10 Reasons Why You Need a Car Accident Injury Lawyer

Accidents are an unfortunate, yet common occurrence on our roadways today. When the dust settles, car accident victims are often left grappling with injuries, damage, and a barrage of questions. One such question is, “Do I need a car accident injury lawyer?” While it might seem tempting to settle the matter yourself, dealing with insurance companies and legal procedures can be a daunting task and you can lose your claim simply by not knowing the rules and laws or by not knowing what information and evidence is necessary to be obtained and preserved.

In this blog post, we will navigate through ten solid reasons why hiring a car accident attorney to handle your personal injury claim can be a game-changer in your path to recovery and obtaining a fair auto accident settlement. As we delve into these reasons, remember that legal expertise can be a powerful tool for ensuring your rights are protected.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Car Accident Lawyer Near Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Car Accident Lawyer Near Indianapolis Indiana

Top 10 Reasons Why Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer is the Best Decision

Knowledge of Complex Auto Accident Laws

Motor vehicle accident laws are complex, and constantly evolving with the state of technology. When an accident happens, you will want someone who is up to speed on these laws and can help ensure that you receive a fair settlement. A seasoned car accident attorney in your state has the knowledge necessary to navigate through these laws and document a strong case for your claim.

Negotiating a Fair Settlement

Insurance companies have various ways of minimizing their potential losses, which often include offering low-ball settlements. A motor vehicle accident lawyer can help you negotiate a fair settlement that covers the costs associated with your treatments, lost wages and pain and suffering and emotional damages.

Represent You in Court

If your case goes to trial, you will need a legal representative to argue your case. An auto accident attorney can represent you in court and formulate an effective strategy to help prove your claims.

Identifying the Liable Party

An important part of your injury claim is identifying the party responsible for the accident and their insurance carrier. A car accident lawyer is trained in uncovering evidence that can help establish fault and identify the liable party.

Assessing Your Damages

It is often difficult to determine the full extent of your damages, especially when dealing with hidden costs such as pain and suffering or lost wages due to time away from work. A car accident attorney can assess your damages and negotiate a full and fair settlement that covers all necessary expenses and damages associated with your claim.

Preparing Legal Documents

Filing all the necessary paperwork can be a headache and getting it wrong can lead to delays or even loss of your case. An experienced Indianapolis car accident lawyer is skilled in preparing legal documents that will ensure your claim is handled quickly and efficiently.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

It is easy to make mistakes when dealing with legal procedures, and mistakes can lead to your case being dismissed. An auto accident injury lawyer will help you avoid common pitfalls and maximize the chances of success in your claim.

Maximizing Your Claim

Car accident lawyers are experts in helping victims obtain maximum compensation for their injury claims. Obtaining a fair settlement is an important step towards financial stability during recovery, especially when you have been out of work due to your injury.

Experience with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies use a range of techniques to minimize their payouts on claims, including trying to prove that the victim is partially or wholly at fault. They will even call you, yes you, a liar and claim you are exaggerating your complaints.  Think about it.  Do you think the defendant’s insurance carrier, who is responsible for paying your damages, is going to say that they agree that their insured caused all your damages and that you should get quite a bit of money for full and fair compensation? An auto accident attorney has experience dealing with insurance companies and can protect your rights while negotiating with them to get the best possible outcome.

No Upfront Charges

Most car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means you do not have to pay anything upfront for their services. This allows you to focus on your recovery and get the help you need without worrying about legal fees.

In Summary

Hiring a qualified car accident attorney is a critical step towards obtaining a full and fair auto accident settlement. By having an expert on your side, you can rest assured that your legal rights are being protected while you can focus on healing and recovering. An auto accident lawyer will help ensure that the process of settling your injury claim is smooth and less stressful, giving you the best chance of success in getting fair compensation for your damages.

If you’re in need of a seasoned personal injury auto accident attorney, contact Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 today! Our Indianapolis car accident lawyers provide contingency-fee representation, so you don’t pay anything unless we successfully secure a settlement or verdict on your behalf.

