Motorcycle accidents are vastly different from car accidents. On a motorcycle, a rider is radically more exposed to their surroundings, and therefore, more vulnerable. In the case of a collision, a rider can be subjected to an extensive scope of possible injuries and subsequent damages. From abrasions, burns, and contusions, to orthopedic injuries, internal organ damage, permanent disabilities, and even death, the potential harm that a motorcycle accident victim can experience is quite serious at any end of the spectrum.
If you were recently injured on a motorcycle as a result of another driver’s negligence, you could be entitled to certain compensation for your resulting damages and losses, such as pain and suffering, medical bills, and even lost wages from missing work. All you need is some more knowledge about filing a personal injury claim for your motorcycle accident.
Continue reading to learn more about motorcycle accident personal injury claims by reviewing these frequently asked questions, below.

How Long Do I Have to Make a Motorcycle Accident Claim?
Here in Indiana, most personal injury claims, including motorcycle accidents, have a 2 year-to-date statute of limitations, but the time period can be substantially less depending on who the defendant is. Claims against governmental entities have to be made very quickly. This means that most claimants have 24 months from the date of their accident to make a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. If the statute of limitation runs out, there may be an option to have it extended, but this is only under very specific circumstances. See our blog, “Can a Personal Injury Statute of Limitations Be Extended?” to learn more about this topic. To avoid running out of time, it is vital that you speak with a seasoned Indiana motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as you are capable, following your accident.
What if My Passenger Was Also Injured in the Motorcycle Accident?
If your passenger also suffered serious injuries in your motorcycle accident, they too would be entitled to compensation for their damages and losses, such as medical expenses and hospital bills. However, their claim would be entirely separate from yours, as they would hire their own lawyer to file their injury claim against the at-fault party. Depending on the facts of the case, Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. may be able to represent both driver and passenger and it can be advantageous to both operator and passenger for this to occur.
Will I Have to Go to Court for a Motorcycle Accident Claim?
Most personal injury claims are settled out of court. Although a seasoned and skilled personal injury lawyer is always prepared to take a claim to trial, they’re objective is to settle out of court for a full and fair settlement. Talk to your trusted accident attorney for advice on the best course of action for your Indiana motorcycle accident claim.
How Much Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Cost?
Law firms collect their fees in a variety of ways. It can depend on the type of case, the lawyer’s experience and more. Common payment arrangements used by law firms and lawyers include hourly rates, flat rates, retainers, and contingent fees. Contingent fees are the most common form of billing practice used by personal injury law firms and attorneys. This payment arrangement works by not charging clients any retainers or upfront fees, but by collecting a percentage of whatever monetary settlement they recover for their client. Each personal injury claim is complex and unique, so the percentage collected upon judgment by a lawyer will vary from case to case. Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. works on a contingent fee basis for our injured clients.
Where Can I Get Legal Advice in Indianapolis for My Motorcycle Accident?
Call the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to learn more about making a personal injury claim after being hurt in a motorcycle accident in Indianapolis, Indiana or anywhere in Indiana. Our seasoned motorcycle accident lawyers offer free initial consultations and never collect attorney fees unless we prevail for you. Call 317-881-2700 and get started as soon as today.