Top 5 Tips for Safe Driving in Indianapolis

The number of drivers who are seriously injured or killed in car accidents each year is astonishing. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that more than 3000 people were killed in a distracted driving car accident in 2019 alone, while more than 400,000 drivers and passengers were seriously injured because of distracted driving. What’s even more disconcerting is, with good intention and practice, distracted driving can be easily prevented. Therefore, no one should ever have to become a victim of a distracted driving car accident.

In fact, continue reading to learn the top five tips for safe driving in Indianapolis so that you can avoid becoming a distracted driver yourself and potentially harming another person in a car accident. Be sure to spread these tips among your friends and family to protect them as well.

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Indianapolis IN Car Accident Attorneys 317-881-2700

How to Avoid Distracted Driving

Know the Weather

Whether you are heading off to work or preparing for a long-distance road trip, the weather is something you always want to pay attention to when you plan on driving. Inclement weather conditions can increase the degree of hazard you experience on the road while driving, and if you add any type of distraction on top of that, it can pose a higher risk of being involved in a car accident.

If you know it’s going to rain, be sure your windshield wipers and tire tread are in good condition. If you know it’s going to snow, be sure to give yourself some extra time to clear off your windshield and warm your car up before taking off. If you know it’s going to be very hot, bring a windshield shade cover or choose a shaded parking spot for the day.

When the weather report predicts rainy, icy, or wet conditions, plan to leave earlier to give yourself some extra time; this way you won’t feel rushed on the road and tempted to speed or drive recklessly and because everyone on the road should be driving slower you will need more time to get to your destination safely.

Never Drive Under the Influence

Whether it’s alcohol, prescription drugs, controlled drugs, over-the-counter medication, or illicit drugs, never under any circumstances should you operate a vehicle when you are under their influence. Not only is it illegal, but it is very dangerous. Even something as unassuming and innocent as cough syrup can make you drowsy, which can cause you to lose focus while driving. Fatigued driving is one of the most dangerous types of distracted driving. In fact, that’s your next safe driving tip.

Get Plenty of Rest

It is important that you are well rested before operating a motor vehicle. Never drive when you are sleepy or drowsy because this can cause you to quickly lose focus on the road and other drivers around you. Even if you feel like you can stay awake, there is always a chance of slipping behind the wheel. Avoid taking prescription medications or over-the-counter medications that cause drowsiness before driving. Always check the label of your medications to be sure.

Avoid Distracting Behaviors While Driving

There are many things you might be doing behind the wheel of your car that you don’t realize are distracting. Examples include texting, taking phone calls, changing the radio station, entering coordinates into your GPS system, eating, putting on makeup, rummaging through your purse, taking your eyes off the road to reach for a food or beverage, checking for items in the backseat, and more. All of these behaviors are considered distracted driving, which is incredibly unsafe. So, when you are driving, stick to driving and only driving. Wait for a stoplight to perform any of these behaviors or pull over safely first. Here in Indiana, texting and driving is now illegal and you will be cited for an expensive ticket if you are seen by a police officer.

Do Not Drive Recklessly

One of the most effective best practices for safe driving is to simply follow all traffic rules and regulations. First, avoid reckless driving. This means drive the speed limit, obey all traffic signs, use your turn signals, give yourself plenty of room between vehicles, and so forth. Also, it is important to stay current on all of your automotive maintenance to ensure that your vehicle is in optimal condition for safe driving. By following these rules, you can avoid unsafe and distracted driving.

Were you injured or a loved one wrongly injured or killed in a car accident recently? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to meet with a seasoned Indiana car accident injury lawyer who can fight for your right to full and fair compensation. We can consult over phone, video, or in person at our Indianapolis law office.  We represent injured persons and their loved ones throughout the state of Indiana and Indiana residents injured in other states.

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Defensive Driving Tips to Keep You Accident Free

There isn’t enough knowledge you can have when it comes to safe driving. The more you know, the safer you are, which means the safer others are around you as well. Continue below to review some of the most important defensive driving tips that will keep you and your passengers accident-free, and safe on the road. See the bottom of this blog for information about learning how to file a claim after being injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault.

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How to be a Defensive Driver

You can always improve your skills as a safe driver on the road. One way to do this is to ensure you are always defensively driving. What is a defensive driver? Defensive driving is the practice in which drivers operate their vehicles with optimal safety and cautious driving techniques. A defensive driver follows all traffic rules and regulations, and also stays current on all factory scheduled maintenance for their vehicle. When your car is well cared for, it performs its best, which means it’s a safe vehicle to drive. As for your own driving, summon your drivers’ education knowledge, and then combine it with some new driving techniques to help you be a safer driver that avoids causing or being involved in accidents on the road.

Top Tips for Defensive Driving


Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of negligent car accidents, especially those that involve serious bodily harm or injury. Examples of distracted driving include driving when tired or fatigued, driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances that impair you, texting, eating, putting on makeup, sending emails, managing children in the backseat, rummaging through your purse, and anything else that requires you to take your eyes off the road for more than a second.