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A Thorough Guide to Making a Car Accident Injury Claim

After a car accident, it can be difficult to know where to turn for help. You may have suffered physical injuries as well as emotional trauma from the incident, and you may not understand the legal process of making an injury claim. Fortunately, there are experienced car accident lawyers who can help guide you through the process and ensure that your rights are protected every step of the way.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through all the steps necessary for making a successful auto accident injury claim so that you get fair compensation for your losses. We’ll cover everything from understanding how defendant’s insurance companies work to finding an experienced car accident lawyer who will fight on your behalf in court if needed. With this information in hand, you can make sure that justice is served following a serious motor vehicle accident that was not your fault. Continue below to get started.

Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Car Accident Injury Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With a Car Accident Injury Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana

What To Do After a Car Accident

Being involved in an auto accident can be a terrifying experience, especially if you suffer injuries and trauma. Moreover, if the accident was caused by a negligent driver, it’s important to know what to do immediately after to ensure your safety and protect your legal rights.

The first step is to call 911 and get the authorities there as fast as possible. When police and medics arrive, seek medical attention on the spot if needed. Many car accident victims experience an “on-set of injury”, which means their pain and suffering appears days, weeks or even months after the car accident. After you are cleared to leave the scene, you will need to also seek immediate treatment at a qualified medical clinic of your choosing and retain all documentation you acquire in the process.

Next, be sure to document the accident scene. Start by making a police report. Then, begin taking photos and videos of any damage to your vehicle if you are capable of doing so. You can also ask someone to help you with this step. Also take pictures of the other driver’s vehicle and any injuries you sustained. Exchange insurance information with the other driver and gather the contact information of any witnesses. You also need to contact your insurance company to report the accident.

Finally, contact a personal injury law firm as soon as possible after your wreck to learn about filing a car accident injury claim and so they can help ensure all relevant evidence is obtained. They can help you assert your rights to being compensated for your damages and losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, property damages, pain, suffering, and more.

How to Move Forward with a Car Accident Injury Claim

Learn Your Insurance Coverage

The first step in making a car accident injury claim is to understand how insurance companies work. Different states have different laws regarding auto insurance, and the specifics of your policy will determine what kind of coverage you have access to when filing an injury claim. There are several types of coverage which may be applicable: liability, medical payments, property damages, uninsured, underinsured, etc…

Make sure that you understand your policy before filing a claim, so that you can get the maximum compensation possible from your insurer and to do that you should hire a personal injury attorney immediately and the attorney can explain the applicable policy to you. 

Hire a Car Accident Attorney

This is a critical step in the claim process, so don’t hold back on researching the best accident law firms available to you. Look for reputable auto accident attorneys with experience handling such cases, and who can negotiate skillfully with insurance companies to help get you the settlement that you deserve.

File Suit Against the At-Fault Party if Necessary

Once you’ve found an experienced car accident attorney, it’s important to be prepared before making a personal injury claim. Your attorney will need all of your medical records, including any expenses and bills related to your injuries, as well as documentation of any wages lost due to being unable to work. It’s also important that you provide detailed accounts of what happened, including photos if possible and witness statements from anyone who saw the accident unfold. The more information you can provide, the stronger your case will be. Your attorney will help with the accumulation of this evidence.

Be Patient and Trust Your Legal Team

Finally, it’s important to remember that making an injury claim after an auto accident is a long process that requires patience and perseverance.  Personal injury cases should not be settled until you are fully healed from your injuries or until your doctors are advising you no further medical care will be of substantial benefit to your condition. In the end, it takes time. Your civil lawyer will be there to guide you every step of the way and help ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve for your losses. With this comprehensive guide in hand, you’ll have all the information necessary to make sure justice is served following a serious car accident.

Get started on your auto accident injury claim with the right team of professionals on your side. Contact Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case evaluation with a seasoned car accident lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our services come at no expense and zero risk to you since we operate on a contingency-fee basis. This means that we only receive payment if we succeed in securing a settlement or winning an award for you.

