How to Pursue a Motorcycle Personal Injury Claim in Indiana

Motorcycles are a popular means of transportation and recreation for millions of people all over the world, and for many reasons. They are open and easy to maneuver, giving riders a unique and singular experience on the road compared to driving a conventional car or truck. However, the best aspects of owning and operating a motorcycle are also the greatest risk factors. Riders are at a much higher risk of accidents and serious injuries because they are so open and vulnerable on the road. These risk factors are heightened further by negligent or reckless drivers.

As a motorcycle enthusiast, it is important to know how to protect yourself on the road; but even the safest drivers are subject to the negligence of others. If you were seriously injured on a motorcycle, whether as a driver or passenger, it is wise to learn what you need to know about pursuing a legal claim against the party (or parties) that caused your accident, as you could be entitled to compensation for your damages and losses.

Continue reading to learn how to get started on a motorcycle personal injury claim in Indiana.

Motorcycle Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Motorcycle Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Motorcycle Injury Insurance Claims

When it comes to motorcycle accidents, Indiana is an “at-fault” state. This means that motorcycle injury victims should file claims with the at-fault party’s insurance carrier, rather than their own. However, opposing insurance companies will generally be very conservative with their settlement offers or will make no offer, which is why the most important priority for your motorcycle accident claim is to retain proper legal representation.

Contact a licensed Indiana personal injury lawyer who focuses on motorcycle and motor vehicle accident claims. They have the knowledge and resources to ensure you receive a full and fair settlement to cover hospital bills, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

Working With Your Lawyer

You will set an appointment to meet with your personal injury attorney for an initial consultation. This time will be used to discuss your claim in detail. Upon further meetings and discussions, you and your lawyer will ultimately work toward developing a strong and impactful case to prove fault and show evidence of all of your losses and damages. From there, your lawyer will implement all the necessary strategies and manage all negotiations to recover a full and fair settlement for you.

Determining Fault

For motorcycle accidents, the degree of fault is taken into consideration when deciding how much compensation will be awarded to the victim. This is called “comparative fault”.  In Indiana, a motorist must be 50% or less at-fault to be awarded any compensation for their damages and losses. See our blog, “What is Comparative Fault Analysis in a Personal Injury Case?” to understand these legal concepts more.

Get Started on Your Indiana Motorcycle Accident Claim Here

Call the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free consultation with a licensed Indianapolis personal injury attorney who can determine the best strategies for your motorcycle accident claim. Not only does our law firm offer free consultations, we never collect lawyer fees unless we recover a settlement for you! Call our personal injury law firm to get started on your motorcycle accident claim, today.  We represent clients throughout the State of Indiana.

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer 317-881-2700
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer 317-881-2700

As a result of warmer weather and sunnier days, the months between May and September are generally prime motorcycle season. Although Mothers’ Day and Memorial Day are important holidays this month, May is also the official month for Motorcycle Safety Awareness. This month, both drivers and motorcyclists will celebrate the importance of safely sharing the road by spreading the message of awareness together, and practicing safer driving habits.

Continue reading to learn more about National Motorcycle Safety Awareness
Month, and tips for safe driving and riding.

Motorcycles and Car Accidents

Thousands of Hoosiers all across the state own and ride motorcycles. From Harley’s and Cruisers, to Kawasaki’s, Mopeds, and more, there is an endless array of motorbikes you can come across on the road while driving. It is important to remember that all motorcyclists share the same privileges and rights as drivers do, which is one of the primary messages of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. For this reason, it is important to treat motorbikes and scooters as any other vehicle on the road, and to always stay alert wen sharing the road. This will be keep both cyclists and yourself safe.

In terms of motorcycle statistics, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has reported that motorcycle accidents and subsequent fatalities are over 25 times the amount of car accident victims. And most often, drivers of standard vehicles are the cause of motorbike accidents and deaths. This is why the month of May is an important time to spread the message of motorcycle safety.

Safe Driving Tips

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer 317-881-2700
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer 317-881-2700

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), most motorcycle/car accidents occur on the highway or interstate. For this reason, it is wise to steer clear of highway or freeway cruising during rush-hour times, especially if you are new to motorcycle riding.

If you are a new motorcycle owner and rider, it is wise to take advantage of motorcycle training and safety courses. These are generally low-cost or even free, and offered all year long in conjunction with your state’s highway safety patrol and DMV programs.

Consider investing in motorcycle upgrades for safer cruising. If you own an older bike, tune-ups and part replacements will make your bike safer to ride. Upgrades include airbags, advanced braking systems, tires, and other safety features and preventative maintenance.

No matter how experienced you are, and how close your destination may be, it is vital to always wear a helmet. In fact, it is the law, and for good reason. A helmet can mean the difference between life and death in the case of an accident. Even the smallest impact can cause irreversible brain damages and head injuries if you are not wearing a motorcycle helmet. Be sure to invest in a good-quality, motorcycle regulation helmet that fits just right.

Motorcycle Accidents and Injuries

If you are injured by another driver while on your motorcycle, it is important to contact a personal injury lawyer that focuses on motorcycle accidents and injuries. They retain the proper knowledge and resources to explain your rights as an injured victim, and recover full and fair compensation for your damages and subsequent losses.

The Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C.

Personal Injury Attorney Indianapolis
Personal Injury Attorneys 317-881-2700

Call Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Attorneys Dan Craven, Ralph Hoover, and Keith Blazek, have extensive trial and litigation experience in personal injury law. They can protect your rights as an injured victim of a motorcycle accident, and recover the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, hospital bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and more. Call 317-881-2700 to learn about motorcycle accident injury claims in Indianapolis, IN today.