Filing an Auto Accident Injury Lawsuit

Car Accident Injury Lawyers Indiana 317-881-2700

Car Accident Injury Lawyers Indiana 317-881-2700

Car accidents are serious. Vehicles weight more than four times the weight of the average person. The size and weight of a vehicle, combined with high speeds, can be a recipe for serious injury. Car collisions can result in a wide spectrum of injury; from minor orthopedic injuries, to head trauma, and even death. Fortunately, if a person is seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, they have the legal right to pursue remuneration from the negligent party that caused the accident or injury.

Pursuing compensation for damages incurred following a serious injury can help a person or family pay for medical bills, hospital expenses, lost wages, time off work, prolonged rehabilitation, and much more. In order to be successful at obtaining full and fair compensation for your injuries, it is critical to follow a series of steps that give you the resources you need to file a lawsuit. Continue reading to learn the proper instructions for filing an auto accident lawsuit in Indiana.

Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Claims

As the injured victim, or family of the victim, you have legal obligations to fulfill in order to win compensation for pain, suffering, and exemplary damages following a serious car accident or wrongful death. One of the first and most important obligation is to stop and remain at the scene of the accident, even if the accident was not your fault. This is important even if you believe you are not injured. Motor vehicle accidents can sometimes result in injuries that are not noticed or evident right away.

Car Accident Attorneys 317-881-2700

Car Accident Attorneys 317-881-2700

Once an accident occurs, if you are able to move attempt to leave the vehicle and find safe ground away from moving traffic. If you are unable to move or get out of your vehicle, wait for emergency services to arrive and assist you. If you are in a populated area, you will most likely not have to call for medical and law enforcement services. In most cases, the surrounding community will witness the accident and call ahead of you to report it. So if you cannot move or reach your phone to call for help, you can most likely rest assure that medical teams are on their way. Otherwise, if you are stuck in your vehicle after an accident, make the call yourself and request medical assistance. This leads into the next two obligations you have as a motor vehicle accident victim wishing to pursue a lawsuit.

As you remain at the scene of the crime, it is crucial to allow emergency services to give assistance and clear you for good health. If you are experiencing pain or injury, immediately notify the emergency medical team so they can assist you and put it in their report. On the topic of reports, it is equally important to file a police report at the scene of the crime as well. Law enforcement will write an official report detailing the terms of the accident and the damages sustained. The medical report, medical services, and police report are all critical evidence to use in court or negotiations to win your auto accident compensation claim.

The last obligation is not “legally mandatory” but can significantly help win your case. This obligation is to never admit any bit of fault at the scene of the accident. Never even say words like “might have” or “maybe” because they can quickly be used against you in trial. Also, be sure to hire a reputable personal injury attorney to properly and effectively represent you in your lawsuit. Without the services of a licensed accident lawyer, there is very little chance of winning your claim. Accident attorneys are highly trained and well-versed in negotiations and injury cases. They are capable of organizing an effective and solid case against the negligent party in an auto accident lawsuit.

Auto Accident Injury Attorneys in Indianapolis

Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Call Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 for details about filing an auto accident injury lawsuit in Indianapolis, Indiana. Attorney Daniel Craven, Keith Blazek, and Ralph Hoover are highly proficient in accident law and can obtain the full and fair compensation you rightfully deserve following a motor vehicle accident injury. We offer free initial consultations to assess you case and we never collect attorney fees unless we prevail for you! Call us today at 317-881-2700 and schedule your free initial consultation to discuss your motor vehicle accident
with a licensed Indianapolis
accident attorney