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Most Common Auto Accident Injuries and What Causes Them

Understanding the Legal Consequences for Distracted Drivers

Distracted driving is a major cause of car accidents, and it’s becoming an increasingly serious problem. Every year, thousands of people are injured or killed due to drivers who weren’t paying attention to the road. In response, many states have enacted distracted driving laws that make it illegal for motorists to use their cell phones while behind the wheel. But do you know what your legal rights and responsibilities are when it comes to texting and driving? Are there any specific consequences if you get caught? And if someone else causes an accident because they were distracted, what should you do as a car accident lawyer?

In this blog post, we’ll explore these questions in more detail so that you can better understand the legal consequences of operating a vehicle while distracted or preoccupied. We’ll also look at how car accident lawyers can help protect your rights after an accident caused by someone else’s negligence.

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Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Auto Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana

Examples of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has become a serious hazard on the roads because it distracts drivers from paying attention to the task at hand – driving safely. Examples of inattentive driving may include conducting personal grooming, attending to children and animals in the car, using mobile devices for texting or talking, applying makeup, looking down while reaching for anything and rummaging through your purse or briefcase. Additionally, eating while driving and changing your music can also be considered distracted driving. Drivers should remember that distracted driving endangers not only their life, but the lives of other passengers and drivers on the road. In many cases, operating a motor vehicle while fatigued or upset can also be considered inattentive driving.

What You Need to Know About Driving While Preoccupied

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that distracted driving is illegal in many states. Most laws prohibit the use of cell phones while operating a motor vehicle, including talking on the phone, texting, or using social media apps. Violating these laws can result in hefty fines and even jail time if you’re convicted. In some cases, drivers may also lose their licenses for a period of time after being caught engaging in distracted driving.

Distracted Driving Car Accidents

But what happens if someone else causes an accident due to distracted driving? In this case, auto accident lawyers can help investigate the facts of the crash and determine who was at fault for causing the collision. If it turns out that another driver was distracted when they caused your accident, car accident lawyers can pursue compensation on your behalf. In some cases, car accident attorneys may be able to negotiate a settlement with the other driver’s insurance company or file a lawsuit if necessary.

Distracted Driving is a Serious Risk

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that distracted driving is illegal and can have serious consequences for both drivers involved in an accident. If you’re ever injured by another driver who was distracted, contact car accident lawyers immediately so they can protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve. Understanding the legal consequences of distracted driving will help ensure that you stay safe on the road and avoid any costly mistakes related to this dangerous behavior.


Distracted driving poses significant risks to motorists and must be avoided at all costs. If you’re injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, car accident lawyers can help protect your rights and pursue compensation on your behalf. Make sure to always stay informed of the distracted driving laws in your state and understand the legal consequences that could come with breaking them. Doing so will allow you to remain safe while on the road and maintain your legal rights if something goes wrong.

Were you injured in a car accident or as a pedestrian due to another person driving while distracted? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free personal injury consultation. We can meet with you over the phone, via computer, or in-person at our Indianapolis personal injury law office. Our car accident injury attorneys represent clients throughout the state, as well as Indiana residents injured in other states and even residents of other states who are injured in Indiana.

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Don’t Deal with Insurance Companies Following a Car Accident: Hire an Attorney

Car accidents are a traumatic experience. The physical, emotional, and financial toll they take on wrongfully injured victims can be overwhelming. One of the most difficult aspects of navigating the aftermath of a negligent car accident is dealing with insurance companies. For this, car accident lawyers are experts in this field and you should hire your own attorney to ensure that interactions with insurers go smoothly and that your rights stay protected.

Continue reading to learn 8 tips for dealing with insurance companies after a car accident.

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Call 317-881-2700 to Speak With an Auto Accident Attorney in Indianapolis

How to Navigate the Process of a Personal Injury Car Accident Claim

1. Gather Essential Documents: Collect all documents related to the car accident that you can, such as photos, insurance cards, and police reports. This information is essential when filing a claim with an insurer or filing a lawsuit.  If you do not have the information at hand, don’t worry.  Your attorney will help and gather documents and photos, police reports, 911 tapes and dash and body camera video.

2. Consult a Car Accident Lawyer: An experienced auto accident attorney will navigate the legal complexities associated with your car accident claim. Car accident litigators can ensure that you receive the most favorable outcome possible from an insurer.

