Can an Employee Receive Workers’ Compensation for Emotional Distress?

Workers' Compensation Lawyers 317-881-2700

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers 317-881-2700

Sometimes work can get a little overwhelming, and other times, it can be down-right stressful. Work-related stress can come from deadline pressures, pressure to perform, too much workload, too many working hours, co-worker confrontations, and much more. But can an employee receive workers’ compensation benefits for anxiety and stress if their emotional and mental issues are rooted from their job? The answer could be yes, but not only is it a very challenging case to pursue, it depends on several factors; including where the person lives, where they work, their job description and duties, how the harm came to be, and much more.

Continue reading to learn more about workers’ compensation, and how a person can be eligible for such benefits under various circumstances.

Workers’ Compensation for Stress

There are several steps in determining if an employee is eligible for compensation as a result of work-related anxiety and stress. You see, some states recognize stress and anxiety as a basis for workers’ compensation, and many others do not. In the situation that an employee lives in a state where this type of injury is recognized, and they wish to pursue workers’ compensation, they will have the burden of proving that their injuries were a direct result of their work. But this isn’t the first step. In fact, this step comes much later in the legal process.

First, an employee must hire an experience work place injury lawyer that specializes in workers’ compensation law. They can provide legal guidance and navigate a lawsuit in a client’s best interest. Next, the employee must consider whether or not a workers’ comp lawsuit is worth it. If the amount of compensation they are eligible to receive is underwhelming, it may not be worth the time, energy, and stigma that goes along with filing a claim against the company they work for.

The Challenge

The common problem that arises with these kinds of lawsuits is that emotional and mental distress is harder to document and prove in contrast to physical injuries. However, as emotional distress and anxiety grows, it is wise for the employee to seek therapeutic treatment as a means of recovery and documentation of their injuries. Therapeutic treatment can include psychiatric counseling, medication, physical therapy, and more.

If these treatments do not work, then perhaps additional compensation is required for the employee to treat their injuries appropriately. Also, it is common for employees that have suffered a serious physical injury or trauma to experience subsequent stress and anxiety, in which case, additional compensation and rest would be honored by the company.

Indianapolis Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Call Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 if you need an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our seasoned personal injury lawyers are eager to recover the full and fair amount of compensation you deserve after being seriously injured at work. Recover for damages and losses, including medical expenses, hospital bills, pain, suffering, lost wages, and more.