since the technical definitions, methods of evaluating its severity, and approaches to compensate for it, differ among states. It is important to meet with a licensed Indiana personal injury lawyer for professional and accurate legal advice regarding your hearing loss injuries. It is also wise to learn what you can about making a workers’ compensation claim for hearing loss, what the laws say about such workplace injuries, and more.

Measuring Sound

Standard sound is measured in decibels (dB). For a better understanding of decibels, consider these examples: A pin dropping is 10 decibels; conversational speech is around 60dB; flushing a toilet is 75dB; a lawn mower is 90dB; a table saw is 105 dB; a jackhammer is around 110dB; the sound of an emergency siren is 115dB; peak stadium crowd noise is around 130dB; a shotgun is 160dB. As you can gather, many of these noises are part of everyday jobs, like construction workers, landscapers, first responders, stadium staff, factory workers, subway workers, and more.

Types of Noise Exposure

Depending on the type of vocation, the level of noise can vary, thus resulting in varying effects. A person can suffer injuries from common noises, whether exposed just one time or over a long period of time. Both long-term low noise levels and short-term high noise levels can cause damage to the inner ear where the hair cells are found. The trouble is, once these inner ear hair cells are damaged, they cannot be restored.

Because of the real potential damage to hearing, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets limits for employee noise exposure. These limits are 90dB for 8 hours a day, and 2 hours of exposure to 100dB. Think back to the examples of noise levels discussed before; a police siren is 115 decibels, while a jackhammer averages around 110 decibels. Although the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also requires employers to equip their staff with the proper protective gear, ear damage can still occur.

Recovering Compensation for Workplace Hearing Loss

Different states have different formulas and procedures for compensating injured workers for hearing loss. Furthermore, various factors influence eligibility and max limits for compensation. For instance, states like Pennsylvania and Delaware commonly compensate injured victims with Temporary Total Disability, Partial Disability, or Permanent and Total Disability benefits, but they use different formulas for providing such benefits. See our blog, “A Brief Explanation of Temporary Total, Temporary Partial, and Permanent Total Disability Benefits” to understand these types of benefits.

Here in Indiana, injured workplace victims may be awarded Temporary Total Disability (TTD), Temporary Partial Disability (TPD), Permanent Total Disability (PTD), and even Permanent Partial Impairment (PPI) benefits, which is when an injured person will not attain 100% recovery. As for hearing loss, it may help to know that, according to Worker’s Compensation Act, “An injury “arises out of the employment” when there is some causal relationship between the injury sustained and the duties or services performed by the employee. This causal relationship is established when a reasonably prudent person considers an injury incidental to employment at the time of entering into it or when the facts indicate a connection between the condition under which the employee works and the injury.”

Keep in mind, your rights to compensation for workplace hearing loss will be dependent on various specific factors, which is why it is necessary to consult with a reputable personal injury lawyer who is well-versed in Indiana workers’ compensation law.

Did You Suffer Hearing Loss at Work?

Hearing loss is one of several occupational conditions that can be sustained by employees here in Indiana. If you believe you are a victim of workplace-induced hearing loss or ear damage, contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to learn you rights and eligibility for compensation. We offer free initial consultations so you can discuss your workplace injuries with a seasoned Indiana personal injury lawyer, in person.

Important Forklift Safety Tips

If your business uses forklifts, it is vital that both you and your staff are familiar with all the safety rules and regulations associated with doing so. Having this training and knowledge is vital, as it can prevent serious accidents and injuries on the job.

Continue reading to review the top safety tips for operating a forklift, and then share this knowledge with your team to promote a higher level of workplace safety.

Indiana Workers' Compensation Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indiana Workers’ Compensation Lawyers 317-881-2700

Forklift Operation

Forklifts generally weigh more than two or three tons, and achieve speeds of 10 mph. So it is no surprise that without proper knowledge and training, a person can put themselves and others in grave danger. In fact, operating a forklift is such a serious responsibility, it requires professional certification. To obtain a forklift permit, an individual should attend a school, take courses, be trained under OSHA standards and pass examines. Furthermore, these permits require renewal every 3 years, making the forklift operation learning curve an everlasting one.