As one of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving, it is important to never send text messages on your mobile phone while operating a vehicle. Instead, opt for hands-free technology that allows you to have both hands on your steering wheel and your eyes on the road while still maintaining a conversation. Equally important, only prompt phone calls when you are at a red stoplight, pulled over on the side of the road, or parked.


If you recall your drivers’ education knowledge, you will remember that your instructor taught you to keep at least one car length’s distance between the car in front of you. Another way to think of this is by maintaining 3 to 4 seconds worth of space between the vehicle in front of you. This will give you plenty of time to brake in the case of a sudden stop or emergency.


A defensive driver always follows the speed limit, and never goes over it under any circumstances. There is a reason why municipalities set speed limits on all roads, streets, and interstates. Not only are they for safety, but they allow vehicles to travel most efficiently with optimal safety. By maintaining the speed limit, you are being a safe driver.


Almost every car has a blind spot where two, and it is your responsibility as a driver to learn these blind spots and keep an eye on them whenever you are switching lanes are making turns. Equally important, always be sure to use your turn signals to let other drivers and even pedestrians know what direction you’re traveling.

Are you recently injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. to speak with a seasoned attorney about your Indianapolis Indiana car accident injury. We serve clients all throughout the state, and require no initial or upfront lawyer fees.

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Common Distractions That Lead to Intersection Car Crashes

Were you just injured in a car collision that occurred at an intersection? Was the accident the fault of another driver? If so, you could be entitled to compensation for your damages. Let’s discuss what might have led to the other driver’s negligence, and what you should do to protect your rights and obtain the justice you deserve after being wrongfully injured in a car accident.

Continue below to learn about the most common distractions that lead to intersection car crashes, and where to get the legal facts and advice you can trust regarding the initiation of your personal injury claim.

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Indiana Car Accident Attorneys 317-881-2700

Intersection Car Crashes Usually Involve a Form of Negligence

When cars collide at an intersection, whether a junction of traffic lights or stop signs, there is always some form of negligence involved; generally, on the part of a driver, since most intersection crashes involve one or more vehicles. However, it could also be due to another at-fault party, such as a J-walking pedestrian, a cyclist who fails to adhere to traffic laws, or even the local government who maybe neglected to repair a traffic light. For the sake of this blog, we will discuss the common distractions that cause drivers of vehicles to be involved in an intersection car accident.

Types of Distractions That Cause Intersection Collisions:

Intoxication – Whether it be illicit drugs, alcohol, or a type of controlled substance, such as prescription pain medication, operating a motor vehicle under the influence of any can be a crime and is negligence. Intoxicated driving happens to also be one of the number one causes of car accident, including intersection crashes. Intoxicated drivers can fall asleep at the wheel, run red lights, increase their speed and lose control of their vehicles in and near an intersection, all of which are very dangerous actions.

Cell Phones and GPS – Texting, reading, sending emails, and dialing numbers on a cell phone is a top cause of car accidents in the 21st century. As for intersections, texting has caused many injurious, and even fatal crashes. This also includes GPS and navigational devices. Taking the eyes off the road at the wrong time, also while traveling through an intersection, can have grave consequences.

Drowsiness – Drivers who are fatigued or drowsy, whether from lack of sleep, overload of sugar, a big lunch, or side affects of a medication, are very dangerous. Drowsy driving is incredibly hazardous, especially when traveling through a busy intersection. At night, this danger is even greater. Fatigued driving is a top cause of car accidents, which often take place at traffic light and stop sign intersections.

Human Error – Another frequent cause of intersection car collisions is basic human error. Sometimes a driver gets confused and anxious about a traffic signal, which is common among new drivers and adolescents. Other times, a distracted driver might drift into the other lane, or even misjudge how long it will take them to come to a complete stop at the light. Sometimes the cause is blatant, intentional recklessness and sometimes it is a lack or reasonable care.

What You Need to Do as a Car Crash Victim in Indiana

If you were injured in a car accident, whether at an intersection or not, it is vital that you immediately seek medical treatment, and retain all documentation of your medical treatment. It is also vital to take photos and retrieve other forms of evidence regarding the details of your car accident, including video recordings, witness contact information, pictures of vehicle damage, pictures of the surrounding car accident scene, and more. You may have a loved one help you gather this type of car accident evidence. From there, be sure to follow all doctors’ orders and appear for all scheduled medical appointments. You will also need to immediately hire a car accident lawyer in Indiana to represent your claim. They can determine if you have a strong case, and then protect your rights to being fully compensated.

How to Get an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Indiana ASAP

Call Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to get in touch with an experienced personal injury lawyer who concentrates on car accident injury cases in Indianapolis, Indiana. We offer free initial consultations and never collect attorney fees unless we obtain a settlement or judgment for you. After a free initial case evaluation, our accident attorneys will determine if your case is worth pursuing, and if it is, we will begin working on it immediately. We represent injured persons throughout the State of Indiana.

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