3. Know Your Rights: Have your attorney familiarize you with insurance laws in your state so that you understand the rights you have as an insured party. Knowing your rights will enable you to make more informed decisions when dealing with insurers through your attorney.

4. Obtain Your Car Insurance Policy: Car insurance policies typically contain language that explains the process and timeline for filing claims, as well as coverage limits and exclusions. Make sure you provide a copy of your auto policy to your attorney.  If you do not have it available, don’t worry.  Your attorney can obtain a copy from your insurance carrier.

5. Don’t Settle Too Quickly: Insurers may try to pressure you into accepting a quick settlement prior to you talking with an attorney. Don’t be rushed into making a decision. Take your time and consult with an auto accident litigator before settling.  While it is best and very advantageous to hire an attorney immediately following a collision, if you happen not to do so, please set up an appointment and speak to an attorney free of charge at Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C. prior to making any decisions.

6. Don’t Talk to Insurance Carriers: Do not speak with insurance representatives without obtaining legal representation first.  This will help you to avoid making statements that could later be used against you. Keep in mind that insurers may be trying to find ways to limit the amount of money they’ll have to pay out so in the end make sure you obtain legal representation as soon as possible following a collision.

7. Have Your Attorney Negotiate: Auto accident attorneys are adept and experienced at negotiating with insurers.  It is in your best interests to have competent and experienced legal representation for yourself if you are injured in an automobile collision.

8. Have Your Attorney Take Legal Action: Car accident attorneys have the experience and resources necessary to pursue a favorable outcome in court.  Given the various laws and complexities involved you should have an attorney on your side.

Speak to an Auto Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis

Dealing with insurance companies after a car accident can be daunting, but by taking the right steps and understanding your rights, you can ensure that your claim is handled fairly. Motor vehicle accident lawyers are available to help guide you through the process and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact an Indianapolis auto accident attorney today for more information.

Would you like to learn your eligibility for pursuing legal action against a negligent driver or party that caused you or your loved one to suffer a car accident injury? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced auto accident lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent clients all across the state.

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Possible Liable Parties in a Self-Driving Car Accident
Understanding Onset of Injuries After a Car Accident

Can I Still Sue the Other Driver if My Car Accident Injuries Were Not Apparent at the Scene?

Injuries commonly appear directly after being involved in a serious car accident. But there is another common medical term known as delayed onset of injury, in which vehicle accident injuries present themselves through pain and problems days, weeks or even later following a collision or fall. If you were involved in a car accident that was not your fault and now you are experiencing pain and problems due to your injuries, it is important to know how to protect yourself, both physically and legally.

Continue reading to learn more about later appearing vehicle accident injuries, including what to do if you have an onset of injuries, pain and problems following a car accident in Indiana.

Car Crash Lawyer Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700
Car Crash Lawyer Indianapolis Indiana 317-881-2700

Common Causes of an Onset of Injury After a Car Accident

When humans are faced with distressing physical or emotional challenges, our bodies can become shocked or stimulated, which can actually help us manage the traumatic situation. Take professional athletes for instance; they often get injured during a big game but will continue to play anyway. This is usually explained by a triggered biological response of adrenaline and endorphin production, which helps mitigate pain, and even fear.

Just like professional athletes who get injured on the track or field, our bodies are significantly stimulated after a traumatic car accident, which can lead to physical shock and block pain. This biological response is a common reason why car accident survivors often do not feel injured directly after an accident, but rather, later that day, days later, weeks later or even longer.

Injuries That Can Appear After a Car Accident

After being in a car accident, your body will become exited or stimulated, and generate higher levels of adrenaline and endorphins. This biological response can make you feel like you are not hurt. But once the triggered stimulation wears off, which can be a matter of hours, days, weeks, or even longer, your body can begin to feel the effects of the injury. Do not assume that you are not hurt after a car accident.