Forklift Safety Review

As the employer, it is important to take every precaution necessary to prevent workplace accidents; and forklift safety reviews are on such precaution. Below are the top 5 forklift safety tips that your staff should know and practice at all times.

#1 Forklift Operators Must Be Certified

The most important rule is to make sure that only certified staff members are operating the forklifts. Unqualified employees should NEVER use a forklift under any circumstances. For those who are certified but still lack experience, it is encouraged to have them supervised while operating forklifts.

#2 Always Do a Pre-Inspection Before Each Use

Another important part of forklift safety is to ensure your forklifts are in good condition before each use. Forklift operators should always do a full inspection before turning on the machine, paying close attention to areas like the brakes, steering, controls, mast, tires, and warning devices. 

#3  Always Wear the Proper Protective Gear

Forklift operators should never operate a forklift unless they are wearing the proper clothing and personal protection gear. This includes a hard hat, goggles, safety shoes, and a light-reflective jacket. Furthermore, loose or poor-fitting clothing should never be worn while operating a forklift.

#4 Always Make Sure the Load is Secured

Before using a forklift, operators should always double-check the cargo to ensure it is stable and secure. The cargo should be loaded properly and well-balanced. Improper cargo weight can cause forklifts to tip over or lose their load, putting others at serious risk of injuries.

#5 Maintain a Safe Speed at All Times

Forklifts are not go-karts, and should not be driven as such. Operators should always maintain a safe speed, even when they are not carrying a load. Although the average forklift doesn’t exceed 10 mph, this speed is more dangerous in a small space, making it easy to lose control of the machine.

Legal Help for Injured Employees

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

If you are an employee who was recently injured on the job while operating a forklift or other type of heavy construction machinery or by an a person operating a forklift or other type of heavy construction machinery, it is important to talk to a workers’ compensation lawyer for help understanding your rights. If the person operating the forklift or other type of heavy construction machinery was not a co-employee, you may be able to bring both a worker compensation claim through your own employer and an third-party liability claim against the employer of the forklift or other type of heavy construction machinery.

Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your workplace accident with a seasoned Indiana personal injury lawyer you can trust.

Winter Slip and Fall Prevention Tips for Employers

This time of year, one of the most common injuries that take place at work are caused by slip and fall accidents. For this reason and more, it is necessary to prepare your premises for inclement winter weather by ensuring workplace safety all season long. Otherwise, you risk an assortment of financial and legal consequences, and worst of all, injured employees. The good news is, right now is the perfect time to start this initiative since the snow hasn’t arrived yet!

Continue reading to learn what you can do to winter-proof the workplace, including how to promote winter safety awareness among your employees.

Indianapolis Workplace Injury Lawyers

Indianapolis Workplace Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Employer Consequences for Winter Slip and Fall Accidents

As an employer, you have a grave responsibility to keep both employees and patrons safe from hazards. And in the winter time, this responsibility requires even more attention since accidents are more likely to occur. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016 there were more than 20,500 workplace slip and fall injuries that resulted from conditions brought on by ice, sleet, and snow. Of these numbers, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that 28% resulted in more than 30 days off work for victims.

These numbers should be a wake-up call to you as a business owner, and for many reasons. Workplace slip and fall accidents can result in very serious injuries, including broken bones, herniated discs, concussions, head injuries, brain injuries, and paralysis. Not only do these injuries severely impact an employee’s life, they can also have a significant negative impact on the company and business owner too. Possible employer consequences for winter workplace slip and fall accidents include:

Reduced Company Productivity
Higher Workers’ Compensation Costs
Replacement Employee Costs
Overtime Payments for Remaining Employees

Winter-Proofing Tips You Need to Know

In order to protect yourself, your staffs, and your company from the negative impact of slip and fall accidents, you must ensure that all hazards are eliminated and employees are well-aware of winter safety practices. Here are some things to look out for and manage before the winter precipitation is here:

Snow Removal Management:

Meet with your snow removal provider and maintenance staff, and make a concrete plan for snow and ice management. Be sure they understand the protocol you expect, including which entrances and areas to clear first. Also go over an accountability plan to avoid staffing problems and poor workmanship.

Outdoor Maintenance:

Handle all needed outdoor repairs that can turn into winter hazards before the winter precipitation begins. This includes parking lot surface damage (potholes, lamp posts, road marks, etc.), poor lighting, uneven walkways, curbs, ramps, handrails, staircases, plumbing pipes, water leaks, and more. By repairing these areas, you increase the safety of your exterior premises.

