Avoid These Mistakes If You Want to Win Your Personal Injury Case

Although personal injury lawyers are mostly responsible for navigating an accident claim, it is important for the client or injured victim to also do their due diligence and protect themselves from possibly losing their case. If you are preparing to hire an accident lawyer for your personal injury claim, continue reading to learn which mistakes you need to avoid if you want a successful outcome to your case.

Injury Claim Lawyer Indianapolis IN 317-881-2700
Injury Claim Lawyer Indianapolis IN 317-881-2700

Common Errors Made by Accident Claimants That You Need to Avoid

Not Hiring a Lawyer and Representing Themselves

If you are preparing to make a personal injury claim after being wrongfully injured in an accident, your priority should be to hire a skilled and seasoned personal injury law firm in Indianapolis. We have the knowledge, resources, experience, and tenacity to recover the proper settlement for your damages and losses. Without the help of a well-versed and experienced accident attorney, you significantly risk the outcome of your case.

In fact, the very first error made by personal injury claimants is not hiring an accident lawyer and representing themselves instead. Many claimants who make this mistake end up settling for much less than what their case is truly worth. Just because the opposing party and insurance company is offering you ten thousand dollars as a settlement doesn’t mean that’s how much you deserve. Often, a case is worth more than triple what the insurance company initially offers.

Posting on Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Tik Tok, YouTube, and Instagram are open to the public, including anyone trying to reduce the value of your personal injury claim. Claimants often make the mistake of posting pictures and videos on their social media pages that can be misconstrued or twisted into being contradictory to their claim.

Insurance companies and opposing party investigative teams will use a claimant’s public profile activities to devalue their claim. If you were just in an accident and you are preparing to bring about a claim against the wrongful party, be sure to stay off all social media until you have spoken with your lawyer.  For example, you post a family picture with you smiling in it a few weeks after your automobile collision where you were injured.  A defense attorney would say: “Look, she’s not even hurt, she is smiling.”   

Not Being Credible and Consistent

All claimants in an accident or injury case will have their personal history and character choices scrutinized. Opposing parties and insurance companies fervently search for gaps and alleged inconsistencies in order to prove incredibility, and thus, reduce the value of the claim. For this reason, it is vital that you remain honest and consistent with your story throughout the personal injury case.

Failing to Gather Any Evidence

Regardless of the type of personal injury suit you are about to make, it is critical to the outcome of your case to have some form of evidence supporting your claim for compensation. Pictures and videos of the accident scene, as well as witness statements, medical records, police reports, and more are vital pieces of evidence that should be collected and preserved prior to the commencement of the accident claim process.

Are you looking for a reputable law firm to represent you in your accident claim in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case evaluation with a seasoned Indianapolis IN personal injury lawyer you can trust. Act fast, before time runs out on your claim or evidence supporting your claim is lost.  We represent injured people and the families for love ones lost due to the negligence of others throughout the State of Indiana.

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Important Social Media Advice for Injury Victims

As an injured victim involved in a pending personal injury claim, your social media choices can directly affect the outcome of your case. It is strongly advised to discuss social media “do’s and don’ts” with a seasoned accident attorney who can give you proper guidance on how to conduct yourself on popular sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, without compromising your rights to compensation.

Continue reading for some brief advice on this topic, as well as, who to call for trusted personal injury representation and counsel after being hurt in an accident.

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Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Social media is a very popular and common hobby for many people all across the world. Such sites allow you to put personal information online, including your photos, your history, your residence, your location, and more. Although social media is fun and makes it easy to communicate with those in your life, it can also be quite risky. This is especially true for anyone involved in a pending legal case or lawsuit.

Social media posts can now sometimes be permitted to be used as evidence in legal cases since they are accounts and paper trails of part of a person’s life. For instance, if a person is being charged with a crime but insists they have an alibi, they could use a social media posting or photo to prove they were in fact, not at the scene of the crime they are suspected of committing.

However, in the case of a personal injury claims, it usually has the opposite effect; rather than showing a person of interest was somewhere else when the alleged crime was committed, it can actually provide the defense something to pick up on and argue against the injured victim. For example, if you say you have back pain after a car accident, but then post a video of you on Instagram standing up for an hour at your daughter’s softball game, it could be used against you in personal injury negotiations.  The defense would argue how hurt were you really if you could do that.  However, most parents are willing to endure some pain to not miss something important to their daughter and since most people do not post videos of themselves hurting or in pain, there won’t be a video or photos taken of how you were feeling after that hour on your feet.

Here is What You SHOULD NOT Do on Social Media as an Injured Victim:

First and foremost, the best advice is to refrain from all social media activity throughout the duration of your case. This even includes writing online reviews on Google, Yelp, Angie’s List, Ebay, and more. For example, you wouldn’t want to review a new gym or pair of high heeled shoes after being injured in an accident because again, that could be twisted into an argument by a defense attorney. If you must take part in social media, here is what you should never do:

Do not post information about your accident or incident. This includes descriptions, photos, videos, articles, and even comments.

