The reality of life is that humans are prone to making mistakes, which means accidents are bound to happen. For this reason, it is important to have plans in place that provide yourself and your family with a certain level of protection. One of the most common methods of protection in our country is insurance. Insurance policies exist for homes, vehicles, businesses, and of course, people. Men, women, and children commonly have insurance coverage for medical care, dental care, life insurance, and more. Another type of insurance that exists for an individual is called personal injury protection, or PIP. However, this type of coverage is not necessary for everyone. It depends on a variety of factors. Continue reading to learn more about PIP and whether or not you should be considering this is a type of insurance coverage.

Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Personal injury protection insurance is intended to provide coverage for you or your passengers’ hospital bills and medical expenses that result from a serious accident or injury. These policies are optional in most cases, however, there are some states that make it mandatory. If your state requires this type of personal insurance coverage, then it is the law to have it. States that require PIP are referred to as “no fault” states. This means that when an accident happens, each person’s insurance company pays for their own damages and losses regardless of who is at-fault for the accident. PIP can come with medical, disability, and death benefits, but coverage and limits vary from state to state.
If you live in a state that does not require personal injury protection, you should check with your primary insurance provider before purchasing a plan. Your current medical policy may already provide coverage for damages and losses incurred in an accident. However, if your current medical coverage is not adequate, your provide may suggest adding additional medical coverage to your plan in the case that you or your passengers are ever seriously injured in an accident. It is important for individuals to understand that PIP is not a replacement for medical insurance.
If you or someone you love was recently injured in a car accident, consult with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. They have the knowledge and resources necessary to professionally navigate your case and recover the full and fair compensation you deserve after suffering serious injuries from a car accident.
Indianapolis Car Accident Lawyers

Personal Injury Attorneys 317-881-2700