The most common types of later-appearing car accident injuries are ligament, tendon, spinal and muscle and tissue related injuries. Head injuries like concussions are also known to arise after a car accident. When it comes to car accident head injuries, the signs to look out for include cloudy thinking, foggy or blurred vision, slurred speech, memory loss, sensitivity to light or sound, inability to focus, headaches, nausea, dizziness, lethargy, loss of focus and concentration and irregular sleep patterns.

It is vital to see a doctor as soon as you begin to experience any degree of symptoms from injuries following a car accident. While most people wait to see if their symptoms will resolve on their own with time, rest and over-the-counter medications and heat and ice treatments at home, it is always better to be seen by a trained doctor as soon as possible to get good advice and to make sure you are doing everything you can to get better as soon as possible. Not only is medical treatment important for protecting your health and well-being, but it also provides evidence to support your personal injury car accident claim.  Insurance adjusters for at-fault defendants want to see medical records.

Claims For Later Appearing Car Accident Injuries and Symptoms

If a car accident survivor who was injured by a negligent driver experiences late-appearing symptoms and injuries, it is not too late to make a personal injury claim. There is still opportunity to pursue legal action and claim payments for your damages and losses. Car accident personal injury claims usually have a statute of limitations of 2 years, depending upon who the at-fault party is.

Claims against governmental entities, including but not limited to a City, County or State must be made in as little as 6 months so it is best to hire an attorney immediately following your auto collision so you can get good advice and not miss any deadlines, as well as to enable your attorney to obtain evidence before it disappears. 

This means that from the date of the accident, in most cases, a wrongfully injured car accident victim has 24 months to file suit against the at-fault driver in order to eventually receive a payment on a settlement or judgment from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Settlements can cover damages like hospital bills, medical expenses, lost wages, and more.

Are you a recent car accident survivor who has suffered damages because of a wrongfully caused motor vehicle collision in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free consultation with our car accident injury lawyers in Indianapolis, Indiana. We represent clients throughout the state of Indiana.

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Defensive Driving Tips to Keep You Accident Free

There isn’t enough knowledge you can have when it comes to safe driving. The more you know, the safer you are, which means the safer others are around you as well. Continue below to review some of the most important defensive driving tips that will keep you and your passengers accident-free, and safe on the road. See the bottom of this blog for information about learning how to file a claim after being injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault.

Indianapolis IN Car Accident Lawyers
Indianapolis IN Car Accident Lawyers 317-881-2700

How to be a Defensive Driver

You can always improve your skills as a safe driver on the road. One way to do this is to ensure you are always defensively driving. What is a defensive driver? Defensive driving is the practice in which drivers operate their vehicles with optimal safety and cautious driving techniques. A defensive driver follows all traffic rules and regulations, and also stays current on all factory scheduled maintenance for their vehicle. When your car is well cared for, it performs its best, which means it’s a safe vehicle to drive. As for your own driving, summon your drivers’ education knowledge, and then combine it with some new driving techniques to help you be a safer driver that avoids causing or being involved in accidents on the road.

Top Tips for Defensive Driving


Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of negligent car accidents, especially those that involve serious bodily harm or injury. Examples of distracted driving include driving when tired or fatigued, driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances that impair you, texting, eating, putting on makeup, sending emails, managing children in the backseat, rummaging through your purse, and anything else that requires you to take your eyes off the road for more than a second.


As one of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving, it is important to never send text messages on your mobile phone while operating a vehicle. Instead, opt for hands-free technology that allows you to have both hands on your steering wheel and your eyes on the road while still maintaining a conversation. Equally important, only prompt phone calls when you are at a red stoplight, pulled over on the side of the road, or parked.


If you recall your drivers’ education knowledge, you will remember that your instructor taught you to keep at least one car length’s distance between the car in front of you. Another way to think of this is by maintaining 3 to 4 seconds worth of space between the vehicle in front of you. This will give you plenty of time to brake in the case of a sudden stop or emergency.


A defensive driver always follows the speed limit, and never goes over it under any circumstances. There is a reason why municipalities set speed limits on all roads, streets, and interstates. Not only are they for safety, but they allow vehicles to travel most efficiently with optimal safety. By maintaining the speed limit, you are being a safe driver.