Do not post anything that arguably implies your injuries are less serious than you claimed. Comments and photos can be taken out of context and used to argue that you are not seriously injured or entitled to a full settlement.

Do not make any comments.  Defense attorneys will use any comments you make and try to twist the meaning of the comments. Even making a claim that you were tired or sore from the gym would be used against you, even though that is normal and even if what you left out of the comment was that you could not do your full workout routine because of your injuries.

Do not make insulting comments or complaints about anyone or any company involved in the case, including the insurance companies, adjusters, opposing parties, attorneys, cities, and more.  There is nothing to be gained be venting your frustrations with how the opposing side is not just simply doing the fair and honorable thing.

Do not accept new friend requests from strangers. It could be an insurance investigator, even disguised as someone else, with the intention of obtaining information that could arguably be used against you.

Who to Talk to About Your Accident Claim

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 if you were negligently injured in Indiana. Our seasoned Indianapolis accident attorneys are well-versed in various areas of tort law and can help you obtain the full settlement you deserve. We offer free initial consultations and never collect attorney fees unless we prevail for you. Call 317-881-2700 to get started, today.

Social Media Mistakes That Can Jeopardize an Injury Claim

If you are preparing to make a claim for injuries you or a loved one has suffered in a recent accident, your social media portals are not a “safe” place to discuss your feelings or thoughts regarding the incident. Providing details and making statements online about an accident or claim can be extremely risky, and potentially damaging, to your settlement, even if only your “friends” can see your posts.

Continue reading to learn some common social media mistakes accident victims make so that you can avoid jeopardizing your personal injury claim.

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers

Social Media Vulnerability

Social media can easily sabotage a personal injury lawsuit in quite a few ways. With the exponential rise of various social media portals and websites, such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and similar social media platforms, users are still learning how they affect other aspects of their personal and professional lives. It is important to understand that social media can be used as evidence against individuals, whether in a serious legal matter, or in a personal or private setting.

For example, if an employee calls in sick to work, and then later posts pictures of themselves at a beach party the same day, it is possible for the employer to find out and reprimand them. In another example, a man might tell his wife that he cannot make dinner with her parents because he has to work late, but then checks in on Facebook at the football stadium a few hours later. Well, the same idea can be applied to lawsuits and trial. Social media pictures and posts can sometimes be used as evidence in a court of law.

Here are three common mistakes personal injury claimants make on social media:

Posting Subjecting Video Footage or Photos

Videos, pictures, “check ins”, and even blogs can be imperiling in a personal injury case. For instance, if a person is pursuing a slip and fall lawsuit after suffering a broken pelvis, they would be seriously endangering their case if they did something like post a video of themselves walking their dog, or upload a picture of them jumping off a diving board. The opposing insurance company or counsel will surely use posts like these as evidence against an injury compensation claim.

Defense counsel will sometimes even argue that seemingly innocent photos show more than they do. Because posts are only a snapshot in time, they can only arguably show how a person was feeling or what they were doing at a certain time. Postings can create the illusion that a person is physically okay because people usually do not post photos of themselves injured or when they are hurting. It is best not to post anything at all to avoid these potential arguments by defense counsel altogether.

Divulging Confidential Conditions of Settlements

For lawsuits that settle out of court, it is a practice to sometimes require both parties to sign a non-disclosure agreement to prevent either party (or family and friends of each party) to say anything about the opposing party. Disclosing or revealing confidential terms of settlements and trial details can be a breach of contract under such an agreement. Many people do not think about their social media sites as a means of breaking such agreements, but they are. It is vital to refrain from posting anything about a lawsuit or settlement, online or anywhere else.

Making Aggressive or Threatening Statements

It is common for people to express their negative and angry feelings online; however, in a personal injury case, this is a big mistake that can cost a person their settlement. Although it is understandable that if a person is hurting and has been injured and/or is not making a paycheck because they cannot work due to someone else’s negligence that was avoidable that they would be angry, it is best to keep those thoughts and feelings to one’s self. Although online social media posting is legal, it can gravely hurt a victim’s chances of recovering remuneration for their damages in a personal injury accident. It will only guarantee a case going to trial, where such videos, photos, and postings can be used against them in a court of law.

Indianapolis Personal Injury Law Firm

Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700

Personal Injury Law Firm

Call The Law office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to make an accident and injury claim in Indiana. Our seasoned Indianapolis personal injury lawyers are ready and able to recover the full and fair compensation you deserve. Not only does our law firm offer free consultations, we never collect lawyer fees unless we prevail for you. Call 317-881-2700 to schedule an appointment, today.