Premise Liability Law is a set of ordinances that hold property owners liable and responsible for any harm or damages caused to people that are on their premises. This liability differs depending on whether the injured person was invited onto the property, licensed to enter the property, or someone who has trespassed onto the property. Continue reading to learn more about premise liability law, and how it protects you against being wrongfully injured by a negligent store or property owner.

What is Considered One’s Premises?
Property premise is defined as inside and outside the property, including sidewalks and access property. Such cases of premise liability have involved slip and fall accidents, structural hazards, victims of violence and assault, food poisoning, animal bites and attacks, and more. More detailed reports of past premise liability cases were dead tree branches, poorly maintained public stores, swimming pool accidents, pet bites and animal attacks, driveway car accidents, unlevelled sidewalks, restaurant food poisoning, and bonfire accidents.
Premise Liability Organizations
Important organizations related to premise liability law in Indianapolis, IN are the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA), the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC). These associations have dedicated years of combined efforts to reform the law and rights of injured individuals. The American Tort Reform Association was created in 1986. The Association’s creed is preserving the American civil justice system’s efficiency, predictability, and fairness.
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners seems like an unlikely ally in the premise liability law world. But, in fact, this association has worked endlessly to promote markets, protect the public’s interest, implement equal and fair service of insurance customers, promote reliability of insurance companies, and the improve the state’s regulation of insurance. Finally, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control was established 20 years ago to promote safety and injury prevention across the country and works closely with research institutions to get closer to their goals.
Talk to an Experienced Premise Liability Lawyer
If you think you may have been involved in a premise liability accident, it is important to contact an experienced personal injury attorney right away. Depending on the circumstance of your case, you may have a valid legal claim for compensation. You can pursue a personal injury claim to recover financial restitution for lost wages, emotional distress, hospital bills, medical expenses, legal fees, prolonged therapy, pain, suffering, and much more.
Were you injured on someone’s property because they were careless? Contact the accident attorneys at Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free consultation with a seasoned personal injury attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also specialize in slip and fall accident cases.
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