Almost every car has a blind spot where two, and it is your responsibility as a driver to learn these blind spots and keep an eye on them whenever you are switching lanes are making turns. Equally important, always be sure to use your turn signals to let other drivers and even pedestrians know what direction you’re traveling.

Are you recently injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault? Contact the Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. to speak with a seasoned attorney about your Indianapolis Indiana car accident injury. We serve clients all throughout the state, and require no initial or upfront lawyer fees.

You Should Also Read:

Common Distractions That Lead to Intersection Car Crashes
What You Need to Know About Car Accident Insurance and Injury Claims
How to Win a Car Accident Lawsuit

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Schedule a Free Consultation!

Top 5 Ways to Avoid a Serious Car Accident

Road safety is something that should be practiced and appreciated all year long. Now that summer is coming to a close, Hoosiers will soon be facing more inclement weather conditions, such as fog, wind, rain, snow, and ice. For this reason, now is the perfect time to review some of the most important road safety tips to better help you and those you love avoid serious car accidents.

Motor vehicle accidents can result in a wide range of injuries and damages, especially when they involve infants, young children, and elderly individuals. As we all know, some car accidents can even be fatal, which is why it is so important to remember driver and road safety at all times when operating a vehicle. Not only will this help protect yourself, it will also better protect passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers on the road.

Continue reading to learn the top 5 ways you and your loved ones can achieve this level of safety and assurance while driving.

Indiana Car Accident Attorneys 317-881-2700
Indiana Car Accident Attorneys 317-881-2700

Five Tips to Prevent Car Accidents

❶ Adhere to All Traffic Laws and Regulations

Not only should you obey all traffic rules, it is important to also adhere to all driving laws, including wearing seat-belts, maintaining an active and good-standing drivers’ license, license plates, automotive insurance, car lights and maintenance, tags, and more.

❷ Drive Sober and Clear-Headed

One of the most critical parts of road safety is to always drive sober. Never operate a vehicle after consuming drugs or alcohol; this includes OTC medications that can make you drowsy. In fact, an equally important rule is to never drive when sleepy. Fatigued driving is a top cause of serious car accidents, so be sure you are always rested and clear-headed before getting behind the wheel.

❸ Do Not Text and Drive

Never, under any circumstances, use your phone for texting while also operating a vehicle. Do not read emails nor text messages, and never attempt to text or send messages. Texting and driving is one of the current top causes for serious and fatal car accidents in the country. When you take your eyes off the road, even for a second, YOU ARE DRIVING BLIND. And the truth is, you do not have the right to drive a vehicle that weighs thousands of pounds without looking. Please educate other drivers about this vital safety rule.

❹ Never Follow Too Close

When operating a vehicle, always keep the appropriate distance between the car in front of you. One of the most common causes of rear end accidents, is following too closely. If the driver in front of you has to suddenly brake, you need enough time to notice and react, safely.

❺ Use Caution With Left Turns

Turning left, whether at an intersection or onto a street, can be dangerous if someone is not paying attention. Even if you have the right-away, be sure to always use extra caution when making a left turn. You never know when another driver decides to run a yellow or red light. Furthermore, be sure to only make a left turn if you are clear to do so.

Hurt in a Car Accident?

Call The Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 for help filing a car accident injury claim in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our seasoned accident lawyers, Daniel Craven, Ralph Hoover, and Keith Blazek, can help you recover the full and fair compensation you deserve after suffering a serious injury in a car accident. We offer free initial consultations and never collect lawyer fees unless we prevail for you. We represent serious injured and wrongful death clients throughout the State of Indiana. Schedule your consultation before the statutes of limitations runs out on your claim.

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Types of Legal Liability for Driving Another’s Vehicle

Whether you loan out your vehicle to another person, or you drive a vehicle other than your own, there are several types of legal liability that might be at play. The scope of such liability differs among states, and from case to case, however, there are always laws surrounding the operation of a vehicle in one way or another.

Continue reading to learn which types of legal liability you should be aware of when it comes to operating another’s car.