Indoor Maintenance:

Turn your attention to the interior and be sure to eliminate the possibility of slipping on wet floors. Implement warning signs and floor fans for entrances that collect melted snow and ice, ensure that all indoor lighting is sufficient, incorporate beveled floor mats to trap excess water, and keep some extra floor mats around to replace the saturated ones. This includes cleaning up all spills and puddles immediately. Also in the interior, eliminate any tripping hazards, such as electrical cords, torn carpeting, poor lighting, obstructed walkways, and anything else that can cause someone to trip and fall.

Indianapolis Workplace Injury Lawyers

Craven Hoover Blazek Personal Injury Law

Craven Hoover Blazek Personal Injury Law 317-881-2700

Call The Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to make a workers’ compensation claim in Indiana. Our seasoned Indianapolis workplace injury lawyers are ready and able to recover the full and fair compensation you deserve after suffering serious injuries at work. Not only does our law firm offer free consultations, we never collect lawyer fees unless we prevail for you! Call 317-881-2700 to get started, today!

Where to Learn About Employers’ Responsibilities and Workers’ Rights

Workers' Compensation Lawyers Indianapolis 317-881-2700

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Indianapolis 317-881-2700

Every worker in the United States has the right to work in a safe environment. In fact, the law makes it the employer’s responsibility to ensure this right remains intact and properly met at all times. When a worker is injured on the job as a result of an employer neglecting to maintain a safe workplace, they could be eligible for compensation to cover their damages and losses.

Most often, companies are insured for employee accidents, and compensation is provided for the injured worker through workers’ compensation. But sometimes, a company refuses to pay out a full and fair recovery. When this happens, it is strongly encouraged to hire a personal injury lawyer that practices workers’ compensation law. They retain the proper resources and experience to get the just amount of compensation an injured worker deserves.

Accordingly, if you are looking for information about employers’ responsibilities and workers’ rights, a personal injury lawyer is one effective option to choose from. The other recommended source for such information is the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, or OSHA. Continue reading for a closer look at each source, and how they can help you find out more about employer responsibilities and workers’ rights.

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration

Workers' Compensation Lawyers Indianapolis 317-881-2700

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers 317-881-2700

The OSHA is a federal agency established under the United States Department of Labor in charge of regulating and enforcing safety and health legislation. Not only do they enforce the obligation of maintaining safe and healthy work environments, they protect workers’ rights. For example, OSHA makes it illegal for employers to strike back or retaliate against injured workers who choose to exercise their rights under law. This includes everything from seeking workers’ compensation to reporting a
safety hazard or injury.

Anyone can freely contact the OSHA about employers’ responsibilities and workers’ rights, and without fear of jeopardizing their jobs or being committed to filing a claim. They are happy to answer questions, whether an employer or employee. They even fund on-site consultation services for small businesses looking to improve or evaluate the condition of their workplace. If anyone thinks their workplace is unsafe and needs to file a complaint, they provide easy-to-use portals that make it convenient for workers to do so. Look below for contact information for the Occupational Health and Safety Administration.

OSHA Contact Info

#1-800-321-OSHA (6742)
eComplaint Form
Onsite Consultation Services
Indiana OSHA

Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have already been injured at work as a result of an unsafe environment, you can choose to contact OSHA for information, but it is more efficient to your case to contact a personal injury lawyer that practices workers’ compensation law. Not only can an experienced and knowledgeable workers’ compensation lawyer provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding employers’ responsibilities and workers’ rights, they can help recover a full and fair amount of compensation for your damages and losses. Be careful of your state’s statute of limitations. Injured victims only have a set period of time to file a claim. If they don’t file in time, they lose their opportunity to recover forever.

The Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C.

Personal Injury Attorney Indianapolis

Personal Injury Attorneys 317-881-2700

Call Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 if you need an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Seasoned attorneys, Daniel Craven, Ralph Hoover, and Keith Blazek are eager to recover the full and fair amount of compensation you deserve after being seriously injured at work. Recover for damages and losses, including medical expenses, hospital bills, pain, suffering, lost wages, and more. Call 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with a licensed personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis, IN.