If your personal injury claim settles too quickly, does that mean you’ve settled for less compensation?
If your claim settles too slowly, will you be able to cover your out-of-pocket expenses while in recovery?
How long will it take to settle my case and receive payment?
These are common questions asked by wrongfully injured accident survivors all across the nation, and rightfully so. It is important to understand your rights as an accident victim, as well as your eligibility for pursing legal action against the at-fault party and their insurance carrier. Continue reading to learn how long personal injury claims take to reach a settlement or verdict, and what you can expect as a client of a skilled and experienced accident attorney.

The Beginning of the Personal Injury Claims Process
There are certain strategies that work better than others when it comes to obtaining the maximum settlement or verdict for a personal injury claim. The best and most effective approach is to hire a licensed and experienced personal injury law firm to represent you in your case. From there, they will navigate each and every aspect of your claim, using their own proven strategies to recover the full and fair compensation you deserve.
In fact, hiring a reputable Indiana accident lawyer is your first step you should take as soon as you are medically stable after an accident. Even if you are not medically stable enough to contact a lawyer and discuss your claim, you can have your spouse or next of kin do it for you. Family and guardian ad litems can file personal injury claims on behalf of an injured victim in certain circumstances.
Settling Too Quickly Can Mean Less Compensation
In most cases, settling a personal injury claim too quickly can result in being shorted on the compensation the victim is rightfully owed. Although there are some cases in which settling quickly is the right option, most times, a personal injury lawyer will continue to fight the insurance company until a maximum settlement is reached. This takes time, which is just one element of a personal injury case that can extend the amount of time it takes to come to an end. With a skilled accident lawyer on your case, you will not have to worry about settling too quickly and sacrificing monies that you could have been awarded or offered.
Why Cases Sometimes Take a Long Time to Settle
Along with back and forth negotiations and stubborn insurance companies, other common reasons why personal injury cases take longer to reach a settlement include:
▷ Victim has not yet reached maximum medical improvement (MMI);
▷ The case involves a considerable amount of money;
▷ There are legal or objective issues that need resolving.
Never accept a lowball settlement from an insurance adjuster after being wrongfully injured in an accident because once the settlement is agreed to, there is no going back on it if you find you need further medical care. Contact the accident attorneys at Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 and schedule a free case evaluation with a seasoned personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana to learn more about your rights to compensation. We represent injured persons and the dependents in wrongful death cases throughout the state of Indiana and Indiana residents injured in other states.
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