What To Do and Not To Do After a Car Accident

After being involved in a car accident that was not your fault, actions you take and decisions you make, can influence the total amount you receive in a personal injury settlement. For this reason, it is vital to know what to do and not to do after being involved in an auto accident caused by another driver. Continue reading for this information and more, as it can possibly make or break your car accident claim.

Indiana Car and Truck Accident Lawyers
Indiana Car and Truck Accident Lawyers 317-881-2700

Insurance Companies are Not on Your Side

When you make a personal injury car accident claim, it is the at-fault party’s insurance company that will pay you your ultimate settlement or judgment if owed. However, insurance companies do not want to pay car accident victims. Their primary objective is to settle as quickly as possible for as little as possible, which is usually not a good thing for an accident victim.

Insurance companies will offer a paltry settlement and simply try to send a victim on their way. You see, within these insurance companies are hundreds of employees who work hard to argue that the value of your injury  claim is low. They will use every resource in their power to reduce the settlement amount, which in turn increases their employer’s profits.

Fortunately, there are seasoned car accident attorneys out there who know the laws surrounding such claims inside and out, and can navigate through insurance adjuster tactics. They will provide cold-hard evidence to support a victim’s damages and losses and recover a full settlement.

What to Do After a Car Accident:

➀ Dial 911 and request police and paramedics for any injured persons.
➁ Tell the investigating officer how the accident happened.
➂ Seek medical attention at the scene and then at the hospital.
➃ Take several pictures and videos of the car and your surroundings.
➄ Contact a car accident injury lawyer to learn what your rights are.

What NOT to Do:

❌ Do not wait to get medical attention.

❌ Do not skip doctors’ appointments or treatments.

❌ Do not talk to insurance adjusters.

❌ Do not send out a demand letter.

❌ Do not sign a waiver or release-of-liability document or any other documents without talking with your attorney first.

❌ Do not accept cash for your damages and losses.

❌ Do not attempt to negotiate your claim yourself.

Talk to an Indianapolis Car Accident Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Call the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 for help with a car accident injury claim in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our seasoned car accident lawyers can help you recover the full and fair compensation you deserve after suffering a serious injury in a car accident. We offer free initial consultations and never collect lawyer fees unless we prevail for you. Schedule your consultation before the statutes of limitations runs out on your claim. We represent injured persons throughout the State of Indiana.

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
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