Indianapolis Car Accident Attorneys 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Car Accident Attorneys 317-881-2700

Children and Family Members

It is very common for parents and guardians to allow teens to operate the family car. Common legal principles that surround loaning the family car to a child or relative include the family purpose doctrine, negligent entrustment, and vicarious liability. The set of laws that apply depend on whether or not the driver of your vehicle is your child or family member.

The Family Purpose Doctrine

If a family member drives your car, whether they were given permission or not, the family purpose doctrine might be relevant in your state. Under United States common law, this doctrine is a statute that holds the owner of a motor vehicle accountable for any damages that results to others when a family member operates their vehicle. This doctrine applies regardless if the owner gave the family member permission or not.

Negligent Entrustment

Negligent entrustment is a legal liability that might come into play when a child operates your vehicle. As a parent or guardian, also called the “entruster”, the law might deem you negligent and responsible for any damages that result to others if you permit your child to operate the family car with the knowledge that they are unlicensed, inexperienced, reckless, inadequate at driving, or unreliable.

Vicarious Liability

In the case that you were not driving your vehicle, and/or present at the time of the accident, there is a possibility that the law could deem you liable for damages in a car accident. This legal principle is mostly applied in cases in which parents or guardians lend their vehicles to their children, or have their children’s vehicles in their name. For instance, if your teenager or child causes a car accident that causes damages to others, you may be held liable for damages.

Company Vehicles and Others Outside of Family

Aside from children and family, it is a common occurrence to allow others to operate a vehicle that you own. This is such the case for employees who drive a company car, or for individuals who loan their cars to friends or co-workers. The types of liability that might apply to these situations are negligent entrustment and vicarious liability.

When you are operating a company vehicle while performing work-related duties, and an accident ensures that results in damages to others, employers are generally liable under law. In such cases, vicarious liability law would typically apply.

If you allow an employee to operate your vehicle, which is not a company vehicle, but rather, your own private vehicle, the principles of negligent entrustment might also be applied if they cause an accident that results in damages to others.

In the case that you allow another person that is not a family member to operate your vehicle, such as a friend or coworker, negligent entrustment is the type of liability that might be applied if an accident that results in damages to others occurs.

Were You Injured in a Car Accident?

Call Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free consultation with a licensed Indianapolis car accident attorney who can determine the best strategies for your case. Not only does our law firm offer free consultations, we never collect lawyer fees unless we prevail for you! Call 317-881-2700 to get started on your financial recovery, today.  We represent injured persons throughout Indiana.

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

How Long Does a Car Accident Lawsuit Take?

After being hurt in a car accident, it is normal to have a lot of questions, especially when it comes to making a claim for compensation. One of the most common inquiries asked by car accident victims has to do with the amount of time it takes to settle a motor vehicle accident claim. This comes as no surprise considering victims need to cover the cost of their damages and losses, like hospital bills and lost wages from work.

If you were injured in a car accident and require assistance with a claim, talk to a seasoned Indianapolis personal injury lawyer who specifies in car accident cases. They will guide you down the road to financial recovery. In the meantime, continue reading to learn what to expect from your pending or potential car accident claim, including how long it might take to recover a settlement.

Car Accident Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Car Accident Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

Car Accident Case Time Table

There are infinite factors that influence how long it takes to settle a car accident claim, making such time tables challenging to predict, as they vary greatly from case to case. While some car accident cases are clear-cut when it comes to economic recovery, others are not, and require more litigation, and thus, more time. You can expect a standard, clear-cut car accident case to take anywhere from 6 months to 1 year, while more complex cases can take double, or event triple that amount of time. In some cases, no settlement is ever reached.

Top Factors That Influence Case Timing:

  • Extent of Injuries
  • Level of Damages Requested
  • Type/Size of Insurance Company
  • Internal Claims Process of Insurance Company
  • Unclear Liability
  • Inadequate Evidence
  • Aptitude of Legal Representation

Talk to a Lawyer Right Away

If you want to learn more about your rights to compensation or making a claim after being injured in a car accident, your best course of action right now would be to consult with a seasoned personal injury lawyer who specializes in car accident claims. They can evaluate your case and provide the proper counsel for your claim. Because of all the factors that come into play in a car accident case, you will be in good hands with

Indianapolis Car Accident Attorneys

The Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. are experienced Indianapolis car accident attorneys ready to help car accident victims and clients learn more about their rights following a serious accident. By acting fast and calling our Indianapolis Personal Injury Law Firm, you can avoid encountering delays or problems from waiting too long to file suit. Contact us today at 317-881-2700 to schedule a free initial consultation with a licensed car accident attorney in Indiana.

Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700
Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers 317-881-2700

How to Fill Out a Report for a Car Accident

After being involved in a motor vehicle collision, whether minor or serious, both parties are required by law to report the accident, either to the police, their insurance company, the DMV, or a combination of the three. An official report can be made at the scene of the accident with the responding police officers, but it is also common for drivers to file their own motor vehicle accident report with one or more of the above-mentioned parties, especially when people are injured as a result of someone’s negligence or disregard.

Although an official car accident report can be made at the scene of the accident with the responding police officers, it is common for drivers to also file their own report when injuries are sustained in serious accidents. These reports are critical to an accident claim, so in the case that either wish to file a personal injury claim to recover compensation for damages and losses, it is important for both the at-fault and the injured parties to fill out them out correctly. The key is to gather as much detailed information as possible so that you can use clear and precise language to describe the incident in as much detail as possible.

Continue reading to learn some helpful tips for filling out a car accident report, and who you can trust with your car accident personal injury claim.

Car Accident Lawyers 317-881-2700

Car Accident Lawyers 317-881-2700

After Being Involved in a Car Accident:


Once medical personnel and law enforcement arrive and injuries are stabilized, it is safe to move forward with exchanging information and filing a report.

Here’s how to start:

Exchange insurance and drivers’ license information with the other driver. Regardless who is at-fault, both parties need to swap personal information. Write down all the data in their drivers’ license and car insurance cards, including the phone number to their insurance provider. If the other driver does not have insurance, you need to call the police and have them come to the scene. If there are passengers in their vehicle, ask them for their contact information as well in case you need to use them for witness testimony later on. Do this for any bystanders that witnessed the accident as well.

Take down the driver’s vehicle information. Write down the licensing state, license tag number, make, model, year, color, and the VIN (vehicle identification number). Be sure to note whether it is a car, truck, sedan, van, motorcycle, or sports utility vehicle. Next, write down the damage that has occurred to the other driver’s vehicle. Be specific and use as much detail as possible. Note any existing damages that were not a result of the accident as well.

Gather evidence of the scene. Use your camera phone to record the scene of the accident. Take as many pictures as you can of the other people involved, cars, the damage, debris on the road, weather conditions, road conditions, lighting, surrounding traffic signals and signs, traffic lights, and more. Record anything that has to do with the accident using multiple angles. It is important to take pictures of the other driver and their passengers in case they seem fine at the scene, but then try to claim injuries later on. Take pictures of your own injuries, if any, as well. If you do not have a camera, just write everything down in detail. In fact, it is also wise to make out a sketch of the scene, detailing the location and the surroundings.

Take down the numbers of first-responder vehicles and the technicians. Write down names, numbers, badge numbers, and vehicle numbers of the EMT’s, ambulances, and fire trucks. You can also take the squad car and badge number of the responding officers. This information may be pertinent in the process of an injury or insurance claim.

Take notes of what happens after the accident. Keep detailed records of what took place after the accident. This includes how the cars were cleared and transported, how much damage was done to the vehicle, the extent of automotive repairs and costs, as well as, the progress of your injuries and medical needs. Retain all personal notes, medical charts, invoices, and more.

Hurt in a Car Accident?

Personal Injury Law Firm 317-881-2700

Personal Injury Law Firm

Call The Law Office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 for seasoned car accident injury lawyers in Indianapolis, Indiana. Attorneys Daniel Craven, Ralph Hoover, and Keith Blazek are eager to help you recover the full and fair compensation you deserve after being injured in a car accident. We offer free initial consultations and never collect lawyer fees unless we prevail for you. Call 317-881-2700 to learn your rights after a car accident, today.